- Install all the dev dependencies:
pip install -e .[dev]
(or just look at the dev dependencies in setup.py and install them seperately) - Run the tests:
orpython -m pytest
(which works depends on how it's setup on your machine)- If you will want to check the test coverage, instead do
coverage run --source regexport -m pytest
orcoverage run --source regexport -m python -m pytest
- If you will want to check the test coverage, instead do
- (optional) Generate a coverage report:
- In the terminal:
coverage report
- As an interactive web page:
coverage html
, then open the file coveralls/index.html
- In the terminal:
python regexport/get_screenshot.py
git commit -am "updated screenshot"
- Make a new section for the release in the changelog
echo <tag-name> >> CHANGELOG.md
- Fill the section with all the commit messages since the last release
git log --pretty="- %s" <tag-name>..HEAD >> CHANGELOG.md
- Edit the list, summarizing the changes in a readable way
- Increment the version number in
. This project uses semantic versioning. - Create a Git Tag around the version number (helps with future changelog generation and GitHub Releases)
- git tag -a -m "v"
- Push tags with "git push origin --tags"
python setup.py sdist
Note: For this step, you'll need account permissions for the project.
twine upload dist/*
- In Github, Under "Releases", click "Tags", then the latest tag
- Click "Make Release" from the tag
- In the box, copy-past the relevant changelog notes
- Submit!