Here you can find examples of how to use Mcproxy within Mininet.
You have to install Mininet, which can usually be done with the following command:
sudo apt-get install mininet
Also, you have to compile the Mcproxy and the Mcproxy Tester (see README).
For Mininet you need a root shell:
sudo su
To run the network simulation type:
If you have problems to start mininet, try:
killall ovs-controller
mn -c
The topologie of the PMIPv6 example discribed by the file pmipv6/ looks like this:
On the boxes LMA, MAG1, and MAG2 runs a single proxy instance each working on a different multicast routing table. The behaviour of every instance is described in the configuration files lma.conf, mag1.conf, mag2.conf. Host1 sends data of the group to the interface host1-eth0 and Host2 receives hopefully these data on inteface host2-eth0. The exact behaviours of the hosts are described in the file tester.ini.
The topologie of the Multi Upstream example discribed by the file multi_upstream/ is shown in the following figure: