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File metadata and controls

241 lines (172 loc) · 12.5 KB


This file documents how to use the CMR-STAC endpoints:

  • CMR-STAC: The entire catalog of NASA CMR data, organized by provider.
  • CMR-CLOUDSTAC: Also organized by provider, this API only contains STAC Collections where the Item Assets are available "in the cloud" (i.e., on s3).
  • UAT CMR-STAC: As CMR-STAC, except this is a testing environment before changes get deployed to production. UAT CMR-STAC uses the UAT CMR environment which has a much smaller, and different set of data than production.

Table of Contents

  1. CMR Providers
  2. Browsing
  3. Searching via CLI

CMR Providers

Due to the vast number of collections contained within CMR, a user cannot query across all granules at once. Attempting to do so returns an error message indicating that at least one of a set of fields must be provided. Because a STAC API allows for searching across all Items (i.e., granules), instead of a single API, CMR-STAC provides multiple APIs, one for each provider. Upon hitting the root endpoint ( the response will include a list of CMR providers as a series of links with a "rel" field equal to "child".

Provider Examples

Provider Provider URL (each is a STAC API)

Navigating to a provider yields a STAC Catalog, but one that has some additional links and a conformsTo field, indicating that it is a STAC API. These links include:

rel path Decription
self /{providerId} this provider catalog
root / the root CMR-STAC catalog
collections /{provider-id}/collections response includes an array of all collections for this provider
search /{provider-id}/search There are 2 search links, one indicating it accepts GET requests, the other POST requests
conformance /{provider-id}/conformance returns a list of conformance classes, identical to the list of classes in the conformsTo field
service-desc STAC API desc CMR-STAC currently doesn't provide its own OpenAPI doc, it complies to the STAC API Spec published OpenAPI
service-docs STAC API doc Same as service-desc except this is an html render of the OpenAPI doc
child /{providerId}/{collectionId} A single STAC Collection, collectionId is the entryId of a collection, which is effectively the shortname_versionId of the collection
prev, next /{providerId}?page=X Pagination links if there are more than 10 collections within this provider

Catalog Structure

CMR-STAC is essentially a static STAC catalog that links to multiple dynamic STAC APIs. A summary of the various linkages is given here. The table shows the different endpoints available from the root catalog:

path Description
/ Root endpoint. Returns a list of provider Catalogs
/{provider-id} Returns singular provider Catalog
/{provider-id}/collections Returns a Catalog of all Collections that belong to the indicated provider
/{provider-id}/collections/{collection-id} Returns the individual Collection indicated in the path
/{provider-id}/collections/{collection-id}/items Returns an ItemCollection of all Items contained in the indicated Collection
/{provider-id}/collections/{collection-id}/items/{item-id} Returns the individual Item indicated in the path

For example, if a user wanted to get all the collections under the ASF provider, the user would hit:

If the user wanted to query all items in the ACEPOL_AircraftRemoteSensing_AirHARP_Data_1 collection under the LARC_ASDC provider, the user would hit:

Each Collection returned from CMR-STAC includes a series of links for navigation within the catalog ("hierarchical link") as well as other related links, summarized here:

rel Description
self, root, parent, child hierarchical links allowing crawling/browsing down to STAC Items
items search endpoint for all Items in the Collection
about The NASA HTML landing page for the Collection
via The original CMR metadata used to generate the STAC metadata returned

Each Item returned from CMR-STAC includes a series of links as well:

rel Description
self, root, parent hierarchical links allowing crawling/browsing down to STAC Items
collection The STAC Collection this Item belongs to
provider The CMR Provider root catalog (a STAC API)
via The original CMR metadata used to generate the STAC metadata returned


The first thing to do when getting familiar with CMR-STAC is to browse through the catalog and get a sense for its structure, and what types of data (Collections and Items) are available. The easiest way to browse is to install a JSON extension for your browser of choice (e.g., JSON Formatter for Chrome).

STAC Browser is a web interface to browse through a STAC Catalog. STAC Browser is what is used in STAC Index to be able to browse through any STAC API that has been added to the index.

Another way to browse the API is with SnapPlanet - a more graphical interface that allows users with some basic search options. Specify the CMR-STAC Provider catalog to SnapPlanet by specifying the u parameter to, e.g.,

This displays a map interface and some filtering options including geographic and temporal.

