# Update translations.
tx push -s
tx pull -a --minimum-perc=85
sed -i "s/charset=CHARSET/charset=UTF-8/" po/*.po
git add po/*.po po/*.pot; git status
git commit -m "Update translations"
# Check, test, do final edits and release.
cp tools/apikeys.py poor
make -f Makefile.test
git checkout poor/apikeys.py
git status
emacs rpm/*.spec CMakeLists.txt packaging/click/manifest.json
emacs NEWS.md packaging/pure-maps.appdata.xml
git add NEWS.md packaging/click/manifest.json packaging/pure-maps.appdata.xml CMakeLists.txt rpm/harbour-pure-maps.spec
git status
Make a release at Github and generate corresponding vendored archive:
git-archive-all -v --prefix=pure-maps-${PM_VERSION} pure-maps-${PM_VERSION}.tar.gz
Upload the archive by attaching it to the release.
After that, trigger update at Flathub and OBS.