To provide the authority for members of monetr LLC's InfoSec team to conduct a security audit on any system at monetr LLC.
Audits may be conducted to:
- Ensure integrity, confidentiality and availability of information and resources.
- Investigate possible security incidents ensure conformance to monetr LLC's security policies.
- Monitor user or system activity where appropriate.
This policy covers all computer and communication devices owned or operated by monetr LLC. This policy also covers any computer and communications device that are present on monetr LLC's premises, but which may not be owned or operated by monetr LLC.
When requested, and for the purpose of performing an audit, any access needed will be provided to members of monetr LLC's InfoSec team.
This access may include:
- User level and/or system level access to any computing or communications device.
- Access to information (electronic, hardcopy, etc.) that may be produced, transmitted or stored on monetr LLC's equipment or premises.
- Access to interactively monitor and log traffic on monetr LLC's networks.
Any employee found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.