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Welcome to the web page for the 30th Project Week!

Local Organizing Committee Host:

The 30th NA-MIC Project Week will be held during the week of January 28 - February 1, 2019 at Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Please read about our experience in running these events since 2005: Increasing the Impact of Medical Image Computing Using Community-Based Open-Access Hackathons: the NA-MIC and 3D Slicer Experience.

Photo Album

This is our second Project Week in Las Palmas. Photos Project Week 30 in a Google Drive folder

Google Photos album

30 PW NA-MIC in the media

First project wek in Las Palmas. Project Week 28 was held in this location as well, and captured in Photos Project Week 28, and coverage by the local media.


Preparatory Videoconferences

  1. DICOM for quantitative imaging (Andrey Fedorov, Hans Meine, Markus Herrmann, Steve Pieper, James A. Petts, Jasmin Metzger, Marco Nolden)
  2. Roundtrip conversion between DICOM SR and FHIR representations for imaging measurements (Hans Meine, Peter Oppermann, Andrey Fedorov, Tobias Stein, Jasmin Metzger, Marco Nolden, Markus Herrmann)
  3. Interoperability of DICOM SEG between cornerstonejs/vtkjs/dcmjs (James A. Petts, Erik Ziegler, Steve Pieper, Mete Akdogan, Emel Alkim, Tobias Stein, Forrest Li, Jasmin Metzger, Markus Herrmann)
  4. DICOMweb server and custom database (Emel Alkim, Steve Pieper, Andrey Fedorov, Markus Herrmann, Tobias Stein, Marco Nolden)
  5. DICOM data management platforms (Andrey Fedorov, James A. Petts, Erik Ziegler, Jasmin Metzger)


  1. Markups redesign and new markups for curve, line, and angle measurement (Davide Punzo, Andras Lasso, Sara Rolfe, Kyle Sunderland, Steve Pieper, Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin)
  2. GLSL shaders for custom volume rendering and image processing (Kyle Sunderland, Steve Pieper, Andras Lasso, Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin)
  3. MorphoSource and Data Retrieval (Sara Rolfe, Steve Pieper, Murat Maga (remote), Doug Boyer (remote), Julie Winchester (remote))
  4. Raw Image Read and Display (Attila Nagy, Csaba Pintér (remote), Steve Pieper, András Lassó, Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin)
  5. OHIF and DCM4CHEe within Kubernetes (Jonas Scherer, Andrey Fedorov, Erik Ziegler)
  6. OHIF Web Components (Erik Ziegler, Steve Pieper, Sandra Siegel, Forrest Li, James Petts,Peter Oppermann, Hans Meine, Markus Herrmann)

Image-guided therapy

  1. OpenIGTLinkIO Development (Kyle Sunderland, Andras Lasso, Houssem Gueziri)
  2. MR Needle Guidance Software (Eleni Siampli, Steve Pieper, Kevin Cleary, Andras Lasso, Andrey Fedorov)
  3. Upper airway segmentation and airflow simulation (Kitti Farkas, Attila Nagy, Bence Horváth, Endre Vecsernyés, Andras Lasso, Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin)
  4. Automatic Segmentation Using Neural Networks (Bence Horvath, Attila Nagy, Kitti Farkas, Endre Vecsernyés, András Lasso, Tina Kapur (remote), Paolo Zaffino (remote), Deepak Chittajallu)
  5. Data-glove for virtual operations (Endre Vecsernyés, Attila Nagy, Kitti Farkas, Bence Horvath, Kyle Sunderland, Eleni Siampli, András Lasso)

Segmentation and Quantification

  1. Segment Editor use cases (Andras Lasso, Scheherazade Krass)
  2. Refining automatic segmentations from FreeSurfer in 3D Slicer (Nikos Makris, Juan-Andrés Ramírez-González, Yogesh Rathi, Nayra Pumar Carreras, Zora Kikinis, Juan Ruiz Alzola)
  3. SlicerMorph (Sara Rolfe, Murat Maga (remote), Steve Pieper)
  4. Microscopy Module for 3D Slicer (Aziza Elmahjoub, Abián Hernández-Guedes, María Dolores Afonso-Suárez, Juan Ruiz-Alzola)
  5. OHIF.AI (Srikrishna Prasad, Steve Pieper, Erik Ziegler)
  6. PyRadiomics (Joost van Griethuysen, Steve Pieper, Andrey Fedorov, Hugo Aerts)
  7. SlicerCaseIterator (Joost van Griethuysen, Steve Pieper)


