monetr LLC employs the principle of least privilege (also known as the principle of minimal privilege or the principle of least authority) which requires that every process, program, or user must only be able to access the information and resources that are absolutely necessary. This minimizes the level of access on files, directories and data that may contain personally identifiable information (PII) of all users, clients, contractors and full/part-time staff. monetr LLC also defailts the minimum conditions that computers need to meet, in order to be allowed on to the network.
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that all staff, employees, and entities working on behalf of monetr LLC are aware of the minimum access procedure which is inplace to monitor user and system access to sensitive information such as personally identifiable information (PII).
All staff, employees and entities working on behalf of monetr LLC along with their computer/network systems are subject to this procedure.
monetr LLC gives minimum access to files and directories. As such, no unauthorized user should attempt to access files of a sensitive nature if presented with a password or profile restricted notification.
In order to connect tion monetr LLC network resources, all computers must meet minimum conditions such as current anti-virus software and operating system updates.
Administrators and users should leverage the "least privilege" practice by assigning permissions that meet the minimum data access requirements.
Violation of this procedure could be reported to the appropriate supervisor and could be subject to potential disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Sensitive Information
Information that is protected against unwarrented disclosure. Access to sensitive information should be safeguarded. Protection of sensitive information may be required for legal or ethical reasons, for issues pertaining to personal privacy, or for proprietary considerations.