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How to Build Locally on Windows



Using CMake to Create a Visual Studio Project

  1. Launch CMake GUI
  2. In Where is the source code, navigate to $kumoworks/sources
  3. In Where to build the binaries, navigate to $kumoworks/build
  4. Click on Configure and select Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64.
  5. If Qt was installed to a directory other than the default, and the error Specify QTDIR properly appears, navigate to the QTDIR install folder and specify the path to msvc2015_64. Rerun Configure.
  6. Click Generate

Building with MSVC

  1. Open $kumoworks/build/KumoWorks.sln and change to Debug or Release in the top bar.
  2. The output will be in the corresponding folder in $kumoworks/build/

Creating Translation Files

Qt translation files are generated first from the source code to .ts files, then from .ts files to a .qm file (in $kumoworks/sources/loc/ ). These files can be created in Visual Studio if the translation_KumoWorks project and Build translation_KumoWorks only (translation_KumoWorksのみをビルド」) is used.

Copy configuration files

  • Create a folder config in the application's current directory.
  • Copy $kumoworks/sources/loc/ to config/loc/
  • Copy $kumoworks/misc/ini/ to config/ini/
  • Copy $kumoworks/misc/licenses/ to config/licenses

How to Build and Create Installer on Windows


Run the Batch File

Via Command Prompt:

> cd windows
> kw_setup.bat

If you would do not specify the environment variable QTDIR then add a path to Qt as the first argument like as follows:

> kw_setup.bat "C:\Qt\Qt5.9.2\5.9.2\msvc2015_64"

It will automatically cmake, build the MSVC solution and will create an installer in $kumoworks/windows/Output .