Lookup information about ISO-3166-2 subdivisions.
The country codes in the data are in the ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 format (US,
SE ...), but there is a conversion table that makes possible to input
alpha 3 codes (USA, SWE ...) to the subdivision
and country
> iso3166.subdivision("SE-O");
{ type: 'County',
name: 'Västra Götalands län',
countryName: 'Sweden',
countryCode: 'SE',
regionCode: 'O',
code: 'SE-O' }
> iso3166.subdivision("UN-1");
> iso3166.subdivision("SE", "O");
{ type: 'County',
name: 'Västra Götalands län',
countryName: 'Sweden',
countryCode: 'SE',
regionCode: 'O',
code: 'SE-O' }
> iso3166.subdivision("USA", "Indiana");
{ type: 'state',
name: 'Indiana',
countryName: 'United States',
countryCode: 'US',
regionCode: 'IN',
code: 'US-IN' }
> iso3166.country("Sweden");
{ name: 'Sweden',
{ 'SE-O': { type: 'County', name: 'Västra Götalands län' },
'SE-N': { type: 'County', name: 'Hallands län' },
'SE-M': { type: 'County', name: 'Skåne län' },
'SE-K': { type: 'County', name: 'Blekinge län' },
'SE-I': { type: 'County', name: 'Gotlands län' },
'SE-H': { type: 'County', name: 'Kalmar län' },
'SE-G': { type: 'County', name: 'Kronobergs län' },
'SE-F': { type: 'County', name: 'Jönköpings län' },
'SE-E': { type: 'County', name: 'Östergötlands län' },
'SE-D': { type: 'County', name: 'Södermanlands län' },
'SE-C': { type: 'County', name: 'Uppsala län' },
'SE-W': { type: 'County', name: 'Dalarnas län' },
'SE-Z': { type: 'County', name: 'Jämtlands län' },
'SE-Y': { type: 'County', name: 'Västernorrlands län' },
'SE-X': { type: 'County', name: 'Gävleborgs län' },
'SE-AC': { type: 'County', name: 'Västerbottens län' },
'SE-AB': { type: 'County', name: 'Stockholms län' },
'SE-BD': { type: 'County', name: 'Norrbottens län' },
'SE-T': { type: 'County', name: 'Örebro län' },
'SE-S': { type: 'County', name: 'Värmlands län' },
'SE-U': { type: 'County', name: 'Västmanlands län' } },
code: 'SE' }
> iso3166.country("United Nations");
Retrieves a subdivision by its full code, ex "SE-O", "US-IN". Returns
if not found.
Retrieves a subdivision by its country code and subdivision code, ex
("SWE", "O"). Returns null
if not found.
Retrieves a subdivision by its country code and subdivision name, ex
("US", "Indiana"). Returns null
if not found.
Retrieves a country by its code, ex "US", "SE", "SWE". Returns null
if not found.
Retrieves a country by its name, ex "United States", "Sweden". Returns
if not found.
The raw ISO 3166-2 data, the layout is:
country code (alpha 2): {
name: country name, ex Sweden, United States ...
sub: {
subdivision code: {
type: subdivision type, ex county, divison ...
name: subdivision name, ex Västra Götaland, Indiana
The ISO 3166-1 alpha 3 to alpha 2 conversion table, the layout is:
country code (alpha 3): country code (alpha 2)
- Ola Holmström (@olahol)
- Ben Ilegbodu (@benmvp)
- David García (@davidgf)
- lhchavez (@lhchavez)
- Peter Pinch (@pdpinch)