All notable changes to flowkit APIs will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Flowkit package was tagged as v1.0.0 and is now considered stable.
It was also moved and renamed from
(dropped pkg
Please note that when you update to this version you will need to update your imports and
use the command: go get
and you will have to manually change all
imports from
(a simple find and replace might do).
Flowkit package APIs completely undergo major changes. APIs that were previously accessed via services were moved under a single interface defined in services.go. Accessing those methods must be done on a flowkit instance.
Example previously:
services := services.NewServices(gateway, state, logger)
account, err := services.Accounts.Get(address)
changed to:
services := flowkit.NewFlowkit(state, *network, clientGateway, logger)
account, err := services.GetAccount(context.Background(), address)
Each of the APIs now require context as the first argument. We can find a definition of the flowkit interface here:
Network() config.Network
Ping() error
Gateway() gateway.Gateway
// GetAccount fetches account on the Flow network.
GetAccount(context.Context, flow.Address) (*flow.Account, error)
// CreateAccount on the Flow network with the provided keys and using the signer for creation transaction.
// Returns the newly created account as well as the ID of the transaction that created the account.
// Keys is a slice but only one can be passed as well. If the transaction fails or there are other issues an error is returned.
CreateAccount(context.Context, *Account, []AccountPublicKey) (*flow.Account, flow.Identifier, error)
// AddContract to the Flow account provided and return the transaction ID.
// If the contract already exists on the account the operation will fail and error will be returned.
// Use UpdateContract method for such usage.
AddContract(context.Context, *Account, *Script, bool) (flow.Identifier, bool, error)
// RemoveContract from the provided account by its name.
// If removal is successful transaction ID is returned.
RemoveContract(context.Context, *Account, string) (flow.Identifier, error)
// GetBlock by the query from Flow blockchain. Query can define a block by ID, block by height or require the latest block.
GetBlock(context.Context, BlockQuery) (*flow.Block, error)
// GetCollection by the ID from Flow network.
GetCollection(context.Context, flow.Identifier) (*flow.Collection, error)
// GetEvents from Flow network by their event name in the specified height interval defined by start and end inclusive.
// Optional worker defines parameters for how many concurrent workers do we want to fetch our events,
// and how many blocks between the provided interval each worker fetches.
// Providing worker value will produce faster response as the interval will be scanned concurrently. This parameter is optional,
// if not provided only a single worker will be used.
GetEvents(context.Context, []string, uint64, uint64, *EventWorker) ([]flow.BlockEvents, error)
// GenerateKey using the signature algorithm and optional seed. If seed is not provided a random safe seed will be generated.
GenerateKey(context.Context, crypto.SignatureAlgorithm, string) (crypto.PrivateKey, error)
// GenerateMnemonicKey will generate a new key with the signature algorithm and optional derivation path.
// If the derivation path is not provided a default "m/44'/539'/0'/0/0" will be used.
GenerateMnemonicKey(context.Context, crypto.SignatureAlgorithm, string) (crypto.PrivateKey, string, error)
DerivePrivateKeyFromMnemonic(context.Context, string, crypto.SignatureAlgorithm, string) (crypto.PrivateKey, error)
// DeployProject contracts to the Flow network or update if already exists and update is set to true.
// Retrieve all the contracts for specified network, sort them for deployment deploy one by one and replace
// the imports in the contract source, so it corresponds to the account name the contract was deployed to.
DeployProject(context.Context, bool) ([]*project.Contract, error)
// ExecuteScript on the Flow network and return the Cadence value as a result.
ExecuteScript(context.Context, *Script) (cadence.Value, error)
// GetTransactionByID from the Flow network including the transaction result. Using the waitSeal we can wait for the transaction to be sealed.
GetTransactionByID(context.Context, flow.Identifier, bool) (*flow.Transaction, *flow.TransactionResult, error)
GetTransactionsByBlockID(context.Context, flow.Identifier) ([]*flow.Transaction, []*flow.TransactionResult, error)
// BuildTransaction builds a new transaction type for later signing and submitting to the network.
// TransactionAddressesRoles type defines the address for each role (payer, proposer, authorizers) and the script defines the transaction content.
BuildTransaction(context.Context, *TransactionAddressesRoles, int, *Script, uint64) (*Transaction, error)
// SignTransactionPayload will use the signer account provided and the payload raw byte content to sign it.
// The payload should be RLP encoded transaction payload and is suggested to be used in pair with BuildTransaction function.
