From 4ceb31142554642632bcc0a57d40ad46c7cf0d30 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: MODX Bot Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 15:46:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 1/7] New translations (Czech) --- core/lexicon/cs/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/core/lexicon/cs/ b/core/lexicon/cs/ index 74f75298e0e..00688c3a37d 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/cs/ +++ b/core/lexicon/cs/ @@ -234,8 +234,8 @@ $_lang['setting_default_media_source_type'] = 'Default Media Source Type'; $_lang['setting_default_media_source_type_desc'] = 'The default selected Media Source Type when creating a new Media Source.'; -$_lang['setting_photo_profile_source'] = 'User Profile Photo Source'; -$_lang['setting_photo_profile_source_desc'] = 'Specifies the Media Source to use for storing and retrieving profile photos/avatars. If not specified, the default Media Source will be used.'; +$_lang['setting_photo_profile_source'] = 'Zdroj médií pro fotku uživatele'; +$_lang['setting_photo_profile_source_desc'] = 'Určuje zdroj médií, který bude použit pro ukládání a načítání profilových fotografií/avatarů. Není-li zadáno, bude použit výchozí zdroj médií.'; $_lang['setting_default_template'] = 'Výchozí šablona'; $_lang['setting_default_template_desc'] = 'Vyberte výchozí šablonu, která bude použita pro nové dokumenty. Stále budete mít možnost při úpravě dokumentu vybrat ostatní šablony, toto nastavení je pouze před-výběrem jedné z šablon.'; From 1e6c6ba4ce037bb695ed430408e77e0e704f0e80 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: MODX Bot Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 15:46:14 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 2/7] New translations (Czech) --- core/lexicon/cs/ | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/core/lexicon/cs/ b/core/lexicon/cs/ index b17d7648c7a..1e2d4e541ed 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/cs/ +++ b/core/lexicon/cs/ @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'Je-li toto datum nastaveno, uživateli bude od tohoto data opět povolen přístup do správce obsahu.'; $_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Vaše data byla změněna. Přihlašte se prosím znovu.'; $_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'Třída obsahu MODX pro tohoto uživatele. Toto nastavení ponechte nezměněné pokud si opravdu nejste jisti co děláte.'; -$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been created.
The password is: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'Uživatel [[+username]] byl vytvořen.
Heslo je: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?'; $_lang['user_country'] = 'Země'; $_lang['user_dob'] = 'Datum narození'; @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ $_lang['user_err_not_specified_managerstartup'] = 'Uveďte existující a platné ID dokumentu pro úvodní stránku správce obsahu.'; $_lang['user_err_not_specified_managertheme'] = 'Nepodařilo se načíst zvolený vzhled správce obsahu.'; $_lang['user_err_not_specified_mobnumber'] = 'Uveďte platné mobilní číslo.'; -$_lang['user_err_not_specified_notification_method'] = 'Please specify a notification method for the new password.'; +$_lang['user_err_not_specified_notification_method'] = 'Prosím, uveďte způsob upozornění na nové heslo.'; $_lang['user_err_not_specified_password'] = 'Uveďte heslo.'; $_lang['user_err_not_specified_phonenumber'] = 'Uveďte platné telefonní číslo.'; $_lang['user_err_not_specified_resourcedir'] = 'Složka zdrojů, kterou jste vybrali, není platným adresářem.'; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $_lang['user_male'] = 'Muž'; $_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'V této části můžete zvolit uživatele, kterého chcete upravit.'; $_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Mobilní telefon'; -$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Heslo bylo úspěšně změněno na: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_phone'] = 'Telefonní číslo'; $_lang['user_photo'] = 'Fotografie'; $_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Zadejte adresu obrázku pro tohoto uživatele nebo použijte tlačítko pro vložení obrázku nebo pro nahrání na server.'; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ $_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'Je-li nastaveno Ano, pak se na tohoto uživatele nebudou vztahovat žádná omezení přístupových práv. *NENASTAVUJTE* pokud si nejste opravdu jistí co tato volba způsobuje!'; $_lang['user_title'] = 'Vytvořit/Upravit uživatele'; $_lang['user_other'] = 'Ostatní'; -$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User [[+username]] has been updated.
The password is: [[+password]]'; +$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'Uživatel [[+username]] byl aktualizován.
