This section of the documentation is dedicated to the automation processes for the CI.
Automation is using Github Action, where all the actions are described in .github/workflows
label bare-metal refers to our CI servers managed by opslayer. Those are dedicated machines, optimized to reduce the compilation and testing time of the actions.
It is possible to cancel actions directly in github action UI or using (replace "coverage.yml" by the desired
action and "my-branch" by the desired pr branch):
gh run list --workflow="coverage.yml" --json status,headBranch,databaseId | jq '.[] | select(.headBranch == "my-branch" and (.status == "in_progress" or .status == "queued")) | .databaseId' | xargs -n1 --no-run-if-empty gh run cancel
Cancel allows to cancel previous execution of the same action for the same PR in order to release allocated resources. This is the case of build and coverage actions
gh workflow run build -r my-branch-or-tag
Performs multiple actions to ensure the code provided is high quality:
- Checks formatting/copyrights/links/locks/...
- Builds the runtime and binary (with and without features)
- Prepare external binaries (polkadot) matching the new code
- Tests:
- Rust tests (mostly unit), including tracing features
- Typescript (mostly dev integrations), including full relay chain & tracing
- Fork & Dev upgrade tests
- Build a docker image based on the sha and push to
gh workflow run coverage -r my-branch-or-tag
Similar to build, coverage ensure the quality of our code
and test by re-building our binary with grcov
and re-executing our tests.
The output is stored as an artefact and published in the comments of the PR.
gh workflow run "Publish Runtime Draft" -r master -f from=runtime-2302 -f to=runtime-2400
Builds the runtime of each network using srtool and then draft the release notes using the git commits between the given tags. The draft is "not published" (TODO: change the name of the action)