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Releases: realm/realm-swift


13 May 21:59
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API breaking changes

  • Swift: Results.average(_:) now returns an optional, which is nil if and only if the results set is empty.


  • Swift: Added List.invalidated, which returns if the given List is no longer safe to be accessed, and is analogous to -[RLMArray isInvalidated].
  • Assertion messages are automatically logged to Crashlytics if it's loaded into the current process to make it easier to diagnose crashes.


  • Swift: Enumerating through a standalone List whose objects themselves have list properties won't crash.
  • Swift: Using a subclass of RealmSwift.Object in an aggregate operator of a predicate no longer throws a spurious type error.
  • Fix incorrect results for when using OR in a query on a RLMArray/List<>.
  • Fix incorrect values from [RLMResults count]/Results.count when using != on an int property with no other query conditions.
  • Lower the maximum doubling threshold for Realm file sizes from 128MB to 16MB to reduce the amount of wasted space.


09 May 00:14
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API breaking changes

  • None.


  • Exceptions raised when incorrect object types are used with predicates now contain more detailed information.
  • Added -[RLMMigration deleteDataForClassName:] and Migration.deleteData(_:)
    to enable cleaning up after removing object subclasses


  • Prevent debugging of an application using an encrypted Realm to work around
    frequent LLDB hangs. Until the underlying issue is addressed you may set
    REALM_DISABLE_ENCRYPTION=YES in your application's environment variables to
    have requests to open an encrypted Realm treated as a request for an
    unencrypted Realm.
  • Linked objects are properly updated in createOrUpdateInRealm:withValue:.
  • List properties on Objects are now properly initialized during fast enumeration.


07 May 03:34
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API breaking changes

  • None.


  • -[RLMRealm inWriteTransaction] is now public.
  • Realm Swift is now available on CoocaPods.


  • Force code re-signing after stripping architectures in


06 May 01:00
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API breaking changes

  • Migration blocks are no longer called when a Realm file is first created.
  • The following APIs have been deprecated in favor of newer method names:
Deprecated API New API
-[RLMMigration createObject:withObject:] -[RLMMigration createObject:withValue:]
-[RLMObject initWithObject:] -[RLMObject initWithValue:]
+[RLMObject createInDefaultRealmWithObject:] +[RLMObject createInDefaultRealmWithValue:]
+[RLMObject createInRealm:withObject:] +[RLMObject createInRealm:withValue:]
+[RLMObject createOrUpdateInDefaultRealmWithObject:] +[RLMObject createOrUpdateInDefaultRealmWithValue:]
+[RLMObject createOrUpdateInRealm:withObject:] +[RLMObject createOrUpdateInRealm:withValue:]


  • Int8 properties defined in Swift are now treated as integers, rather than
  • NSPredicates created using +predicateWithValue: are now supported.


  • Compound AND predicates with no subpredicates now correctly match all objects.