It's a map format verifier, verify if keys/values exist in a given map, short and quick, you can specify more than one format and verify list of values.
The motivation of create this library was verify that a json file content has a specific format and fail in case that not matches raises an error with the route to the invalid field
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding map_schema_validator
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:map_schema_validator, "~> 0.1.8"}
Just use the function MapSchemaValidator.validate/2
or MapSchemaValidator.validate!/2
Also, you can use the module MapSchemaValidator.Schema
to create a schema with all the properties and directly validate the maps without have the schema in other place
A basic example of the way to use
# MapSchemaValidator
schema = %{
field: %{
inner_field: :string
map = %{
field: %{
inner_field: "value"
case MapSchemaValidator.validate(schema, map) do
{:ok, _} ->
# your stuff
{:error, %MapSchemaValidator.InvalidMapError{message: message}} ->
# failure
try do
:ok = MapSchemaValidator.validate!(schema, map)
e in MapSchemaValidator.InvalidMapError ->
# MapSchemaValidator.Schema
defmodule InnerSchemaModule do
use MapSchemaValidator.Schema
field :inner_field, :string
defmodule SchemaModule do
use MapSchemaValidator.Schema
field :field, InnerSchemaModule
{:ok, _} = SchemaModule.validate(map)
You can check inner list of maps or even list of possible values, or even optional values using ?
at the end of the
field name in the schema
:float, :integer, :number, :boolean, :string, :datetime, :date, :time, :uuid, [:list], %{type: :map}, [%{type: :map}]
the list of maps
[%{type: :map}]
are just valid with one object schema, in this case you are validating that an list has the format of the map, but only it's supported one element, multiple object schema options are in backlog
Primitive types
schema = %{
value_number: :number,
value_float: :float,
value_integer: :integer,
value_boolean: :boolean,
value_string: :string,
value_datetime: :datetime,
value_date: :date,
value_time: :time,
value_uuid: :uuid
map = %{
value_number: 1,
value_float: 1.1,
value_integer: 1,
value_boolean: false,
value_string: "value string",
value_datetime: "2015-01-23 23:50:07",
value_date: "2015-01-23",
value_time: "23:50:07",
value_uuid: "fcfe5f21-8a08-4c9a-9f97-29d2fd6a27b9"
{:ok, _} = MapSchemaValidator.validate(schema, map)
Optional keys
schema = %{
mandatory_value: :string,
optional_value?: :number
map = %{
mandatory_value: "value string"
{:ok, _} = MapSchemaValidator.validate(schema, map)
Just adding the
char at the end of the key (like Typescript)
Nested Maps
schema = %{
value_map: %{
inner_map: %{
inner_value: :string
map = %{
value_map: %{
inner_map: %{
inner_value: "value string"
{:ok, _} = MapSchemaValidator.validate(schema, map)
List of allowed values
schema = %{
value_one_of: [:string, :number],
map = %{
value_one_of: "value string",
{:ok, _} = MapSchemaValidator.validate(schema, map)
map = %{
value_one_of: 100,
{:ok, _} = MapSchemaValidator.validate(schema, map)
List of allowed values and list of values
schema = %{
value_list: [:string, :number],
map = %{
value_list: ["value string", 1],
{:ok, _} = MapSchemaValidator.validate(schema, map)
List of maps with format
schema = %{
list: [
inner_value: :string,
inner_map: %{
inner_value: :string
inner_list: [
inner_value_level_2: :number
map = %{
list: [
inner_value: "value string",
inner_map: %{
inner_value: "value string"
inner_list: [
inner_value_level_2: 100
{:ok, _} = MapSchemaValidator.validate(schema, map)
In this case are allowed just one schema per list, multiple are work in progress
schema = %{
list: [
inner_field: [:string, :number],
inner_list: [
inner_leven_2_flag: [:boolean, :integer]
inner_optional_flag?: :boolean
map = %{
list: [
inner_field: "value string",
inner_list: [
inner_leven_2_flag: true
inner_optional_flag: false
inner_field: 10,
inner_list: [
inner_leven_2_flag: true
{:ok, _} = MapSchemaValidator.validate(schema, map)
defmodule InnerListElementModule do
use MapSchemaValidator.Schema
field :inner_leven_2_flag, [:boolean, :integer]
defmodule ListElementModule do
use MapSchemaValidator.Schema
field :inner_field, [:string, :number]
field :inner_list, [InnerListElementModule]
field :inner_optional_flag?, :boolean
defmodule SchemaModule do
use MapSchemaValidator.Schema
field :list, [ListElementModule]
{:ok, _} = SchemaModule.validate(map)