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Syed Hussain Ather HussainAther
“I know of no better life purpose than to perish in attempting the great and the impossible.” - Nietzsche
lovetillion lovetillion
Decentralized Catholic AI. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.


902metalhead 902heavymetal
Hobby enthusiast and knowledge seeker
Analog Limb analoglimb
Solo game developer working on short adventure game projects that inspire me. I am fascinated about stories where the normal meets the supernatural.

Analog Limb Cluj-Napoca

sergio marchesini smarques
Coder / Musician / Composer
Paul Tavitian themuzzleflare

Central Coast, New South Wales

Chad Dawson Chad-Dawson

Harrison Hills City School District

geffzhang geffzhang
CTO ,微软最有价值专家MVP、腾讯云TVP、华为云MVP Shenzhen,China

Mark Reijerkerk mark-reijerkerk
Maintaining and building computers for 40 years, from 30 Kilogram for 10 MB to one gram for 256 GB in 40 years, that is innovation!

Retired Amsterdam

Nico nightgrey
I can lift node_modules twice my own weight. ⚡️

Hamburg, Germany

it works on my pc

Looking for an interesting one Geneva, Switzerland

I.N.K.Y cdosrunwild


Andi Powers-Holmes neggles
MLOps engineer, supercomputer mechanic, waifu diffuser, embedded Linux abuser, cursed hardware enthusiast

@neggl-es Melbourne, Australia

Brando! BreadcrumbIsTaken
hi im brando an i make stuff lol. call me “Breadcrumb” on the interwebz :D.

Timber Hearth

PhilipTsai tomstsai

personal 新加坡

Udoy UdoyBH


Cinemachina Cinemachina

Cinemachina Productions