Heslo je: [[+password]]'; $_lang['user_upload_message'] = ' Pokud chcete tomuto uživateli zamezit nahrávání jakéhokoliv typu souborů do této kategorie, ujistěte se, že nemáte zaškrtnuté políčko "Použít nastavení systémové konfigurace".'; $_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Použít nastavení systémové konfigurace'; $_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'Unikátní identifikátor tohoto uživatele a přihlašovací jméno tohoto uživatele.'; From 5d15647637e452681ccca99876217e9d3255a996 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: MODX Bot Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 15:46:16 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 3/7] New translations (Czech) --- setup/lang/cs/ | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/setup/lang/cs/ b/setup/lang/cs/ index 00f295c6cef..c56b83873f0 100644 --- a/setup/lang/cs/ +++ b/setup/lang/cs/ @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ $_lang['delete_setup_dir'] = 'Toto zaškrtněte pro ODSTRANĚNÍ instalačního adresáře "/setup".'; $_lang['dir'] = 'zleva doprava'; $_lang['email_err_ns'] = 'E-mailová adresa není platná'; -$_lang['err_occ'] = 'Errors have occurred!'; +$_lang['err_occ'] = 'Vyskytly se chyby!'; $_lang['err_update_table'] = 'Chyba aktualizace tabulky pro třídu [[+class]]'; $_lang['errors_occurred'] = 'Došlo k chybám při instalaci jádra. Přečtěte si níže uvedené výsledky instalace, opravte problémy a postupujte podle pokynů.'; $_lang['failed'] = 'Chyba!'; @@ -264,9 +264,9 @@ $_lang['test_php_version_fail'] = 'Váš server beží na PHP verze [[+version]], MODX Revolution vyžaduje verzi PHP 4.3.0 nebo novější'; $_lang['test_php_version_sn'] = 'Dokuď bude běžet MODX na verzi PHP ([[+version]]), nedoporučujeme Vám MODX v této verzi používat. Vaše verze PHP je zranitelná mnoha bezpečnostními dírami. Aktualizujte PHP na verzi 4.3.11 nebo novější, které obsahují záplaty těchto děr. Dopuručujeme Vám aktualizovat na tuto verzi pro zvýšení bezpečnosti Vašich vlastních webových stránek.'; $_lang['test_php_version_start'] = 'Kontroluji verzi PHP:'; -$_lang['test_session_gc'] = 'Checking if sessions garbage collector are properly configured: '; -$_lang['test_session_gc_fail'] = 'The sessions garbage collector does not start! The current configuration "session.gc_probability" is set to [[+gc_probability]] and "session.gc_divisor" is set to [[+gc_divisor]].
By default, MODX stores sessions in the database, so misconfiguration of these options can cause the session table to grow in size.'; -$_lang['test_session_gc_success'] = 'OK! The current configuration "session.gc_probability" is set to [[+gc_probability]] and "session.gc_divisor" is set to [[+gc_divisor]].
By default, MODX stores sessions in the database, so misconfiguration of these options can cause the session table to grow in size.'; +$_lang['test_session_gc'] = 'Zkontrolujte, zda je garbage collector správně nakonfigurován: '; +$_lang['test_session_gc_fail'] = 'Sessions garbage collector není spuštěn! Aktuální konfigurace "session.gc_probability" je nastavena na [[+gc_probability]] a "session.gc_divisor" je nastaven na [[+gc_divisor]].
MODX ve výchozím nastavení ukládá sessions do databáze, takže chybná konfigurace těchto nastavení může způsobit nárůst velikosti tabulky sessions v databázi.'; +$_lang['test_session_gc_success'] = 'OK! Aktuální konfigurace "session.gc_probability" je nastavena na [[+gc_probability]] a "session.gc_divisor" je nastaven na [[+gc_divisor]].