SignTransactionPayload(context.Context, *Account, []byte) (*Transaction, error)
// SendSignedTransaction will send a prebuilt and signed transaction to the Flow network.
// You can build the transaction using the BuildTransaction method and then sign it using the SignTranscation method.
SendSignedTransaction(context.Context, *Transaction) (*flow.Transaction, *flow.TransactionResult, error)
// SendTransaction will build and send a transaction to the Flow network, using the accounts provided for each role and
// contain the script. Transaction as well as transaction result will be returned in case the transaction is successfully submitted.
SendTransaction(context.Context, *TransactionAccountRoles, *Script, uint64) (*flow.Transaction, *flow.TransactionResult, error)
Passing network parameter is no longer required as the network is initialized using the NewFlowkit
The ScriptQuery
was moved to flowkit
package and addded Latest
field. It is also now passed by value instead of
by pointer. You can use LatestScriptQuery
convenience variable to pass usage of latest block for script execution.
The TransactionAccountRoles
and TransactionAddressesRoles
are no longer passed to transaction functions as
pointer but as value since they are always required.
The flowkit.NewScript
method was removed and you should use flowkit.Script{}
struct directly for initialization.
Also getter and setters were removed to favour direct property access.
The config.Contracts.ByName(name string) *Contract
changed to return an error if contract
was not found whereas before it returned a nil value.
The Account
type and helper methods as well as AccountKey
interface and all the implementations
were moved to accounts
The AccountKey
, HexAccountKey
, KmsAccountKey
, Bip44AccountKey
were renamed to Key
, HexKey
, KMSKey
, BIP44Key
to avoid stutter in the naming,
as well as all the factory methods were renamed to remove the account
The Transaction
was moved to transactions
package as well as all the factory methods.
All the factory methods were renamed to drop the transaction
The TransactionAddressesRoles
was moved to transactions
package and renamed to drop the
word to AddressRoles
the same holds true for TransactionAccountRoles
The ParseArgumentsJSON
and ParseArgumentsWithoutType
were moved to a arguments
package and renamed
to ParseJSON
and ParseWithoutType
Renamed transaction function from transaction.SetGasLimit
to transaction.SetComputeLimit
The flowkit.Account
getter methods for account.Address()
, account.Name()
was removed and the variable
was exported so you can use account.Address
, account.Name
The function state.DeploymentContractsByNetwork(network string)
changed to accept network type like so:
state.DeploymentContractsByNetwork(network config.Network)
, there are also predefined network types in config
you can access using config.EmulatorNetwork
, config.TestnetNetwork
, config.MainnetNetwork
The config functions for getting default networks was removed and replaced with variables.
For example the method config.DefaultMainnetNetwork()
was replaced with config.MainnetNetwork
An AccountPublicKey
type was added used in flowkit CreateAccount
API, you can find the definition in flowkit.go.
A BlockQuery
was added for querying blocks using the flowkit GetBlock
API. You can find the definition in flowkit.go.
You can use NewBlockQuery
factory method to pass in raw string, which should be either equal to "latest"
, height or block ID.
Added predefined common networks in config:
EmptyNetwork = Network{}
EmulatorNetwork = Network{
Name: "emulator",
Host: "",
TestnetNetwork = Network{
Name: "testnet",
Host: "",
SandboxNetwork = Network{
Name: "sandboxnet",
Host: "",
MainnetNetwork = Network{
Name: "mainnet",
Host: "",
DefaultNetworks = Networks{
The GetBlock
API doesn't return the []flow.BlockEvents, []*flow.Collection
anymore, you should use GetCollection
The GetLatestBlockHeight
method was removed, you should instead use GetBlock(LatestBlockQuery)
The flowkit.Exist(path string)
was removed, the config.Exist(path string)
should be used.
The Network
property was removed from Contract
type. The network is now included in
the Aliases
on the contract. We also removed having multiple contracts by same name just to
accommodate multiple aliases. Now there's only one contract identified by name,
and if there are multiple network aliases they are contained in the Aliases
- Package:
- Type:
A method Contracts.AddOrUpdate(name, contract)
was changed to not include the name, as it's
already part of the contract you are adding.
- Method:
- Package:
- Type:
Don't return error if contract by name not found but rather just a nil
- Method:
- Package:
- Type:
New type Aliases
was added to Contracts
Aliases contain new functions to get the aliases by network and add new aliases.
- Package:
- Type:
now takes zerolog instead of Logrus since that is what flow-emulator has changed to.
- Package:
- Type: