Kubernetes natively supports dynamic provisioning for many types of file and block storage, but lacks support for object bucket provisioning. In order to provide a native provisioning of object storage buckets, the concept of COSI Buckets was introduced in a similar manner to Persistent Volume Claim (PVC/PV)
The container object storage interface api provides a library implementation and design to unify the implementations of provisioning object storage buckets.
According to COSI website and COSI Object Storage Design Document the following components need to be deployed in Kubernetes on order to setup COSI:
- Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) - will be deployed by ODF / the user
- Controller - will be deployed by ODF / the user
- Sidecar for the driver - will be deployed as a sidecar container in NooBaa operator deployment
- Driver - implemented inside noobaa's operator code
For more details - COSI architecture
As decribed in COSI website Container Object Storage (COSI) controller is responsible to manage lifecycle of COSI objects. Specifically, the controller monitors the lifecycle of the user-facing CRDs:
BucketClaim: Represents a claim to provision a Bucket
BucketAccess: Represents a resource to access a Bucket
and generates the associated CRDs:
- Bucket: Represents a Bucket or its equivalent in the storage backend
As COSI architecture mentioned -
The COSI Sidecar is the point of integration between COSI and drivers. All operations that require communication with the OSP is triggered by the Sidecar using gRPC calls to the driver. One active instance of Sidecar should be present for each driver.
A component that runs alongside COSI Sidecar and satisfies the COSI gRPC API specification. Sidecar and driver work together to orchestrate changes in the OSP. The driver acts as a gRPC server to the COSI Sidecar. Each COSI driver is identified by a unique id.
kubectl create -k github.com/kubernetes-sigs/container-object-storage-interface-api
kubectl create -k github.com/kubernetes-sigs/container-object-storage-interface-controller
COSI defined the following custom resource definitions:
- Bucket - the COSI equivalent of ob
- BucketClaim - the COSI equivalent of obc
- BucketClass - the COSI equivalent of bucketclass -(bucketclasses.noobaa.io)
- BucketAccess - account claim that will grant access to a specific bucket
- BucketAccessClass - a set of common properties shared by multiple accounts
The operator creates a default bucket class with the name pattern noobaa-default-bucket-class
(based on bucketclasses.noobaa.io CRD), this bucketclass provides a default template for OBC buckets.
However the administrator of a noobaa deployment can create additional COSI BucketClasses (based on bucketclasses.objectstorage.k8s.io CRD) that refer a placement policies or namespace policy, replication policy etc.
Example of placement bucketclass:
apiVersion: objectstorage.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: BucketClass
name: my-cosi-bucket-class
driverName: noobaa.objectstorage.k8s.io
DeletionPolicy: delete
placementPolicy: '{"tiers":[{"backingStores":["noobaa-default-backing-store"]}]}'
The equivalent noobaa cli command -
noobaa cosi bucketclass create placement-bucketclass my-cosi-bucket-class --backingstores noobaa-default-backing-store
Example of namespace bucketclass:
apiVersion: objectstorage.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: BucketClass
name: my-cosi-ns-bucket-class
driverName: noobaa.objectstorage.k8s.io
DeletionPolicy: delete
namespacePolicy: '{"type": "Single", "single": { "resource": "nsr-name"}}'
The equivalent noobaa cli command -
noobaa cosi bucketclass create namespace-bucketclass single my-cosi-ns-bucket-class --resource nsr-name
Example of namespace bucketclass with a replication policy:
apiVersion: objectstorage.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: BucketClass
name: my-cosi-ns-bucket-class
driverName: noobaa.objectstorage.k8s.io
DeletionPolicy: delete
placementPolicy: '{"tiers":[{"backingStores":["noobaa-default-backing-store"]}]}'
replicationPolicy: '"{\"rules\":[{\"rule_id\":\"rule-1\",\"destination_bucket\":\"first.bucket\",\"filter\":{\"prefix\":\"a\"}}]}"'
The equivalent noobaa cli command - /path/to/json-file.json is the path to a JSON file which defines the replication policy
noobaa cosi bucketclass create placement-bucketclass my-cosi-ns-bucket-class --backingstores noobaa-default-backing-store
Applications that require a bucket will create a COSI bucket claim which must refer to a COSI bucket class (bucketClassName property).
The COSI controller will watch for COSI bucket claims and fulfill the claims by calling the side car, the side car will pass the request to the driver using a unix socket. Eventually the COSI provisioner will create/find existing bucket in NooBaa, and create a COSI bucket.
