diff --git a/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/README.md b/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/README.md index 00a13b1..3199145 100644 --- a/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/README.md +++ b/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/README.md @@ -1,73 +1,403 @@ +# Shift-left demo - NestJS Order Service + +This application is a sample on how to integrate Microcks via Testcontainers within your development inner-loop. + +[NestJS](https://nestjs.com/) is a progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications. +

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- +## Application introduction + +This fictional application we're working on is a typical `Order Service` that can allow online, physical stores, or even +partners to place orders for our fresh-backed pastries! For that, the `Order Service` is exposing a REST API to its consumers +but also relies on an existing API we have [introduced in a previous post](https://medium.com/@lbroudoux/different-levels-of-api-contract-testing-with-microcks-ccc0847f8c97) 😉 -## Description +![Order Service ecosystem](./assets/order-service-ecosystem.png) -[Nest](https://github.com/nestjs/nest) framework TypeScript starter repository. +The `Order Service` application has been designed around 3 main components that are directly mapped on Spring Boot components and classes: +* The `OrderController` (in package `src/order/order.controller.ts`) is responsible for exposing an `Order API` to the outer world. This API is specified using the `test/resources/order-service-openapi.yaml` OpenAPI specification, +* The `OrderService` (in package `src/order/order.service.ts`) is responsible for implementing the business logic around the creation of orders. Typically, it checks that the products are available before recording an order. Otherwise, order cannot be placed, +* The `PastryAPIClient` (in package `src/pastry/pastry.service.ts`) is responsible for calling the `Pastry API` in *Product Domain* and get details or list of pastries. + +![Order Service architecture](./assets/order-service-architecture.png) + +Of course, this is a very naive vision of a real-life system as such an application would certainly pull out much more +dependencies (like a `Payment Service`, a `Customer Service`, a `Shipping Service`, and much more) and offer more complex API. +However, this situation is complex enough to highlight the two problems we're addressing: +1) How to **efficiently set up a development environment** that depends on third-party API like the Pastry API? +You certainly want to avoid cloning this component repository, figuring out how to launch it and configure it accordingly. As a developer, developing your own mock of this service makes you also lose time and risk drifting from initial intent, +2) How to **efficiently validate the conformance** of the `Order API` against business expectations and OpenAPI contract? +Besides the core business logic, you might want to validate the network and protocol serialization layers as well as the respect of HTTP semantics. ## Installation -```bash +Once this repository cloned on your local machine, you have to start with fetching the required dependencies: + +```shell $ npm install ``` -## Running the app +## Development phase -```bash -# development +Let's imagine you start an interactive development/testing session, running your local server with: + +```shell $ npm run start +==== OUTPUT ==== +> nest-order-service@0.0.1 start +> nest start + +[Nest] 82448 - 21/11/2023 09:50:19 LOG [NestFactory] Starting Nest application... +[Nest] 82448 - 21/11/2023 09:50:19 LOG [InstanceLoader] ConfigHostModule dependencies initialized +7ms +[Nest] 82448 - 21/11/2023 09:50:19 LOG [InstanceLoader] AppModule dependencies initialized +0ms +[Nest] 82448 - 21/11/2023 09:50:19 LOG [InstanceLoader] ConfigModule dependencies initialized +0ms +[Nest] 82448 - 21/11/2023 09:50:19 LOG [InstanceLoader] PastryModule dependencies initialized +0ms +[Nest] 82448 - 21/11/2023 09:50:19 LOG [InstanceLoader] OrderModule dependencies initialized +0ms +[Nest] 82448 - 21/11/2023 09:50:19 LOG [RoutesResolver] AppController {/}: +6ms +[Nest] 82448 - 21/11/2023 09:50:19 LOG [RouterExplorer] Mapped {/, GET} route +1ms +[Nest] 82448 - 21/11/2023 09:50:19 LOG [RoutesResolver] OrderController {/orders}: +0ms +[Nest] 82448 - 21/11/2023 09:50:19 LOG [RouterExplorer] Mapped {/orders, POST} route +1ms +[Nest] 82448 - 21/11/2023 09:50:19 LOG [NestApplication] Nest application successfully started +1ms +``` + +You can start Microcks as a utility tool with this simple command `microcks.sh`. Microcks docker-compose file (`microcks-docker-compose.yml`) +has been