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Grok Mobile Applications



  • Grok Server 1.6.1 or above
  • Android 4.1+ / API 16+ ("JellyBean" or above)
  • "Normal" screen size or higher
  • "High Density (hdpi)" or better

See Android versions dashboard for more information:

The application was designed and tested on "Nexus 4".

Development Environment

System properties (

  • Add file to your android folder with the following values:

      # Google Analytics Tracking ID
      systemProp.GA_TRACKING_ID = "UA-XXXXXXXX-X"
      # Email address to send user feedback
      systemProp.FEEDBACK_EMAIL = "[email protected]"

Running Tests with Gradle

  • Add file to your android folder with the following values:

  • This project includes the gradle wrapper so there is no need to install gradle separately.

  • To build execute gradlew build

  • To test, launch the emulator first or plug your device in via USB, then execute:

      gradlew -DSERVER_URL=??? -DSERVER_PASS=??? connectedCheck
  • The test reports will be generated in build/outputs/reports folder:


Example Test Execution from Gradle:

gradlew -DSERVER_URL=https://grok.domain.tld -DSERVER_PASS=XXXXX connectedCheck

NOTE replace grok.domain.tld with the server IP or DNS entry of your Grok instance and replace XXXXX with the API Key for that instance

Running Functional Tests with Maven

  • You will have to install Maven from

  • You will have to set few environment variables:

      # M2_HOME={path-to-apache-maven}/apache-maven-x.x.x
      # PATH=${PATH}:$M2_HOME/bin
      # M2=$M2_HOME/bin
  • As functional tests run on saucelabs you will need username and key of saucelabs. Following environment variables should be set:

      # SAUCE_USER_NAME=sauce-username
      # SAUCE_KEY=sauce-key
  • The test reports will be generated in tests/behavioral/GrokMobileApp/target/surefire-reports folder: grok-mobile/tests/behavioral/GrokMobileApp/target/surefire-reports/testng-results.xml

Example Test Execution from Maven:

mvn install -D url="https://grok.domain.tld" -D pwd="XXXXX" -D deviceName="Android  Emulator" -D version="4.4" -D sauceUserName=$SAUCE_USER_NAME -D sauceAccessKey=$SAUCE_KEY

NOTE replace grok.domain.tld with the server IP or DNS entry of your Grok instance and replace XXXXX with the API Key for that instance. deviceName you can select platform from here, this code is Grok APK is tested on "Android Emulator" and "Google Nexus 7C Emulator". version this is android version for the respective emulator sauceUserName and sauceUserName as mentioned above.

Running the Pipeline

In order to run the pipeline, ensure that following things are properly setup locally.

  • You will require a running instance of Grok for testing the mobile app.
  • Below are three ways to achieve:
    • Pass the region and 1.6.1 AMI-ID from the marketplace release to run_pipeline script. Script will take care of launching a Grok instance.
    • Set up a bucket on S3. Create stable_ami/ami.txt file in the created bucket. URL will be<your-bucket-name>/stable_ami/ami.txt. Contents of ami.txt should be AMI_ID: ami-xxxxxxxx, where ami-xxxxxxxx should be the AMI-ID. In this case you just need to pass region to run_pipeline and AMI-ID will be fetched by<your-bucket-name>/stable_ami/ami.txt. Script will take care of launching a Grok instance. NOTE: The code will read <your-bucket-name> from the S3_MAPPING_BUCKET environment variable
    • Pass --server-url https://grok.domain.tld --apikey to a valid, running instance of Grok.
  • Ensure the Products repo is on your PYTHONPATH
  • Run pip install -r pipeline/requirements.txt
  • Your "Application Signing" keystore file must be located at /etc/numenta/products/keys/grok.keystore. See mobile-core/android/common.gradle for ways to override the default location.
  • ANDROID_HOME environment variable should be set to the location of your Android SDK (alternatively, set this in
  • GROK_MOBILE_HOME environment variable should be set to the location of grok-mobile sources. E.g.: ~/github/numenta/products/grok-mobile
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables must be set
  • BUILD_PASSWORD environment variable must be set properly.
  • Run an Android device locally. You can get a list of devices using android list avd and launch one using emulator -avd <avd_name>