  1. Improve OpenAnatomy support in Slicer (Andras Lasso, Mike Halle, Steve Pieper)
  2. New features for an ultrasound training system (José-Carlos Ruiz-Luque, Guillermo Valentín Socorro-Marrero, Csaba Pinter, Samba Diaw, Oumar Kane, Joseane Ferreira, Juan Ruiz-Alzola)
  3. 3DSlicer Training Programs (GTMA group, Alexandra Fernandes Rodrigues, Ahmedou Moulaye Idriss, Yahya Tfeil, Mohamed Septy, Joseanne Alexandra Da Rosa De Pina Ferreira, Sonia Pujol)
  4. 3DSlicer Models for Brain Quiz (Sergi Bermudez i Badia, Yuri Almeida, Abián Hernández-Guedes, Artemisa Moreno, María Dolores Afonso-Suárez, Juan Ruiz-Alzola)
  5. Using 3D Slicer in University Biomedical Engineering Degrees (Ron Kikinis, Gabor Fichtinger, Andras Lasso, Kevin Cleary, Attila Nagy, Sonia Pujol, Juan Ruiz-Alzola)
  6. Looking Glass 3D Display (Mike Halle, Andras Lasso)

Open Anatomy

  1. NeuroNames and the Harvard Oxford Atlas (Mike Halle, Doug Bowden, Nikos Makris)
  2. Pelvic Anatomy Atlases (male and female) (Babacar Diao, Nayra Pumar, Xerach Suárez, Cheick Tidiane, Abdoulaye Ndiaye, Juan Ruiz-Alzola)
  3. Opening up the Visible Human (Mike Halle, Ron Kikinis, Andras Lasso)


  1. Point set registration (María Armas López-de-Vergara, Abián Hernández-Guedes, Juan Ruiz-Alzola)

Breakout sessions


Do not add your name to this list below. It is maintained by the organizers based on your paid registration. Click here to register.

List of registered participants so far (names will be added here after processing registrations):