MODX ve výchozím nastavení ukládá sessions do databáze, takže chybná konfigurace těchto nastavení může způsobit nárůst velikosti tabulky sessions v databázi.'; $_lang['test_table_prefix'] = 'Kontroluji prefix tabulky `[[+prefix]]`: '; $_lang['test_table_prefix_inuse'] = 'Tento prefix tabulky je již v dané databázi použit!'; $_lang['test_table_prefix_inuse_desc'] = 'Instálator nemohl nainstalovat MODX do zvolené databáze, neboť ta již obsahuje tabulky se zvoleným prefixem. Zadejte nový prefix tabulek ("table_prefix") a spusťte instalátor znovu.'; From 369454306884156c1e95865f16ca53b7944cc01e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: MODX Bot Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 15:46:17 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 4/7] New translations (Czech) --- core/lexicon/cs/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/core/lexicon/cs/ b/core/lexicon/cs/ index 81048b11ce5..4274b600ab7 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/cs/ +++ b/core/lexicon/cs/ @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ $_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Kontext neurčen.'; $_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Zadejte platný klíč pro kontext.'; $_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.'; -$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.'; +$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'Zvolený Klíč kontextu je vyhrazen pouze pro systémové použití. Prosím, zadejte jiný klíč.'; $_lang['context_err_save'] = 'Nastala chyba při ukládání kontextu.'; $_lang['context_id'] = 'ID kontextu'; $_lang['context_key'] = 'Klíč kontextu'; From ddb2037d6103b8a89d90ca546ee2a25f01bc3cc8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: MODX Bot Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 15:46:18 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 5/7] New translations (Czech) --- setup/lang/cs/ | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/setup/lang/cs/ b/setup/lang/cs/ index 9349629b9d4..4d7f015eb54 100644 --- a/setup/lang/cs/ +++ b/setup/lang/cs/ @@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ $_lang['test_php_version_fail'] = 'Váš server beží na PHP verze [[+version]], MODX Revolution vyžaduje verzi PHP [[+required]] nebo novější. Prosím aktualizujte PHP aslespoň na verzi [[+required]]. MODX doporučuje aktualizaci na verzi [[+recommended]] nebo novější.'; $_lang['test_php_version_start'] = 'Kontroluji verzi PHP:'; $_lang['test_php_version_success'] = 'OK! Běží na: [[+version]]'; -$_lang['test_session_gc'] = 'Checking if sessions garbage collector are properly configured: '; -$_lang['test_session_gc_fail'] = 'The sessions garbage collector does not start! The current configuration "session.gc_probability" is set to [[+gc_probability]] and "session.gc_divisor" is set to [[+gc_divisor]].
By default, MODX stores sessions in the database, so misconfiguration of these options can cause the session table to grow in size.'; -$_lang['test_session_gc_success'] = 'OK! The current configuration "session.gc_probability" is set to [[+gc_probability]] and "session.gc_divisor" is set to [[+gc_divisor]].
By default, MODX stores sessions in the database, so misconfiguration of these options can cause the session table to grow in size.'; +$_lang['test_session_gc'] = 'Zkontrolujte, zda je sessions garbage collector správně nakonfigurován: '; +$_lang['test_session_gc_fail'] = 'Sessions garbage collector není spuštěn! Aktuální konfigurace "session.gc_probability" je nastavena na [[+gc_probability]] a "session.gc_divisor" je nastaven na [[+gc_divisor]].
MODX ve výchozím nastavení ukládá sessions do databáze, takže chybná konfigurace těchto nastavení může způsobit nárůst velikosti tabulky sessions v databázi.'; +$_lang['test_session_gc_success'] = 'OK! Aktuální konfigurace "session.gc_probability" je nastavena na [[+gc_probability]] a "session.gc_divisor" je nastaven na [[+gc_divisor]].