configured to automatically import the `Order API` contract but also the `Pastry API` contracts. Both APIs are discovered on startup +and Microcks UI should be available on `http://localhost:9090` in your browser: + +```shell +$ ./microcks.sh +==== OUTPUT ==== +[+] Running 3/2 + ✔ Network nest-boot-order-service_default Created 0.0s + ✔ Container nest-order-service-microcks-1 Created 0.0s + ✔ Container nest-order-service-importer-1 Created 0.0s +Attaching to nest-order-service-importer-1, nest-order-service-microcks-1 +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | exec java -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:GCTimeRatio=4 -XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight=90 -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=20 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=40 -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError -cp . -jar /deployments/app.jar +nest-order-service-importer-1 | Got error when invoking Microcks client retrieving config: Get "http://microcks:8080/api/keycloak/config": dial tcp connect: connection refused +nest-order-service-importer-1 exited with code 1 +nest-order-service-importer-1 | Got error when invoking Microcks client retrieving config: Get "http://microcks:8080/api/keycloak/config": dial tcp connect: connection refused +nest-order-service-importer-1 exited with code 1 +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | . ____ _ __ _ _ +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \ +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | ( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \ +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | \\/ ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| | ) ) ) ) +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | ' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / / +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | =========|_|==============|___/=/_/_/_/ +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | :: Spring Boot :: (v3.1.1) +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | 08:56:15.437 INFO 1 --- [ main] i.g.microcks.MicrocksApplication : Starting MicrocksApplication using Java 17.0.9 with PID 1 (/deployments/app.jar started by ? in /deployments) +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | 08:56:15.439 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] i.g.microcks.MicrocksApplication : Running with Spring Boot v3.1.1, Spring v6.0.10 +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | 08:56:15.439 INFO 1 --- [ main] i.g.microcks.MicrocksApplication : The following 1 profile is active: "uber" +nest-order-service-importer-1 | Got error when invoking Microcks client retrieving config: Get "http://microcks:8080/api/keycloak/config": dial tcp connect: connection refused +nest-order-service-importer-1 exited with code 1 +nest-order-service-importer-1 | Got error when invoking Microcks client retrieving config: Get "http://microcks:8080/api/keycloak/config": dial tcp connect: connection refused +nest-order-service-importer-1 exited with code 1 +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | 08:56:16.718 INFO 1 --- [ main] i.g.microcks.config.WebConfiguration : Starting web application configuration, using profiles: [uber] +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | 08:56:16.719 INFO 1 --- [ main] i.g.microcks.config.WebConfiguration : Web application fully configured +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | 08:56:16.758 INFO 1 --- [ main] i.g.m.c.EmbeddedMongoConfiguration : Creating a new embedded Mongo Java Server with in-memory persistence +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | 08:56:16.874 INFO 1 --- [ main] de.bwaldvogel.mongo.MongoServer : started MongoServer(port: 35781, ssl: false) +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | 08:56:16.940 INFO 1 --- [ main] org.mongodb.driver.client : MongoClient with metadata {"driver": {"name": "mongo-java-driver|sync", "version": "4.9.1"}, "os": {"type": "Linux", "name": "Linux", "architecture": "aarch64", "version": "5.15.49-linuxkit-pr"}, "platform": "Java/Red Hat, Inc./17.0.9+9-LTS"} created with settings MongoClientSettings{readPreference=primary, writeConcern=WriteConcern{w=null, wTimeout=null