Searching Items

As stated above, provider search endpoints can be used to query CMR with GET and POST requests. GET requests accept string parameters (arrays should be comma-delimited strings), while the POST request should have a JSON body containing the parameters. Search endpoints can be targeted by anything from curl and postman to STAC specific tools.

Parameter Type Description
collections [string] Array of collection IDs to include in the search for items
limit integer Maximum number of results to return per page. Defaults to 10
bbox [number] Requested bounding box. Represented using either 2D or 3D geometries. The length of the array must be 2*n where n is the number of dimensions. The array contains all axes of the southwesterly most extent followed by all axes of the northeasterly most extent specified in Longitude/Latitude or Longitude/Latitude/Elevation based on WGS 84. When using 3D geometries, the elevation of the southwesterly most extent is the minimum elevation in meters and the elevation of the northeasterly most extent is the maximum.
datetime string Single date+time, or a range ('/' separator), formatted to RFC 3339, section 5.6. Use double dots .. for open date ranges.
intersects GeoJSON Geometry Searches items by performing intersection between their geometry and provided GeoJSON geometry. All GeoJSON geometry types must be supported.
ids [string] Array of Item ids to return. All other filter parameters that further restrict the number of search results (except "next" and "limit") are ignored.


If a user is trying to get all granules from the year 2001 in the collection C1000000701-LARC_ASDC under the LARC_ASDC provider, the request would be:




JSON Body:

    "datetime": "2001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z,2001-12-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "collections": "GloSSAC_1.1"

Searching Collections

Similar to searching for Items, CMR-STAC provides endpoints to search for Collections. Both GET and POST requests are supported for collection searches.

Parameter Type Description
bbox [number] Requested bounding box. Represented using 2D geometries. The length of the array must be 4: [west, south, east, north].
datetime string Single date+time, or a range ('/' separator), formatted to RFC 3339, section 5.6. Use double dots .. for open date ranges.
q string Free text search through collection metadata.
sortby string or [object] Sort the results by one or more fields. For GET requests, use a comma-separated list of field names, optionally preceded by a '-' for descending order. For POST requests, use an array of objects with 'field' and 'direction' properties. Fields supported for sort are startDate, endDate, id and title




To sort the results: https://localhost:3000/stac/LARC_ASDC/collections?keyword=climate&sortby=-id,title

This will sort the results first by id in descending order, then by title in ascending order.

POST: https://localhost:3000/stac/LARC_ASDC/collections

JSON Body:

    "bbox": [-180, -90, 180, 90],
    "datetime": "2000-01-01T00:00:00Z/2022-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "keyword": "atmosphere",
    "sortby": [
        {"field": "id", "direction": "desc"},
        {"field": "title", "direction": "asc"}

Searching via CLI

The Python library [pystac-client] provides a Command Line Interface (CLI) to search any STAC API.

Install pystac-client, and stacterm which will be used to summarize the results in the terminal.

pip install pystac-client stacterm

pystac-client requires a URL to a STAC API, and since CMR-STAC implements a STAC API for each provider, the provider STAC URL will need to be provided. Set the environment variable STAC_URL to the desired provider URL.

export STAC_URL=

An AOI containing a GeoJSON Feature of interest is created, using GIS Software or

$ stac-client search --intersects aoi.json --datetime 2021-01/2021-05 --matched
36 items matched

The --matched switch performs a search with limit=0 so does not get any Items, but gets the total number of matches which will be output to the screen.

Without the --matched switch, all items will be fetched, paginating if necessary. If max_items is provided it will stop paging once that many items has been retrieved. It then prints all items to stdout as an ItemCollection. This can be useful to pipe output to another process such as stac-terminal, geojsonio-cli, or jq.

Here, the output is piped to stacterm to print a calendar of Items based on the Collection.

$ stac-client search --intersects aoi.json --datetime 2021-01/2021-05 | stacterm cal

Search by a specific collection with the -c switch, or make queries against Item properties such as eo:cloud_cover

$ stac-client search -c HLSS30_1.5 --intersects aoi.json --datetime 2021-01/2021-05 | stacterm cal

The table command of stacterm can be used to generate Markdown tables of specified fields:

$ stac-client search -c HLSS30_1.5 --intersects aoi.json --datetime 2021-01/2021-05 | stacterm table --fields collection date eo:cloud_cover

The results of a search can also be saved as a GeoJSON FeatureCollection file, allowing it to be used in other GIS software to visualize where the found Items are located.

$ stac-client search -c HLSS30_1.5 --intersects aoi.json --datetime 2021-01/2021-05 --save myresults.json