MODX ve výchozím nastavení ukládá sessions do databáze, takže chybná konfigurace těchto nastavení může způsobit nárůst velikosti tabulky sessions v databázi.'; $_lang['test_simplexml'] = 'Kontroluji SimpleXML:'; $_lang['test_simplexml_nf'] = 'Nepodařilo se nalézt SimpleXML!'; $_lang['test_simplexml_nf_msg'] = 'MODX nemohl nalézt SimpleXML ve vašem PHP prostředí. Správce balíčků a ostatní funkcionality bez toho nebudou fungovat. Můžete pokračovat v instalaci, ale MODX doporučuje aktivovat SimpleXML pro další fukcionality.'; From b2e6548648f35e07c0e2024d046ed0039c209f10 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: MODX Bot Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 11:50:16 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 6/7] New translations (Ukrainian) --- core/lexicon/uk/ | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/core/lexicon/uk/ b/core/lexicon/uk/ index bf6ab6dd6c1..cf9208ba57c 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/uk/ +++ b/core/lexicon/uk/ @@ -198,17 +198,17 @@ $_lang['setting_compress_js_groups_desc'] = 'Групувати JavaScript-файли системи керування MODX, використовуючи конфігурацію "groupsConfig" для компресора Google. Виберіть «Так», якщо ви використовуєте розширення suhosin або інші обмеження.'; $_lang['setting_concat_js'] = 'Використовувати об\'єднані JavaScript-бібліотеки'; -$_lang['setting_concat_js_desc'] = 'When this is enabled, MODX will use a concatenated version of its common JavaScript libraries in the manager interface. This greatly reduces load and execution time within the manager. Disable only if you are modifying core elements.'; +$_lang['setting_concat_js_desc'] = 'Якщо це ввімкнено, MODX використовуватиме об\'єднану версію своїх загальних JavaScript бібліотек в інтерфейсі менеджера. Це значно зменшує час завантаження та виконання в менеджері. Вимкніть лише у випадку, якщо ви змінюєте основні елементи.'; -$_lang['setting_confirm_navigation'] = 'Confirm Navigation with unsaved changes'; -$_lang['setting_confirm_navigation_desc'] = 'When this is enabled, the user will be prompted to confirm their intention if there are unsaved changes.'; +$_lang['setting_confirm_navigation'] = 'Підтвердити навігацію з незбереженими змінами'; +$_lang['setting_confirm_navigation_desc'] = 'Коли це увімкнено, користувачу буде запропоновано підтвердити свій намір, якщо є незбережені зміни.'; -$_lang['setting_container_suffix'] = 'Container Suffix'; -$_lang['setting_container_suffix_desc'] = 'The suffix to append to Resources set as containers when using FURLs.'; +$_lang['setting_container_suffix'] = 'Суфікс контейнера'; +$_lang['setting_container_suffix_desc'] = 'Суфікс, який додається до набору ресурсів як контейнерів під час використання FURL.'; -$_lang['setting_context_tree_sort'] = 'Enable Sorting of Contexts in Resource Tree'; -$_lang['setting_context_tree_sort_desc'] = 'If set to Yes, Contexts will be alphanumerically sorted in the left-hand Resources tree.'; -$_lang['setting_context_tree_sortby'] = 'Sort Field of Contexts in Resource Tree'; +$_lang['setting_context_tree_sort'] = 'Увімкнути сортування контекстів в дереві ресурсів'; +$_lang['setting_context_tree_sort_desc'] = 'Якщо встановлено "Так", контексти будуть алфавітно відсортовані у лівому дереві ресурсів.'; +$_lang['setting_context_tree_sortby'] = 'Поле сортування контекстів у дереві ресурсів'; $_lang['setting_context_tree_sortby_desc'] = 'The field to sort Contexts by in the Resources tree, if sorting is enabled.'; $_lang['setting_context_tree_sortdir'] = 'Sort Direction of Contexts in Resource Tree'; $_lang['setting_context_tree_sortdir_desc'] = 'The direction to sort Contexts in the Resources tree, if sorting is enabled.'; From 2e05a50e5205b4ab2902170ce6c3efb1bcaf508f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: MODX Bot Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 11:59:35 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 7/7] New translations (Ukrainian) --- core/lexicon/uk/ | 78 ++++++++++++++++----------------- 1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-) diff --git a/core/lexicon/uk/ b/core/lexicon/uk/ index cf9208ba57c..fbb0db4d1ff 100644 --- a/core/lexicon/uk/ +++ b/core/lexicon/uk/ @@ -209,38 +209,38 @@ $_lang['setting_context_tree_sort'] = 'Увімкнути сортування контекстів в дереві ресурсів'; $_lang['setting_context_tree_sort_desc'] = 'Якщо встановлено "Так", контексти будуть алфавітно відсортовані у лівому дереві ресурсів.'; $_lang['setting_context_tree_sortby'] = 'Поле сортування контекстів у дереві ресурсів'; -$_lang['setting_context_tree_sortby_desc'] = 'The field to sort Contexts by in the Resources tree, if sorting is enabled.'; -$_lang['setting_context_tree_sortdir'] = 'Sort Direction of Contexts in Resource Tree'; -$_lang['setting_context_tree_sortdir_desc'] = 'The direction to sort Contexts in the Resources tree, if sorting is enabled.'; +$_lang['setting_context_tree_sortby_desc'] = 'Поле для сортування контекстів у дереві ресурсів, якщо сортування