ms, journal=null}, retryWrites=true, retryReads=true, readConcern=ReadConcern{level=null}, credential=null, streamFactoryFactory=null, commandListeners=[], codecRegistry=ProvidersCodecRegistry{codecProviders=[ValueCodecProvider{}, BsonValueCodecProvider{}, DBRefCodecProvider{}, DBObjectCodecProvider{}, DocumentCodecProvider{}, CollectionCodecProvider{}, IterableCodecProvider{}, MapCodecProvider{}, GeoJsonCodecProvider{}, GridFSFileCodecProvider{}, Jsr310CodecProvider{}, JsonObjectCodecProvider{}, BsonCodecProvider{}, EnumCodecProvider{}, com.mongodb.client.model.mql.ExpressionCodecProvider@4afd21c6, com.mongodb.Jep395RecordCodecProvider@4d0753c9]}, loggerSettings=LoggerSettings{maxDocumentLength=1000}, clusterSettings={hosts=[localhost:35781], srvServiceName=mongodb, mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, requiredReplicaSetName='null', serverSelector='null', clusterListeners='[]', serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', localThreshold='30000 ms'}, socketSettings=SocketSettings{connectTimeoutMS=10000, readTimeoutMS=0, receiveBufferSize=0, sendBufferSize=0}, heartbeatSocketSettings=SocketSettings{connectTimeoutMS=10000, readTimeoutMS=10000, receiveBufferSize=0, sendBufferSize=0}, connectionPoolSettings=ConnectionPoolSettings{maxSize=100, minSize=0, maxWaitTimeMS=120000, maxConnectionLifeTimeMS=0, maxConnectionIdleTimeMS=0, maintenanceInitialDelayMS=0, maintenanceFrequencyMS=60000, connectionPoolListeners=[], maxConnecting=2}, serverSettings=ServerSettings{heartbeatFrequencyMS=10000, minHeartbeatFrequencyMS=500, serverListeners='[]', serverMonitorListeners='[]'}, sslSettings=SslSettings{enabled=false, invalidHostNameAllowed=false, context=null}, applicationName='null', compressorList=[], uuidRepresentation=UNSPECIFIED, serverApi=null, autoEncryptionSettings=null, contextProvider=null} +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | 08:56:16.948 INFO 1 --- [er-worker1] d.b.m.wire.MongoWireProtocolHandler : client [id: 0xff8d5ff5, L:/ - R:/] connected +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | 08:56:16.948 INFO 1 --- [er-worker2] d.b.m.wire.MongoWireProtocolHandler : client [id: 0x4c3662c5, L:/ - R:/] connected +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | 08:56:16.998 INFO 1 --- [host:35781] org.mongodb.driver.cluster : Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:35781, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=6, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=null, roundTripTimeNanos=58685042} +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | 08:56:17.226 INFO 1 --- [ main] i.g.m.config.AICopilotConfiguration : AICopilot is disabled +nest-order-service-importer-1 | Got error when invoking Microcks client retrieving config: Get "http://microcks:8080/api/keycloak/config": dial tcp connect: connection refused +nest-order-service-importer-1 exited with code 1 +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | 08:56:17.514 INFO 1 --- [ main] i.g.m.util.grpc.GrpcServerStarter : GRPC Server started on port 9090 +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | 08:56:17.581 INFO 1 --- [ main] i.g.m.config.SecurityConfiguration : Starting security configuration +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | 08:56:17.582 INFO 1 --- [ main] i.g.m.config.SecurityConfiguration : Keycloak is disabled, permitting all requests +nest-order-service-microcks-1 | 08:56:17.931 INFO 1 --- [ main] i.g.microcks.MicrocksApplication : Started MicrocksApplication in 2.682 seconds (process running for 3.201) +[...] +nest-order-service-importer-1 | Microcks has discovered 'Order Service API:0.1.0' +[...] +nest-order-service-importer-1 | Microcks has discovered 'API Pastries:0.0.1' +[...] +nest-order-service-importer-1 | Microcks has discovered 'API Pastries:0.0.1' +[...] +nest-order-service-importer-1 exited with code 0 +``` + +Because our `Order Service` application has been configured to talk to Microcks mocks (see the default settings in `src/pastry/pastry.module.ts`), +you should be able to directly call the Order API and invoke the whole chain made of the 3 components: + +```shell +$ curl -XPOST localhost:3000/orders -H 'Content-type: application/json' \ + -d '{"customerId": "lbroudoux", "productQuantities": [{"productName": "Millefeuille", "quantity": 1}], "totalPrice": 10.1}' +==== OUTPUT ==== +{"id":"dade7d85694","status":"CREATED","customerId":"lbroudoux","productQuantities":[{"productName":"Millefeuille","quantity":1}],"totalPrice":10.1} +``` + +## Unit Test phase + +In addition, Microcks can also be launched automatically within your unit tests using [Testcontainers](https://testcontainers.com/). +Microcks provides a [`microcks-testcontainers-node`](https://github.com/microcks/microcks-testcontainers-node) module you can integrate in Jest tests. +Check the `package.json` of this project to see how to declare dependencies. + +### Mock your dependencies + +In the case you're using Jest, the plumbing happens in the `beforeAll()` function where you start Microcks and import the artifacts you'll need in your tests to mock the `Pastry API` dependency: + +```typescript +beforeAll(async () => { + // Start container and load artifacts. + container = await new MicrocksContainer() + .withMainArtifacts([path.resolve(resourcesDir, 'apipastries-openapi.yml')]) + .withSecondaryArtifacts([path.resolve(resourcesDir, 'apipastries-postman-collection.json')]) + .start(); + + // Custom NestJS module init. + [...] +}); +``` + +Once the Microcks container is started, we then need to update the `pastries.baseurl` application property that is used by the `PastryService` component to know the endpoint of this external API. Here, we have to replace the one defined in the default module sources by a new URL directly provided by the Microcks container: + +```typescript +const module: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({ + imports: [ConfigModule.forRoot({ + load: [() => ({ + 'pastries.baseurl': container.getRestMockEndpoint('API Pastries', '0.0.1') + })], + })], + providers: [PastryService], +}).compile(); +``` + +Finally, we can define our unit test method that allow checking that the `PastryService` (here via the `service` reference) is working as expected: + +```typescript +it('should retrieve pastries by size', async () => { + let pastries: Pastry[] = await service.getPastries('S'); + expect(pastries.length).toBe(1); +}); +``` + +Do not forget then to stop and tear down resources at the end of the tests: + +```typescript +afterAll(async () => { + // Now stop the container. + await container.stop(); +}); +``` + +### OpenAPI contract testing + +Remember the 2 problems we're trying to solve here? The 2nd one is about how to validate the conformance of the `Order API` we'll +expose to consumers. We certainly can write an integration test that uses [Supertest](https://github.com/ladjs/supertest) or other libraries +to invoke the exposed Http layer and validate each and every response with assertions like: + +```typescript +describe('GET /users', function() { + it('responds with json', async function() { + const response = await request(app) + .get('/users') + .set('Accept', 'application/json') + expect(response.headers["Content-Type"]).toMatch(/json/); + expect(response.status).toEqual(200); + expect(response.body.email).toEqual('foo@bar.com'); + }); +}); +``` + +This certainly works but presents 2 problems in my humble opinion: +* It's a lot of code to write! And it's apply to each API interaction because for each interaction it's probably a good idea to +check the structure of same objects in the message. This lead to a fair amount of code! +* The code you write here is actually a language specific translation of the OpenAPI specification for the `Order API`: so the same +"rules" get duplicated. Whether you edit the code or the OpenAPI spec first, high are the chances you get some drifts between your test +suite and the specification you will provide to consumers! -# watch mode -$ npm run start:dev +Microcks Testcontainer integration provides another approach by letting you reuse the OpenAPI specification directly in your test suite, +without having to write assertions and validation of messages for API interaction. -# production mode -$ npm run start:prod +In the case you're using Jest, the plumbing happens in the `beforeAll()` function where you start Microcks and import the artifacts you'll need in your tests to mock the `Pastry API` dependency but also the `Order Service` OpenAPI specification so that Microcks know your test suite "rules". The little difference here is that this container must have access to the host you're running your unit/integration test on: + +```typescript +beforeAll(async () => { + // Find a free port in a range and expose this port to testcontainers. + appPort = (await findFreePorts(1, {startPort: 3000, endPort: 3100}))[0]; + await TestContainers.exposeHostPorts(appPort); + + // Start container and load artifacts. + container = await new MicrocksContainer() + .withMainArtifacts([ + path.resolve(resourcesDir, 'order-service-openapi.yml'), + path.resolve(resourcesDir, 'apipastries-openapi.yml') + ]) + .withSecondaryArtifacts([path.resolve(resourcesDir, 'apipastries-postman-collection.json')]) + .start(); + + // Start our application configuring it to resolve Microcks mocks for pastries. + const moduleFixture: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({ + imports: [ + ConfigModule.forRoot({ + load: [() => ({ + 'pastries.baseurl': container.getRestMockEndpoint('API Pastries', '0.0.1') + })], + }), AppModule], + }).compile(); + + app = moduleFixture.createNestApplication(); + await app.listen(appPort); +}); +``` + +> You may check the `test/orders.api.e2e-spec.ts` file for full source code. + +Then, we can define our unit test method that allow checking that the `OrderController` (here via the `testEndpoint` value) +is