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Lens, State Is Your Father (Informal Proof)

If we provide a MonadState instance with focus on a and State s as monadic effect, we are actually instantiating a Lens s a.



MonadState a (State s) { get :: State s a; set :: a -> State s () } such that:

  • GetGet: get >>= (a1 -> get >>= (a2 -> k (a1, a2))) = get >>= (a -> k (a, a))
  • GetPut: get >>= put = return ()
  • PutGet: put a >> get = put a >> return a
  • PutPut: put a1 >> put a2 = put a2

And defs

def view s = eval get s
def update s a = exec (put a) s



> [update (view s) s => s]
  update (view s) s
= [def view]
  update (eval get s) s
= [def update]
  exec (put (eval get s)) s
= [non-effectful return]
  exec (put (eval get s)) (exec (return ()) s)
= [MonadState - GetPut]
  exec (put (eval get s)) (exec (get >>= put) s)
= [MonadState - GetGet]
  exec (put (eval get s)) (exec (get >>= (_ -> get >>= put)) s)
= [MonadState - GetPut]
  exec (put (eval get s)) (exec (get >>= (_ -> return ())) s)
= [def >>]
  exec (put (eval get s)) (exec (get >> return ()) s)
= [non-effectful return]
  exec (put (eval get s)) (exec get s)
= [def >>=]
  exec (get >>= put) s
= [MonadState - GetPut]
  exec (return ()) s
= [def return, def exec]


> [view (update a s) => a]
  view (update a s)
= [def update]
  view (exec (put a) s)
= [def view]
  eval get (exec (put a) s)
= [def >>]
  eval (put a >> get) s
= [MonadState - PutGet]
  eval (put a >> return a) s
= [def >>]
  eval (return a) (exec (put a) s)
= [def eval, def return]


> [update a2 (update a1 s) => update a2 s]
  update a2 (update a1 s)
= [def update]
  exec (put a2) (exec (put a1) s)
= [def >>]
  exec (put a1 >> put a2) s
= [MonadState - PutPut]
  exec (put a2) s
= [def update]
  update a2 s