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Tutorial: Lobster on minikube

You can launch lobster in minikube

Build images in the local registry

Provision of public images is under legal review.
So I recommend using a local registry for now.

1. Setup registry in minikube

2. Push registry

$ make REGISTRY=localhost:5000 push-all
Check results
$ docker image ls | grep lobster                                                                                                  

localhost:5000/lobster-exporter                                     vX.X.X      ...
localhost:5000/lobster-syncer                                       vX.X.X      ...
localhost:5000/lobster-global-query                                 vX.X.X      ...
localhost:5000/lobster-query                                        vX.X.X      ...
localhost:5000/lobster-store                                        vX.X.X      ...

Run the Lobster

1. Launch minkube

$ minikube start --container-runtime=docker
$ minikube start --container-runtime=containerd

2. Install Lobster set

  • Install lobster using the helm command
  • It is necessary to distinguish between options depending on the container runtime used
  • If the log is in json format, add loglineFormat: json
  • Mount the docker root directory (/var/lib/docker) where the actual logs are located
$ helm upgrade --install lobster_cluster ./deploy -f ./deploy/values/public/lobster-cluster_basic.yaml \
--set registry=localhost:5000 \
--set loglineFormat=json
  • add loglineFormat: text or not(default)
$ helm upgrade --install lobster_cluster ./deploy -f ./deploy/values/public/lobster-cluster_basic.yaml \
--set registry=localhost:5000 


$ helm upgrade --install lobster_cluster ./deploy -f ./deploy/values/public/lobster-cluster_basic.yaml \
--set registry=localhost:5000 \
--set loglineFormat=text 
Check results
$ kubectl get pod 
NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
lobster-query-0-7c486fb4-fhqkx   1/1     Running   0          51s
lobster-store-n2cs5              1/1     Running   0          51s
loggen-5676c84f9b-bn7q9          2/2     Running   0          51s

3. Access to Lobster web page

  • Perform port-forward to obtain an externally accessible address
  • You can check the log by accessing
  • You can search logs produced in Loggen based on Kubernetes object
$ kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pod -l app=lobster-query --no-headers | awk '{print$1}') 8080:80

Forwarding from -> 80
Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 80

For more features, please refer to the deployment guide.