активовано.'; +$_lang['setting_context_tree_sortdir'] = 'Напрямок сортування контекстів у дереві ресурсів'; +$_lang['setting_context_tree_sortdir_desc'] = 'Напрямок сортування контекстів у дереві ресурсів, якщо сортування ввімкнено.'; $_lang['setting_cultureKey'] = 'Мова'; -$_lang['setting_cultureKey_desc'] = 'Select the language for all non-manager Contexts, including web.'; +$_lang['setting_cultureKey_desc'] = 'Виберіть мову для контекстів, включаючи web, за винятком контексту менеджера.'; -$_lang['setting_date_timezone'] = 'Default Time Zone'; -$_lang['setting_date_timezone_desc'] = 'Controls the default timezone setting for PHP date functions, if not empty. If empty and the PHP date.timezone ini setting is not set in your environment, UTC will be assumed.'; +$_lang['setting_date_timezone'] = 'Часова зона за замовчуванням'; +$_lang['setting_date_timezone_desc'] = 'Контролює налаштування часового поясу за замовчуванням для функцій дати PHP, якщо воно не пусте. Якщо значення пусте й параметр ini PHP date.timezone не встановлено у вашому середовищі, буде прийнято UTC.'; $_lang['setting_debug'] = 'Налагодження'; $_lang['setting_debug_desc'] = 'Controls turning debugging on/off in MODX and/or sets the PHP error_reporting level. \'\' = use current error_reporting, \'0\' = false (error_reporting = 0), \'1\' = true (error_reporting = -1), or any valid error_reporting value (as an integer).'; -$_lang['setting_default_content_type'] = 'Default Content Type'; +$_lang['setting_default_content_type'] = 'Тип вмісту за замовчуванням'; $_lang['setting_default_content_type_desc'] = 'Select the default Content Type you wish to use for new Resources. You can still select a different Content Type in the Resource editor; this setting just pre-selects one of your Content Types for you.'; $_lang['setting_default_duplicate_publish_option'] = 'Default Duplicate Resource Publishing Option'; $_lang['setting_default_duplicate_publish_option_desc'] = 'The default selected option when duplicating a Resource. Can be either "unpublish" to unpublish all duplicates, "publish" to publish all duplicates, or "preserve" to preserve the publish state based on the duplicated Resource.'; -$_lang['setting_default_media_source'] = 'Default Media Source'; +$_lang['setting_default_media_source'] = 'Джерело файлів за замовчуванням'; $_lang['setting_default_media_source_desc'] = 'The default Media Source to load.'; -$_lang['setting_default_media_source_type'] = 'Default Media Source Type'; +$_lang['setting_default_media_source_type'] = 'Тип джерела медіа за замовчуванням'; $_lang['setting_default_media_source_type_desc'] = 'The default selected Media Source Type when creating a new Media Source.'; $_lang['setting_photo_profile_source'] = 'User Profile Photo Source'; $_lang['setting_photo_profile_source_desc'] = 'Specifies the Media Source to use for storing and retrieving profile photos/avatars. If not specified, the default Media Source will be used.'; -$_lang['setting_default_template'] = 'Default Template'; +$_lang['setting_default_template'] = 'Шаблон за замовчуванням'; $_lang['setting_default_template_desc'] = 'Select the default Template you wish to use for new Resources. You can still select a different template in the Resource editor, this setting just pre-selects one of your Templates for you.'; -$_lang['setting_default_per_page'] = 'Default Per Page'; +$_lang['setting_default_per_page'] = 'За замовчуванням на сторінці'; $_lang['setting_default_per_page_desc'] = 'The default number of results to show in grids throughout the manager.'; $_lang['setting_emailsender'] = 'Registration Email From Address'; @@ -253,14 +253,14 @@ $_lang['setting_enable_template_picker_in_tree'] = 'Enable the Template Picker in Resource Trees'; $_lang['setting_enable_template_picker_in_tree_desc'] = 'Enable this to use the template picker modal window when creating a new resource in the tree.'; -$_lang['setting_error_page'] = 'Error Page'; +$_lang['setting_error_page'] = 'ID cторінки помилки'; $_lang['setting_error_page_desc'] = 'Enter the ID of the document you want to send users to if they request a document which doesn\'t actually exist (404 Page Not Found). NOTE: make sure this ID you enter belongs to an existing document, and that it has been published!'; $_lang['setting_error_page_err'] = 'Please specify a document ID that is the error page.'; $_lang['setting_ext_debug'] = 'ExtJS debug'; $_lang['setting_ext_debug_desc'] = 'Whether or not to load ext-all-debug.js to