conformant with the OpenAPI specification for `Order Service`, version `0.1.0`. The nice thing is that it's just one call for validating +all the interactions with the API. That method is also super easy to enrich in the future: when the next `0.2.0` version of the API will +be under-development, you'll be able to check the conformance with both `0.1.0` and `0.2.0` as per the semantic versioning requirements. + +```typescript +it('should conform to OpenAPI spec', async () => { + var testRequest: TestRequest = { + serviceId: "Order Service API:0.1.0", + runnerType: TestRunnerType.OPEN_API_SCHEMA, + testEndpoint: "http://host.testcontainers.internal:" + appPort, + timeout: 3000 + }; + + var testResult = await container.testEndpoint(testRequest); + + console.log(JSON.stringify(testResult)); + + expect(testResult.success).toBe(true); + expect(testResult.testCaseResults.length).toBe(1); + expect(testResult.testCaseResults[0].testStepResults.length).toBe(2); +}); +``` + +> Note we're using the special `host.testcontainers.internal` hostname that is your running host hostname that can be reached out +from the Microcks container. Remember that it's this container that is actually calling the `OrderController` API. + +For more information on the `TestResult` class and the available properties, please check the [`microcks-testcontainers-node`](https://github.com/microcks/microcks-testcontainers-node) documentation. + +Finally, do not forget then to stop and tear down resources at the end of the tests: + +```typescript +afterAll(async () => { + // Now stop the container and the network. + await container.stop(); + await app.close(); +}); +``` + +You can run this test with following command to expect a result similar to this one below: + +```shell +$ npm run test:e2e -- --runTestsByPath test/orders.api.e2e-spec.ts +==== OUTPUT ==== +> nest-order-service@0.0.1 test:e2e +> jest --config ./test/jest-e2e.json --runInBand --runTestsByPath test/orders.api.e2e-spec.ts + + console.log + {"id":"655c81f3de496e494b7485af","version":2,"testNumber":1,"testDate":1700561395445,"testedEndpoint":"http://host.testcontainers.internal:3009","serviceId":"655c81f3de496e494b748596","timeout":3000,"elapsedTime":72,"success":true,"inProgress":false,"runnerType":"OPEN_API_SCHEMA","testCaseResults":[{"success":true,"elapsedTime":72,"operationName":"POST /orders","testStepResults":[{"success":true,"elapsedTime":52,"requestName":"invalid_order","message":""},{"success":true,"elapsedTime":20,"requestName":"valid_order","message":""}]}]} + + at Object. (orders.api.e2e-spec.ts:69:15) + + PASS test/orders.api.e2e-spec.ts (7.36 s) + OrderController (e2e) + ✓ should conform to OpenAPI spec (607 ms) + +Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total +Tests: 1 passed, 1 total +Snapshots: 0 total +Time: 7.409 s, estimated 11 s +Ran all test suites within paths "test/orders.api.e2e-spec.ts". ``` -## Test +### Postman-based contract testing + +Contract-testing may mean a bunch of different things, and you may not have an OpenAPI specification or it may be not enough to validate all your API rules. Luckily, Microcks allows to implement different levels of contract-testing [as introduced in this blog post](https://medium.com/@lbroudoux/different-levels-of-api-contract-testing-with-microcks-ccc0847f8c97). -```bash -# unit tests -$ npm run test +In our case, we want to perform additional checks on our API: we want to be sure that when it responds "OK, the order was created" (Http status code `201`), the order has actually been created with the same products and quantities that those in the incoming request. In order to do that, we can use a Postman Collection containing scripts with assertions. That's the purpose of the `test/resources/order-service-postman-collection.json` file. We're going to run and validate this Postman Collection in a new test. -# e2e tests -$ npm run test:e2e +During the initialisation of a Jest test in the `beforeAll()` function, we're now going to use a `MicrocksContainersEnsemble` instead of a single `MicrocksContainer`. This will allow us to beenfit from advanced fetaures like the Postman integration. An `ensemble` proposed the same interface as the single `container` and you have to load your artifacts - including the new `order-service-postman-collection.json`: -# test coverage -$ npm run test:cov +```typescript +beforeAll(async () => { + [...] + + // Start ensemble and load artifacts. + network = await new Network().start(); + ensemble = await new MicrocksContainersEnsemble(network) + .withMainArtifacts([ + path.resolve(resourcesDir, 'order-service-openapi.yml'), + path.resolve(resourcesDir, 'apipastries-openapi.yml') + ]) + .withSecondaryArtifacts([ + path.resolve(resourcesDir, 