When the COSI bucket claim was provisioned successfully, the status of the bucket claim and bucket CRs will be updated, a Bucket Ready
property will be set to true
Example of a bucket claim:
apiVersion: objectstorage.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: BucketClaim
name: my-cosi-bucket-claim
bucketClassName: my-cosi-bucket-class
- "S3"
The equivalent noobaa cli command -
noobaa cosi bucketclaim create my-cosi-bucket-claim --bucketclass my-cosi-bucket-class
An administrator of a noobaa deployment can create BucketAccessClasses that contain common properties for different bucket access claims. Currently, the only authenticationType supported by noobaa driver is KEY.
Example of a bucket access class:
apiVersion: objectstorage.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: BucketAccessClass
name: my-cosi-bucket-access-class
driverName: noobaa.objectstorage.k8s.io
authenticationType: KEY
The equivalent noobaa cli command -
noobaa cosi accessclass create my-cosi-bucket-access-class
An administrator of a noobaa deployment can create BucketAccess claim that refers to a BucketAccessClass in order to get credentials that will provide access to a COSI bucket claim. NooBaa will generate an account and will return credentials as the bucket access claim response, then a Secret (named by credentialsSecretName property) containing the bucket info will be created. The properties bucketClaimName, bucketAccessClassName and credentialsSecretName are all required values.
When the COSI bucketAccess claim was granted successfully, the status of the bucketAccess claim CR will be updated, a Access Granted
property will be set to true
Example of bucket access claim:
apiVersion: objectstorage.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: BucketAccess
name: my-cosi-bucket-access
bucketClaimName: my-cosi-bucket-claim
bucketAccessClassName: my-cosi-bucket-access-class
credentialsSecretName: my-cosi-bucket-creds
The equivalent noobaa cli command -
noobaa cosi accessclaim create my-cosi-bucket-access --bucket-claim=my-cosi-bucket-claim --bucket-access-class=my-cosi-bucket-access-class --creds-secret-name=my-cosi-bucket-creds
Once the COSI bucket claim is provisioned by the operator, a bucket will be created in NooBaa, a Secret bucket info will be created. For the example above, the Secret will be named my-cosi-bucket-creds
The content of the Secret provides all the information needed by the application in order to connect to the bucket using S3 API, and these can be mounted into the application pods using env or volumes. The application should configure its S3 SDK to use the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID & AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY credentials as provided by the Secret, and the endpoint and BUCKET_NAME - see below.
An application deployment can claim a bucket and a bucket access and refer to the expected Secret in a static deployment yaml, since the names of the Secret provided by the user, and pods that mount information from Secret will not start until those resources exist, this provides a self contained deployment that will only run the application once the bucket provisioning is complete.
Whenever a client application running in the cluster wants to use it and trust the cluster CA it should use the service name instead, which is s3.<noobaa-namespace>.svc.cluster.local
with the default 443 https port.
Here is an example yaml that combines the cosi bucket claim and a Pod that uses it:
apiVersion: objectstorage.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: BucketClass
name: my-cosi-bucket-class
driverName: noobaa.objectstorage.k8s.io
DeletionPolicy: delete
placementPolicy: '{"tiers":[{"backingStores":["noobaa-default-backing-store"]}]}'
apiVersion: objectstorage.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: BucketClaim
name: my-cosi-bucket-claim
bucketClassName: my-cosi-bucket-class
- "S3"
apiVersion: objectstorage.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: BucketAccessClass
name: my-cosi-bucket-access-class
driverName: noobaa.objectstorage.k8s.io
authenticationType: KEY
apiVersion: objectstorage.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: BucketAccess
name: my-cosi-bucket-access
bucketClaimName: my-cosi-bucket-claim
bucketAccessClassName: my-cosi-bucket-access-class
credentialsSecretName: my-cosi-bucket-creds
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: my-pod
app: my-app
- name: app
- secretRef:
name: my-cosi-bucket-creds
image: banst/awscli
- sh
- "-c"
- |
echo "----> Configuring S3 endpoint ...";
pip install awscli-plugin-endpoint;
aws configure set plugins.endpoint awscli_plugin_endpoint;
aws configure set s3.endpoint_url https://s3.noobaa.svc.cluster.local;
echo "----> Configuring S3 credentials ...";
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(jq -n -r $BucketInfo.spec.secretS3.accessKeyID)
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(jq -n -r $BucketInfo.spec.secretS3.accessSecretKey)
export BUCKET_NAME=$(jq -n -r $BucketInfo.spec.bucketName)
echo "----> Configuring certificates ...";
aws configure set ca_bundle /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/service-ca.crt;
echo "----> Copying files ...";
aws s3 cp --recursive /etc s3://$BUCKET_NAME;
echo "----> List files ...";
aws s3 ls $BUCKET_NAME;
echo "----> Done.";
The scope of bucket permissions is at the claim scope - this means that the credentials of the bucket claim are confined to access only that single COSI bucket. Notice that also listing buckets with these S3 credentials will return only that one bucket.