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Releases: pgRouting/pgrouting


06 Oct 16:28
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pgRouting 3.4.0 Release Notes

To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.4.0

Issue fixes

  • #1891: pgr_ksp doesn't give all correct shortest path

New proposed functions

  • With points

    • pgr_withPointsVia (One Via)
  • Turn Restrictions

    • Via with turn restrictions

      • pgr_trspVia (One Via)
      • pgr_trspVia_withPoints (One Via)
    • pgr_trsp

      • pgr_trsp (One to One)
      • pgr_trsp (One to Many)
      • pgr_trsp (Many to One)
      • pgr_trsp (Many to Many)
      • pgr_trsp (Combinations)
    • pgr_trsp_withPoints

      • pgr_trsp_withPoints (One to One)
      • pgr_trsp_withPoints (One to Many)
      • pgr_trsp_withPoints (Many to One)
      • pgr_trsp_withPoints (Many to Many)
      • pgr_trsp_withPoints (Combinations)
  • Topology

    • pgr_degree
  • Utilities

    • pgr_findCloseEdges (One point)
    • pgr_findCloseEdges (Many points)

New experimental functions

  • Ordering

    • pgr_cuthillMckeeOrdering
  • Unclassified

    • pgr_hawickCircuits

Official functions changes

  • Flow functions

    • pgr_maxCardinalityMatch(text)

      • Deprecating pgr_maxCardinalityMatch(text,boolean)

Deprecated functions

  • Turn Restrictions

    • pgr_trsp(text,integer,integer,boolean,boolean,text)
    • pgr_trsp(text,integer,float8,integer,float8,boolean,boolean,text)
    • pgr_trspViaVertices(text,anyarray,boolean,boolean,text)
    • pgr_trspViaEdges(text,integer[],float[],boolean,boolean,text)


File Contents
doc-v3.4.0-en-es.tar.gz English and Spanish documentation. Redirection to English
doc-v3.4.0-en.tar.gz English documentation. Redirection to English
doc-v3.4.0-es.tar.gz Spanish documentation. Redirection to Spanish
pgrouting-3.4.0.tar.gz tar.gz of the release zip of the release


06 Oct 16:27
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pgRouting 3.3.3 Release Notes

To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.3.3

Issue fixes

  • #1891: pgr_ksp doesn't give all correct shortest path

Official functions changes

  • Flow functions

    • pgr_maxCardinalityMatch(text,boolean)

      • Ignoring optional boolean parameter, as the algorithm works only for
        undirected graphs.


File Contents
doc-v3.3.3-en-es.tar.gz English and Spanish documentation. Redirection to English
doc-v3.3.3-en.tar.gz English documentation. Redirection to English
doc-v3.3.3-es.tar.gz Spanish documentation. Redirection to Spanish
pgrouting-3.3.3.tar.gz tar.gz of the release zip of the release


28 Aug 06:36
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pgRouting 3.3.2 Release Notes

To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.3.2.

  • Revised documentation

    • Simplifying table names and table columns, for example:

      • edges instead of edge_table

        • Removing unused columns category_id and reverse_category_id.
      • combinations instead of combinations_table

      • Using PostGIS standard for geometry column.

        • geom instead of the_geom
    • Avoiding usage of functions that modify indexes, columns etc on tables.

      • Using pgr_extractVertices to create a routing topology
    • Restructure of the pgRouting concepts page.

Issue fixes

  • #2276: edgeDisjointPaths issues with start_vid and combinations
  • #2312: pgr_extractVertices error when target is not BIGINT
  • #2357: Apply clang-tidy performance


File Contents
doc-v3.3.2-en-es.tar.gz English and Spanish documentation. Redirection to English
doc-v3.3.2-en.tar.gz English documentation. Redirection to English
doc-v3.3.2-es.tar.gz Spanish documentation. Redirection to Spanish
pgrouting-3.3.2.tar.gz tar.gz of the release zip of the release


07 Apr 23:29
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pgRouting 3.3.1 Release Notes

To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.3.1 on Github.

Issue fixes

  • #2216: Warnings when using clang
  • #2266: Error processing restrictions


File Contents
doc-v3.3.1-en-es.tar.gz English and Spanish documentation. Redirection to English
doc-v3.3.1-en.tar.gz English documentation. Redirection to English
doc-v3.3.1-es.tar.gz Spanish documentation. Redirection to Spanish
pgrouting-3.3.1.tar.gz tar.gz of the release zip of the release


12 Nov 16:17
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pgRouting 3.3.0 Release Notes

To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.3.0 on Github.

Issue fixes

  • #2057: trspViaEdges columns in different order
  • #2087: pgr_extractVertices to proposed
  • #2201: pgr_depthFirstSearch to proposed
  • #2202: pgr_sequentialVertexColoring to proposed
  • #2203: pgr_dijkstraNear and pgr_dijkstraNearCost to proposed

New experimental functions

  • Coloring

    • pgr_edgeColoring

Experimental promoted to Proposed

  • Dijkstra

    • pgr_dijkstraNear

      • pgr_dijkstraNear(Combinations)
      • pgr_dijkstraNear(Many to Many)
      • pgr_dijkstraNear(Many to One)
      • pgr_dijkstraNear(One to Many)
    • pgr_dijkstraNearCost

      • pgr_dijkstraNearCost(Combinations)
      • pgr_dijkstraNearCost(Many to Many)
      • pgr_dijkstraNearCost(Many to One)
      • pgr_dijkstraNearCost(One to Many)
  • Coloring

    • pgr_sequentialVertexColoring
  • Topology

    • pgr_extractVertices
  • Traversal

    • pgr_depthFirstSearch(Multiple vertices)
    • pgr_depthFirstSearch(Single vertex)


File Contents
doc-v3.3.0-en-es.tar.gz English and Spanish documentation. Redirection to English
doc-v3.3.0-en.tar.gz English documentation. Redirection to English
doc-v3.3.0-es.tar.gz Spanish documentation. Redirection to Spanish
pgrouting-3.3.0.tar.gz tar.gz of the release zip of the release


23 Oct 17:38
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pgRouting 3.2.2 Release Notes

To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.2.2 on Github.