'order-service-postman-collection.json'), + path.resolve(resourcesDir, 'apipastries-postman-collection.json') + ]) + .start(); + + [...] +}); ``` -## Support +> You may check the `test/orders.api.postman.e2e-spec.ts` file for full source code. + +Then, we can define our unit test method that allow checking that the `OrderController` (here via the `testEndpoint` value) +is conformant with the Postman Collection loaded for `Order Service`, version `0.1.0`. We're doing that by changing the `runnerType` to specify the `POSTMAN` strategy. The nice thing is that it's still just one call for validating all the interactions with the API - but this time, you'll have to call `ensemble.getMicrocksContainer().testEndpoint()` as shown below: -Nest is an MIT-licensed open source project. It can grow thanks to the sponsors and support by the amazing backers. If you'd like to join them, please [read more here](https://docs.nestjs.com/support). +```typescript +it ('should conform to Postman rules', async () => { + var testRequest: TestRequest = { + serviceId: "Order Service API:0.1.0", + runnerType: TestRunnerType.POSTMAN, + testEndpoint: "http://host.testcontainers.internal:" + appPort, + timeout: 3000 + }; -## Stay in touch + var testResult = await ensemble.getMicrocksContainer().testEndpoint(testRequest); -- Author - [Kamil Myśliwiec](https://kamilmysliwiec.com) -- Website - [https://nestjs.com](https://nestjs.com/) -- Twitter - [@nestframework](https://twitter.com/nestframework) + console.log(JSON.stringify(testResult)); + + expect(testResult.success).toBe(true); + expect(testResult.testCaseResults.length).toBe(1); + expect(testResult.testCaseResults[0].testStepResults.length).toBe(2); +}); +``` -## License +Finally, do not forget then to stop and tear down resources at the end of the tests: + +```typescript +afterAll(async () => { + // Now stop the ensemble and the network. + await ensemble.stop(); + await network.stop(); + await app.close(); +}); +``` + +You can run this test with following command to expect a result similar to this one below: + +```shell +$ npm run test:e2e -- --runTestsByPath test/orders.api.postman.e2e-spec.ts +==== OUTPUT ==== +> nest-order-service@0.0.1 test:e2e +> jest --config ./test/jest-e2e.json --runInBand --runTestsByPath test/orders.api.postman.e2e-spec.ts + + console.log + {"id":"655c85f4876c364024107d3e","version":2,"testNumber":1,"testDate":1700562420235,"testedEndpoint":"http://host.testcontainers.internal:3009","serviceId":"655c85f3876c364024107d24","timeout":3000,"elapsedTime":65,"success":true,"inProgress":false,"runnerType":"POSTMAN","testCaseResults":[{"success":true,"elapsedTime":65,"operationName":"POST /orders","testStepResults":[{"success":true,"elapsedTime":51,"requestName":"invalid_order"},{"success":true,"elapsedTime":14,"requestName":"valid_order"}]}]} + + at Object. (orders.api.postman.e2e-spec.ts:68:15) + + PASS test/orders.api.postman.e2e-spec.ts (9.316 s) + OrderController (e2e) + ✓ should conform to Postman rules (1965 ms) + +Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total +Tests: 1 passed, 1 total +Snapshots: 0 total +Time: 9.357 s, estimated 11 s +Ran all test suites within paths "test/orders.api.postman.e2e-spec.ts". +``` -Nest is [MIT licensed](LICENSE). +> `npm run test:e2e` command doesn't work at the moment because of conflicts when chaining e2e tests. We're working on this case. diff --git a/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/assets/order-service-architecture.png b/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/assets/order-service-architecture.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7e8cee Binary files /dev/null and b/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/assets/order-service-architecture.png differ diff --git a/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/assets/order-service-ecosystem.png b/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/assets/order-service-ecosystem.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..860e890 Binary files /dev/null and b/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/assets/order-service-ecosystem.png differ diff --git a/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/microcks-docker-compose.yml b/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/microcks-docker-compose.yml index 538afa8..4b358f2 100644 --- a/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/microcks-docker-compose.yml +++ b/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/microcks-docker-compose.yml @@ -5,12 +5,11 @@ services: restart: on-failure image: quay.io/microcks/microcks-cli:latest volumes: - - "./src/main/resources:/resources" - - "./src/test/resources/third-parties:/third-parties" + - "./test/resources:/resources" entrypoint: - microcks-cli - import - - '/resources/order-service-openapi.yaml:true,/third-parties/apipastries-openapi.yaml:true,/third-parties/apipastries-postman-collection.json:false' + - '/resources/order-service-openapi.yml:true,/resources/apipastries-openapi.yml:true,/resources/apipastries-postman-collection.json:false' - --microcksURL=http://microcks:8080/api - --insecure - --keycloakClientId=foo diff --git a/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/src/order/entities/order-status.ts b/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/src/order/entities/order-status.ts index 4048cdf..f4cfec7 100644 --- a/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/src/order/entities/order-status.ts +++ b/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/src/order/entities/order-status.ts @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ export enum OrderStatus { - CREATED, - VALIDATED, - CANCELED, - FAILED + CREATED = 'CREATED', + VALIDATED = 'VALIDATED', + CANCELED = 'CANCELED', + FAILED = 'FAILED' } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/src/pastry/pastry.module.ts b/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/src/pastry/pastry.module.ts index f32df9b..9014817 100644 --- a/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/src/pastry/pastry.module.ts +++ b/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/src/pastry/pastry.module.ts @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import { PastryService } from './pastry.service'; @Module({ imports: [ConfigModule.forRoot({ load: [() => ({ - 'pastries.baseurl': 'http://localhost:4000/api' + 'pastries.baseurl': 'http://localhost:9090/rest/API+Pastries/0.0.1' })], })], providers: [PastryService], diff --git a/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/src/pastry/pastry.service.spec.ts b/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/src/pastry/pastry.service.spec.ts index 4354248..f83b57f 100644 --- a/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/src/pastry/pastry.service.spec.ts +++ b/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/src/pastry/pastry.service.spec.ts @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ describe('PastryService', () => { let container: StartedMicrocksContainer; let service: PastryService; - beforeEach(async () => { + beforeAll(async () => { // Start container and load artifacts. container = await new MicrocksContainer() .withMainArtifacts([path.resolve(resourcesDir, 'apipastries-openapi.yml')]) @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ describe('PastryService', () => { service = module.get(PastryService); }); - afterEach(async () => { + afterAll(async () => { // Now stop the container. await container.stop(); }); diff --git a/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/test/orders.api.e2e-spec.ts b/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/test/orders.api.e2e-spec.ts index ea9dae1..993d618 100644 --- a/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/test/orders.api.e2e-spec.ts +++ b/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/test/orders.api.e2e-spec.ts @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ describe('OrderController (e2e)', () => { let app: INestApplication; let appPort: number; - beforeEach(async () => { + beforeAll(async () => { appPort = (await findFreePorts(1, {startPort: 3000, endPort: 3100}))[0]; await TestContainers.exposeHostPorts(appPort); @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ describe('OrderController (e2e)', () => { await app.listen(appPort); }); - afterEach(async () => { + afterAll(async () => { // Now stop the container and the network. await container.stop(); await app.close(); diff --git a/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/test/orders.api.postman.e2e-spec.ts b/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/test/orders.api.postman.e2e-spec.ts index cd693ec..12d141f 100644 --- a/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/test/orders.api.postman.e2e-spec.ts +++ b/shift-left-demo/nest-order-service/test/orders.api.postman.e2e-spec.ts @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ describe('OrderController (e2e)', () => { let app: INestApplication; let appPort: number; - beforeEach(async () => { + beforeAll(async () => { appPort = (await findFreePorts(1, {startPort: 3000, endPort: 3100}))[0]; await TestContainers.exposeHostPorts(appPort); @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ describe('OrderController (e2e)', () => { await app.listen(appPort); }); - afterEach(async () => { + afterAll(async () => { // Now stop the ensemble and the network. await ensemble.stop(); await network.stop();