  1. Ron Kikinis (@rkikinis) - Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School - USA
  2. Steven Pieper (@pieper)([email protected]) - Isomics, Inc. - USA
  3. Michael Halle (@mhalle)([email protected]) - Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School - USA
  4. Juan Ruiz Alzola (@jruizalz)([email protected]) - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria / Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias - Spain
  5. Zora Kikinis ([email protected]) - Brigham and Women's Hospital - USA
  6. Juan Andrés Ramírez González ([email protected]) - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Spain
  7. Nikolaos Makris ([email protected]) - Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School - USA
  8. Sonia Pujol ([email protected]) - Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School - USA
  9. Gabor Fichtinger ([email protected]) - Queen’s University - Canada
  10. Andrey Fedorov (@fedorov) ([email protected]) - Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School - USA
  11. Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin (@jcfr)([email protected]) - Kitware Inc. - USA
  12. Mohamed El Moctar Septy (@msepty)([email protected]) - Faculté de Médecine, Université de Nouakchott Al Aasriya - Mauritania
  13. Ahmedou Moulaye Idriss ([email protected]) - Centre Hospitalier National Nouackchott - Mauritania
  14. Yahya Ould Tfeil ([email protected]) - Centre Hospitalier National Nouackchott - Mauritania
  15. M Alexandra Fernandes Rodrigues ([email protected]) - Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane - Mozambique
  16. Joseane Alexandre Da Rosa de Pina Ferreira ([email protected]) - Hospital Agostinho Neto de Praia - Cabo Verde
  17. Artemisa Mendes Moreno ([email protected]) - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade de Cabo Verde - Cabo Verde
  18. Babacar Diao ([email protected]) - Ecole Militaire de Santé Dakar -Senegal
  19. Cheikh Tidiane Diop ([email protected]) - Centre Hospitalier National Fann Dakar - Senegal
  20. Oumar Kane ([email protected]) - Centre Hospitalier National Fann Dakar - Senegal
  21. Samba Diaw ([email protected]) - Université Cheikh Anta Diop - Senegal
  22. Abdoulaye Ndiaye ([email protected]) - Université Cheikh Anta Diop - Senegal
  23. José-Carlos Ruiz-Luque (@carlos-luque)([email protected]) - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Spain
  24. Nayra Pumar Carreras ([email protected]) - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Spain
  25. Guillermo Valentín Socorro Marrero (@gvsocorro)([email protected]) - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Spain
  26. Abián Hernández Guedes (@SolidusAbi)([email protected]) - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Spain
  27. Xerach Suárez Moreno ([email protected]) - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Spain
  28. Maria Dolores Afonso Suárez (@MarilolaMACbioIDi)([email protected]) - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Spain
  29. Yuri Ameida ([email protected]) - Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute - Madeira - Portugal
  30. Erik Ziegler ([email protected]) - Open Health Imaging Foundation- France
  31. Sara Rolfe ([email protected]) - University of Washington - USA
  32. James Petts ([email protected]) - Institute of Cancer Research - UK
  33. Joost van Griethuysen ( - Maastricht University - Netherlands
  34. Kevin Cleary ([email protected]) - Sheikh Zayed Institute for Pediatric Surgical Innovation - Children's National - USA
  35. Emel Alkim ([email protected]) - Stanford University Department of Biomedical Data Science - Stanford University - USA
  36. Mete Akdogan ([email protected]) - Stanford University Department of Biomedical Data Science - Stanford University - USA
  37. Hans Meine (@hmeine) ([email protected]) - University of Bremen - Germany
  38. Kitti Farkas ([email protected]) - University of Szeged - Hungary
  39. Bence Horvath ([email protected]) - University of Szeged - Hungary
  40. Endre Vecsernyés ([email protected]) - University of Szeged - Hungary
  41. Attila Nagy (@acetylsalicyl) ([email protected]) - Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged - Hungary
  42. Jean-Jacques Lemaire ([email protected]) - Université Clermont Auvergne - France
  43. Markus Herrmann ([email protected]) - MGH & BWH Center for Clinical Data Science - USA
  44. Sandra Siegel ([email protected]) - Fraunhofer MEVIS - Germany
  45. Peter Oppermann ([email protected]) - Fraunhofer MEVIS - Germany
  46. Houssem Gueziri ([email protected]) - Montreal Neurological Institute - Canada
  47. Jasmin Metzger ([email protected]) - German Cancer Research Center - Germany
  48. Francisco José Marcano Serrano ([email protected]) - Universidad de la Laguna - Spain
  49. Jonas Scherer ([email protected]) - Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) - Germany
  50. Eleni Siampli ([email protected]) - Sheikh Zayed Institute for Pediatric Surgical Innovation - Children's National
  51. Scheherazade Kraß ([email protected]) - University of Bremen - Germany
  52. Marco Nolden ([email protected]) - German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) - Germany
  53. Douglas Bowden ([email protected]) - University of Washington School of Medicine - USA
  54. Tobias Stein ([email protected]) - Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) - Germany
  55. Aziza Elmahjoub ([email protected]) - Sorbone Université - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Spain
  56. María Armas López-de-Vergara ([email protected]) - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Spain
  57. Andras Lasso (@lassoan)([email protected]) - Queen’s University - Canada
  58. Kyle Sunderland ([email protected]) - Queen’s University - Canada
  59. Srikrishna Prasad ([email protected]) - Siemens Healthineers GmBH - Germany
  60. Forrest Li ([email protected]) - Kitware Inc. - USA


  1. 7 Topics
  2. 33 projects
  3. 60 registrants
  4. 28 institutions
  5. 13 countries
  6. 3 continents

Parallel Event - Casa Africa

Casa Africa Agenda

Program Calendar

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