Runs a Vertica query for a given time window and then prepares the data for shipping to Anodot. It stores the from-to timestamp window in a Redis instance so the next time it runs it only queries latest data from the last run.
- Requires pyTableFormat for debugging (
- Requires a Redis instance (on localhost is fine)
Additionaly requires the following standard packages:
pip install vertica_python
pip install redis
pip install requests
pip install jinja2
Here's the in-program help output:
C:\source\rendicott-github\dotshipper>python --help
Usage: [--debug] [--printtostdout] [--logfile] [--version] [--help] [--samplefileoption]
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c FILE, --configfile=FILE
REQUIRED: config ini file. See sample. (default =
Number of hours back to adjust the query time window.
Number of lines to limit results in Vertica query.
-s, --simulate Boolean flag. If this option is present then no REST
calls will be made, only testing. (Default=False)
Debug Options:
-d DEBUG, --debug=DEBUG
Available levels are CRITICAL (3), ERROR (2), WARNING
(1), INFO (0), DEBUG (-1)
-p, --printtostdout
Print all log messages to stdout
-l FILE, --logfile=FILE
Desired filename of log file output. Default is
Example command:
python --configfile dotshipper.ini -d 0 --query_lag_hours=145 --simulate
I'll explain each section of the config file
# as outlined here
#timestamp_format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f
timestamp_format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
# shifts the 'now' timestamp to now minus lag to combat data lag
query_lag_hours: 96
The timestamp format is however the timestamp is stored coming back from the Vertica query. The query_lag_hours is there because the data from Vertica has a lag of at least 4 days before the majority of the data is in. Therefore we'll redefine 'now' as 'now - 4 days'.
# what to put after the what= for these metrics
what: offerserved_counts_per_hour
# what tags to add to this data
tags: {"target_type":"counter"}
# the version dimension for this data
ver: 1
For the Anodot URL put your custom auth token in the URL. For the 'what' line put what you want your metrics to be called. For the 'tags' line put the type of data tag for Anodot.
More info can be found here:
Sample output body from real working REST call:
{"name":"ver=1.InstitutionID=5555.OfferID=110171.SourceChannelID=5.LocationID=7.SourceDisplayID=7.DisplayID=2.MarkServedMethodID=0.SourceMarkServedMethodID=13.what=offerserved_counts_per_hour","timestamp": 1471615200,"value": 13,"tags": {"target_type":"counter"} }
redis_port: 6379
Pretty straight forward. Put Redis connection details here. It will default to db=0 (sorry)
port: 5433
user: userdude
password: hahanotmypaswword
database: BIGDOTA
read_timeout: 600
unicode_error: strict
ssl: False
Same straightforward here. Put your Vertica connection info here.
Sliding window explanation
Redis data structure