  • #2093: Compilation on Visual Studio
  • #2189: Build error on RHEL 7


File Contents
doc-v3.2.2-en-es.tar.gz English and Spanish documentation. Redirection to English
doc-v3.2.2-en.tar.gz English documentation. Redirection to English
doc-v3.2.2-es.tar.gz Spanish documentation. Redirection to Spanish
pgrouting-3.2.2.tar.gz tar.gz of the release zip of the release


23 Oct 17:38
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pgRouting 3.1.4 Release Notes

To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.1.4 on Github.

Issues fixes

  • #2190: Build error on RHEL 7


File Contents
doc-v3.1.4-en-es.tar.gz English and Spanish documentation. Redirection to English
doc-v3.1.4-en.tar.gz English documentation. Redirection to English
doc-v3.1.4-es.tar.gz Spanish documentation. Redirection to Spanish
pgrouting-3.1.4.tar.gz tar.gz of the release zip of the release


23 Oct 17:38
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pgRouting 3.0.6 Release Notes

To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.0.6 on Github.

Issues fixes

  • #2189: Build error on RHEL 7


File Contents
doc-v3.0.6-en-es.tar.gz English and Spanish documentation. Redirection to English
doc-v3.0.6-en.tar.gz English documentation. Redirection to English
doc-v3.0.6-es.tar.gz Spanish documentation. Redirection to Spanish
pgrouting-3.0.6.tar.gz tar.gz of the release zip of the release


28 Jul 05:03
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pgRouting 3.2.1 Release Notes

To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.2.1 on Github.


  • #1883: pgr_TSPEuclidean crashes connection on Windows

    • The solution is to use Boost::graph::metric_tsp_approx
    • To not break user's code the optional parameters related to the TSP Annaeling are ignored
    • The function with the annaeling optional parameters is deprecated


File Contents
doc-v3.2.1-en-es.tar.gz English and Spanish documentation. Redirection to English
doc-v3.2.1-en.tar.gz English documentation. Redirection to English
doc-v3.2.1-es.tar.gz Spanish documentation. Redirection to Spanish
pgrouting-3.2.1.tar.gz tar.gz of the release zip of the release


25 May 15:15
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Important to packagers:

The minimum boost version is now 1.56, to be used with C++11
Boost version starting from 1.75 requires C++14

pgRouting 3.2.0 Release Notes

To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.2.0 on Github.


  • #1850: Change Boost min version to 1.56

    • Removing support for Boost v1.53, v1.54 & v1.55

New experimental functions

  • pgr_bellmanFord(Combinations)

  • pgr_binaryBreadthFirstSearch(Combinations)

  • pgr_bipartite

  • pgr_dagShortestPath(Combinations)

  • pgr_depthFirstSearch

  • Dijkstra Near

    • pgr_dijkstraNearCost

      • pgr_dijkstraNear(One to Many)
      • pgr_dijkstraNear(Many to One)
      • pgr_dijkstraNear(Many to Many)
      • pgr_dijkstraNear(Combinations)
    • pgr_dijkstraNearCost

      • pgr_dijkstraNearCost(One to Many)
      • pgr_dijkstraNearCost(Many to One)
      • pgr_dijkstraNearCost(Many to Many)
      • pgr_dijkstraNearCost(Combinations)
  • pgr_edwardMoore(Combinations)

  • pgr_isPlanar

  • pgr_lengauerTarjanDominatorTree

  • pgr_makeConnected

  • Flow

    • pgr_maxFlowMinCost(Combinations)
    • pgr_maxFlowMinCost_Cost(Combinations)
  • pgr_sequentialVertexColoring

New proposed functions

  • Astar

    • pgr_aStar(Combinations)
    • pgr_aStarCost(Combinations)
  • Bidirectional Astar

    • pgr_bdAstar(Combinations)
    • pgr_bdAstarCost(Combinations)
  • Bidirectional Dijkstra

    • pgr_bdDijkstra(Combinations)
    • pgr_bdDijkstraCost(Combinations)
  • Flow

    • pgr_boykovKolmogorov(Combinations)
    • pgr_edgeDisjointPaths(Combinations)
    • pgr_edmondsKarp(Combinations)
    • pgr_maxFlow(Combinations)
    • pgr_pushRelabel(Combinations)
  • pgr_withPoints(Combinations)

  • pgr_withPointsCost(Combinations)


File Contents
doc-v3.2.0-en-es.tar.gz English and Spanish documentation. Redirection to English
doc-v3.2.0-en.tar.gz English documentation. Redirection to English
doc-v3.2.0-es.tar.gz Spanish documentation. Redirection to Spanish
pgrouting-3.2.0.tar.gz tar.gz of the release zip of the release