Command-line tool to manage A Cloud Guru sandboxes and configure credentials
The A Cloud Guru credentials are retrieved from git credentials store using git dredentials fill
The A Cloud Guru sandbox is started or stopped according to the requested target, and the credentials are configured for use by the local command line tools and SDKs.
acloudguru-sandbox <current|stop|aws|azure|gcloud> [-rod=...]
The code to get credentials from git originates from gitauth.
Rod is used to automate the required actions on A Cloud Guru website.
You can see the actual interaction through the browser using Rod confiduration parameters:
Add go-rod proxy parameters:
You can directly use the released binaries or use a package manager.
Install Scoop:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri | Invoke-Expression
Add nicerloop/nicerloop bucket:
scoop bucket add nicerloop
Install acloudguru-sandbox:
scoop install nicerloop/acloudguru-sandbox