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Paul Ray edited this page Apr 14, 2022 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the NICERsoft wiki! This space is for documentation of the codes included in NICERsoft.

Installation and Dependencies

Generally, there is nothing to install. If NICERsoft is installed in <dir>/NICERsoft, then you just need to have the <dir>/NICERsoft/scripts directory in your path and the <dir>/NICERsoft directory in your PYTHONPATH. (and some of the other scripts) use the cartopy library to draw maps. This can be difficult to install. See here: I have found that on a Mac with MacPorts, sudo port install py39-cartopy works (replace py39 with whatever python version you are using), but pip install cartopy does not seem to. A conda install also works.


The executable scripts in NICERsoft are contained in the scripts subdirectory, which should be in your path. Brief descriptions of the available scripts are below: : Apply a count rate cut to a NICER .evt file.

This code creates a binned lightcurve with a selectable bin size (default 16 s) and applies a rate cut on that lightcurve to make GTIs that exclude bins that exceed the threshold. It then applies that GTI to the event file to generate a new file with those time ranges filtered out. : Process multiple ObsIDs of NICER data, applying filtering, making quicklook plots, and optionally adding PULSE_PHASE column.

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