help debug your ExtJS code.'; -$_lang['setting_extension_packages'] = 'Extension Packages'; +$_lang['setting_extension_packages'] = 'Пакети розширень'; $_lang['setting_extension_packages_desc'] = 'A JSON array of packages to load on MODX instantiation. In the format [{"packagename":{"path":"path/to/package"}},{"anotherpackagename":{"path":"path/to/otherpackage"}}]'; $_lang['setting_enable_gravatar'] = 'Увімкнути Gravatar'; @@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ $_lang['setting_friendly_urls_desc'] = 'This allows you to use search engine friendly URLs with MODX. Please note, this only works for MODX installations running on Apache, and you\'ll need to write an .htaccess file for this to work. See the .htaccess file included in the distribution for more info.'; $_lang['setting_friendly_urls_err'] = 'Please state whether or not you want to use friendly URLs.'; -$_lang['setting_friendly_urls_strict'] = 'Use Strict Friendly URLs'; +$_lang['setting_friendly_urls_strict'] = 'Використовуйте суворі дружні URL-адреси'; $_lang['setting_friendly_urls_strict_desc'] = 'When friendly URLs are enabled, this option forces non-canonical requests that match a Resource to 301 redirect to the canonical URI for that Resource. WARNING: Do not enable if you use custom rewrite rules which do not match at least the beginning of the canonical URI. For example, a canonical URI of foo/ with custom rewrites for foo/bar.html would work, but attempts to rewrite bar/foo.html as foo/ would force a redirect to foo/ with this option enabled.'; $_lang['setting_global_duplicate_uri_check'] = 'Check for Duplicate URIs Across All Contexts'; @@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ $_lang['setting_lock_ttl'] = 'Lock Time-to-Live'; $_lang['setting_lock_ttl_desc'] = 'The number of seconds a lock on a Resource will remain for if the user is inactive.'; -$_lang['setting_log_level'] = 'Logging Level'; +$_lang['setting_log_level'] = 'Рівень журналювання'; $_lang['setting_log_level_desc'] = 'The default logging level; the lower the level, the fewer messages that are logged. Available options: 0 (FATAL), 1 (ERROR), 2 (WARN), 3 (INFO), and 4 (DEBUG).'; $_lang['setting_log_target'] = 'Logging Target'; @@ -363,17 +363,17 @@ $_lang['setting_mail_encoding'] = 'Mail Encoding'; $_lang['setting_mail_encoding_desc'] = 'Sets the Encoding of the message. Options for this are "8bit", "7bit", "binary", "base64", and "quoted-printable".'; -$_lang['setting_mail_use_smtp'] = 'Use SMTP'; +$_lang['setting_mail_use_smtp'] = 'Використовувати SMTP'; $_lang['setting_mail_use_smtp_desc'] = 'If true, MODX will attempt to use SMTP in mail functions.'; -$_lang['setting_mail_smtp_auth'] = 'SMTP Authentication'; +$_lang['setting_mail_smtp_auth'] = 'SMTP аутентифікація'; $_lang['setting_mail_smtp_auth_desc'] = 'Sets SMTP authentication. Utilizes the mail_smtp_user and mail_smtp_pass settings.'; $_lang['setting_mail_smtp_helo'] = 'SMTP Helo Message'; $_lang['setting_mail_smtp_helo_desc'] = 'Sets the SMTP HELO of the message (Defaults to the hostname).'; -$_lang['setting_mail_smtp_hosts'] = 'SMTP Hosts'; -$_lang['setting_mail_smtp_hosts_desc'] = 'Sets the SMTP hosts. All hosts must be separated by a semicolon. You can also specify a different port for each host by using this format: [hostname:port] (e.g., ";"). Hosts will be tried in order.'; +$_lang['setting_mail_smtp_hosts'] = 'SMTP хости'; +$_lang['setting_mail_smtp_hosts_desc'] = 'Встановлює SMTP хости. Всі хости повинні бути розділені крапкою з комою. Ви також можете вказати інший порт для кожного хоста, використовуючи цей формат: [ім\'я хоста:порт] (наприклад, ";"). Хости будуть випробувані в порядку.'; $_lang['setting_mail_smtp_keepalive'] = 'SMTP Keep-Alive'; $_lang['setting_mail_smtp_keepalive_desc'] = 'Prevents the SMTP connection from being closed after each mail sending. Not recommended.'; @@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ $_lang['setting_mail_smtp_timeout'] = 'SMTP Timeout'; $_lang['setting_mail_smtp_timeout_desc'] = 'Sets the SMTP server timeout in seconds. This function will not work in win32 servers.'; -$_lang['setting_mail_smtp_user'] = 'SMTP User'; +$_lang['setting_mail_smtp_user'] = 'SMTP користувач'; $_lang['setting_mail_smtp_user_desc'] = 'The user to authenticate to SMTP against.'; $_lang['setting_main_nav_parent'] = 'Main menu parent'; @@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ $_lang['setting_manager_date_format'] = 'Manager Date