Notetaker: JM
Pitt ULS (Clinton)
- Working on a command line tool to convert a spreadsheet into an XML import for OJS.
- aim to make this as reusable as possible.
- will follow up w/Jason to discuss his work involving this.
- Testing SUSHI-Lite with Plum Analytics.
- Alec
- Copyediting workflow replacement basically completed, about to move into testing.
- Bozana: some editors would like to have the same sort of approach for reviews, where several people would be able to join the discussion. Alec is on the fence. We could attach a conversation-type approach to the end of the review stage.
- Kevin: we could use a place for post-acceptance discussion of revisions.
- We'll be sending out a testing invite in the next week or so.
- Completed a Shibboleth subscription plugin using mod_shib2 (not yet released, but will post to
- Will not create users, just grants access for subscription content.
- Two journals needing SSO w/IMIS. Some of the things we had to do were IMIS-specific.
- Will run this by Clinton for review.
- OJS 2.4.6-1: Still a few outstanding pieces of work...
- PKP PLN (LOCKSS) network plugin update/fix around scheduling
- ALM update
- Beacon (per email discussion)
- Heard back from Fiduswriter today. Looks like further development will be upcoming.
- Copyediting workflow replacement basically completed, about to move into testing.
- OJS:
- Updates
- protection of privacy data (still writing a document with a possible solution for statistics plugin)
- Automatic DataCite DOI registration (similar to CrossRef)
- Felix: Epubli (print-on-demand provider) plugin
- Interested for larger audience? Not German-specific. Yes: could provide good basis for future similar plugins.
- Next is Shibboleth
- To facilitate German National Research Network, other networks.
- Will also support user management, not just access.
- Marco and Bozana: default translation plugin:
- solve it with the output filter -- the parameters are missing
- load the appropriate English locale file
- OMP:
- VG Wort (German authors’ rights society) plugin
- OJS was mentioned quite a bit through the workshop.
- Another journal publisher moving from OJS to Ingenta because "It's more beautiful".
- Alec: Nate and Bruno have been working on theming in OJS. Improvements to come.
- Some confusion between PKP and Twitter handles.
- Copyediting: In code review, essentially done. Working on moving it to production
- Front-end work: Time is running short, we may need to postpone deeper work on separating templates and focus on getting a sharp theme in place for beta
- ramp up user testing after the beta release
- eLife Lens: now open source, potential front-end for integration with OJS, esp. with XML funding in place
- Roger Gillis is working on moving "Getting Found, Staying Found" (2006) document to gitbook, and updating it
- As with all gitbook documentation, it will have a multilingual option
- translation installation is now online
- for people who have skipped a few translation rounds
- new OJS translator: Swedish
- Will update over the next few weeks and months
- branch/README confusion re: OCS master branch
- Alec isn't certain that Github is the best place for translators; Marco politely disagrees. :-)
- But we need to update the README documentation for translators.
- Long story short: it would be best for translators to discuss with us, or at least somewhere, first.
- Another issue: how do we mandate who is the translation coordinator for each language? This will be a larger issue as time goes on, as each translation receives more contributions.
- Solutions:
- Alec will add/update the README for OCS;
- Kevin will add a Translations board on the forum.
- working well
- 471 users, 1889 posts (as of Jun 15)
- pushing the community showcase to get wider participation
- continue to seek volunteers to respond to questions to reduce time requirements of PKP team (Alec in particular)
- Alec embargo required
- spam detection/flagging (added by Marco)
- Watching for Discourse to update their spam management tools. Still a moving target.
- Will add Marco to the admin group.
- Will also talk to Mike, Roger, about adding them for cleanup assistance.
- Conference Program:
- 2 day sprint
- Alec, Karen, Jeanette to meet and discuss sprint agenda.
- Some crossover between sprint and workshop participants.
- Mantra: don't do heavy lifting; don't take home homework; "it should be fun".
- Tues. 21 July, 9am Vancouver time