Format'; $_lang['setting_manager_date_format_desc'] = 'The format string, in PHP date() format, for the dates represented in the manager.'; -$_lang['setting_manager_favicon_url'] = 'Manager Favicon URL'; +$_lang['setting_manager_favicon_url'] = 'URL піктограми Менеджера'; $_lang['setting_manager_favicon_url_desc'] = 'If set, will load this URL as a favicon for the MODX manager. Must be a relative URL to the manager/ directory, or an absolute URL.'; $_lang['setting_manager_login_url_alternate'] = 'Alternate Manager Login URL'; @@ -441,10 +441,10 @@ $_lang['setting_manager_use_tabs'] = 'Use Tabs in Manager Layout'; $_lang['setting_manager_use_tabs_desc'] = 'If true, the manager will use tabs for rendering the content panes. Otherwise, it will use portals.'; -$_lang['setting_manager_week_start'] = 'Week start'; +$_lang['setting_manager_week_start'] = 'Початок тижня'; $_lang['setting_manager_week_start_desc'] = 'Define the day starting the week. Use 0 (or leave empty) for sunday, 1 for monday and so on...'; -$_lang['setting_mgr_tree_icon_context'] = 'Context tree icon'; +$_lang['setting_mgr_tree_icon_context'] = 'Значок контекстного дерева'; $_lang['setting_mgr_tree_icon_context_desc'] = 'Define a CSS class here to be used to display the context icon in the tree. You can use this setting on each context to customize the icon per context.'; $_lang['setting_mgr_source_icon'] = 'Media Source icon'; @@ -492,16 +492,16 @@ $_lang['setting_proxy_auth_type'] = 'Proxy Authentication Type'; $_lang['setting_proxy_auth_type_desc'] = 'Supports either BASIC or NTLM.'; -$_lang['setting_proxy_host'] = 'Proxy Host'; +$_lang['setting_proxy_host'] = 'Проксі сервер'; $_lang['setting_proxy_host_desc'] = 'If your server is using a proxy, set the hostname here to enable MODX features that might need to use the proxy, such as Package Management.'; -$_lang['setting_proxy_password'] = 'Proxy Password'; +$_lang['setting_proxy_password'] = 'Пароль проксі-сервера'; $_lang['setting_proxy_password_desc'] = 'The password required to authenticate to your proxy server.'; -$_lang['setting_proxy_port'] = 'Proxy Port'; +$_lang['setting_proxy_port'] = 'Порт проксі'; $_lang['setting_proxy_port_desc'] = 'The port for your proxy server.'; -$_lang['setting_proxy_username'] = 'Proxy Username'; +$_lang['setting_proxy_username'] = 'Ім\'я користувача проксі-сервера'; $_lang['setting_proxy_username_desc'] = 'The username to authenticate against with your proxy server.'; $_lang['setting_phpthumb_allow_src_above_docroot'] = 'phpThumb Allow src Above Document Root'; @@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ $_lang['setting_phpthumb_zoomcrop'] = 'phpThumb Zoom-Crop'; $_lang['setting_phpthumb_zoomcrop_desc'] = 'The default zc setting for phpThumb when used in MODX. Defaults to 0 to prevent zoom cropping.'; -$_lang['setting_publish_default'] = 'Published default'; +$_lang['setting_publish_default'] = 'Опубліковано за умовчанням'; $_lang['setting_publish_default_desc'] = 'Select \'Yes\' to make all new resources published by default.'; $_lang['setting_publish_default_err'] = 'Please state whether or not you want documents to be published by default.'; @@ -583,13 +583,13 @@ $_lang['setting_request_controller'] = 'Request Controller Filename'; $_lang['setting_request_controller_desc'] = 'The filename of the main request controller from which MODX is loaded. Most users can leave this as index.php.'; -$_lang['setting_request_method_strict'] = 'Strict Request Method'; +$_lang['setting_request_method_strict'] = 'Жорсткий метод запиту'; $_lang['setting_request_method_strict_desc'] = 'If enabled, requests via the Request ID Parameter will be ignored with FURLs enabled, and those via Request Alias Parameter will be ignored without FURLs enabled.'; $_lang['setting_request_param_alias'] = 'Request Alias Parameter'; $_lang['setting_request_param_alias_desc'] = 'The name of the GET parameter to identify Resource aliases when redirecting with FURLs.'; -$_lang['setting_request_param_id'] = 'Request ID Parameter'; +$_lang['setting_request_param_id'] = 'Параметр запиту ID'; $_lang['setting_request_param_id_desc'] = 'The name of the GET parameter to identify Resource IDs when not using FURLs.'; $_lang['setting_resource_tree_node_name'] = 'Resource Tree Node Field'; @@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ $_lang['setting_site_name'] = 'Назва сайту'; $_lang['setting_site_name_desc'] = 'Enter the name of your site here.'; -$_lang['setting_site_name_err'] = 'Please enter a site name.'; +$_lang['setting_site_name_err'] = 'Будь-ласка, введіть назву сайту.'; $_lang['setting_site_start'] = 'Site start'; $_lang['setting_site_start_desc'] = 'Enter the ID of the Resource you want to use as homepage here. NOTE: make sure this ID you enter belongs to an existing Resource, and that it has been published!'; @@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ $_lang['setting_symlink_merge_fields'] = 'Merge Resource Fields in Symlinks'; $_lang['setting_symlink_merge_fields_desc'] = 'If set to Yes, will automatically merge non-empty fields with target resource when forwarding using Symlinks.'; -$_lang['setting_syncsite_default'] = 'Empty Cache default'; +$_lang['setting_syncsite_default'] = 'Очистити кеш за замовчуванням'; $_lang['setting_syncsite_default_desc'] = 'Select \'Yes\' to empty the cache after you save a resource by default.'; $_lang['setting_syncsite_default_err'] = 'Please state whether or not you want to empty the cache after saving a resource by default.'; @@ -719,20 +719,20 @@ $_lang['setting_tree_default_sort'] = 'Resource Tree Default Sort Field'; $_lang['setting_tree_default_sort_desc'] = 'The default sort field for the Resource tree when loading the manager.'; -$_lang['setting_tree_root_id'] = 'Tree Root ID'; +$_lang['setting_tree_root_id'] = 'Кореневий ID дерева'; $_lang['setting_tree_root_id_desc'] = 'Set this to a valid ID of a Resource to start the left Resource tree at below that node as the root. The user will only be able to see Resources that are children of the specified Resource.'; $_lang['setting_tvs_below_content'] = 'Move TVs Below Content'; $_lang['setting_tvs_below_content_desc'] = 'Set this to Yes to move TVs below the Content when editing Resources.'; -$_lang['setting_ui_debug_mode'] = 'UI Debug Mode'; +$_lang['setting_ui_debug_mode'] = 'Режим налагодження інтерфейсу'; $_lang['setting_ui_debug_mode_desc'] = 'Set this to Yes to output debug messages when using the UI for the default manager theme. You must use a browser that supports console.log.'; $_lang['setting_unauthorized_page'] = 'Unauthorized page'; $_lang['setting_unauthorized_page_desc'] = 'Enter the ID of the Resource you want to send users to if they have requested a secured or unauthorized Resource. NOTE: Make sure the ID you enter belongs to an existing Resource, and that it has been published and is publicly accessible!'; $_lang['setting_unauthorized_page_err'] = 'Please specify a Resource ID for the unauthorized page.'; -$_lang['setting_upload_files'] = 'Uploadable File Types'; +$_lang['setting_upload_files'] = 'Завантажувані типи файлів'; $_lang['setting_upload_files_desc'] = 'Here you can enter a list of files that can be uploaded into \'assets/files/\' using the Resource Manager. Please enter the extensions for the filetypes, seperated by commas.'; $_lang['setting_upload_file_exists'] = 'Check if uploaded file exists'; @@ -769,10 +769,10 @@ $_lang['setting_user_nav_parent'] = 'User menu parent'; $_lang['setting_user_nav_parent_desc'] = 'The container used to pull all records for the user menu.'; -$_lang['setting_welcome_screen'] = 'Show Welcome Screen'; +$_lang['setting_welcome_screen'] = 'Показати заставку'; $_lang['setting_welcome_screen_desc'] = 'If set to true, the welcome screen will show on the next successful loading of the welcome page, and then not show after that.'; -$_lang['setting_welcome_screen_url'] = 'Welcome Screen URL'; +$_lang['setting_welcome_screen_url'] = 'URL заставки'; $_lang['setting_welcome_screen_url_desc'] = 'The URL for the welcome screen that loads on first load of MODX Revolution.'; $_lang['setting_welcome_action'] = 'Welcome Action'; @@ -805,10 +805,10 @@ $_lang['setting_log_snippet_not_found'] = 'Log snippets not found'; $_lang['setting_log_snippet_not_found_desc'] = 'If set to yes, snippets that are called but not found will be logged to the error log.'; -$_lang['setting_error_log_filename'] = 'Error log filename'; +$_lang['setting_error_log_filename'] = 'Ім\'я файлу журналу помилок'; $_lang['setting_error_log_filename_desc'] = 'Customize the filename of the MODX error log file (includes file extension).'; -$_lang['setting_error_log_filepath'] = 'Error log path'; +$_lang['setting_error_log_filepath'] = 'Шлях до журналу помилок'; $_lang['setting_error_log_filepath_desc'] = 'Optionally set a absolute path the a custom error log location. You might use placeholders like {cache_path}.'; $_lang['setting_passwordless_activated'] = 'Активувати вхід без пароля';