diff --git a/hooks/tk-multi-publish2/maya/publish_files_integ.py b/hooks/tk-multi-publish2/maya/publish_files_integ.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..546887419
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/tk-multi-publish2/maya/publish_files_integ.py
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Shotgun Software Inc.
+# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit
+# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
+# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
+# agreement to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit Source Code License. All rights
+# not expressly granted therein are reserved by Shotgun Software Inc.
+import os
+import maya.cmds as cmds
+import maya.mel as mel
+import sgtk
+from dd.runtime import api
+import frangetools
+HookBaseClass = sgtk.get_hook_baseclass()
+DEFAULT_CAMERAS = ['persp',
+ 'top',
+ 'front',
+ 'side']
+class MayaPublishFilesDDIntegValidationPlugin(HookBaseClass):
+ """
+ Inherits from MayaPublishPlugin
+ """
+ @property
+ def description(self):
+ """
+ Verbose, multi-line description of what the plugin does. This can
+ contain simple html for formatting.
+ """
+ desc = super(MayaPublishFilesDDIntegValidationPlugin, self).description
+ return desc + "
" + """
+ Validation checks before a file is published.
+ """
+ def _build_dict(self, seq, key):
+ """
+ Creating a dictionary based on a key.
+ :param seq: list of dictionaries
+ :param key: dictionary key from which to create the dictionary
+ :return: dict with information arranged based on that particular key
+ """
+ return dict((d[key], dict(d, index=index)) for (index, d) in enumerate(seq))
+ def _framerange_of_sequence(self, item):
+ """
+ Since users have the option to render only a subset of frames,
+ adding validation to check if the full frame range is being published.
+ :param item: Item to process
+ :return: True if yes false otherwise
+ """
+ lss_path = item.properties['path']
+ lss_data = frangetools.getSequence(lss_path)
+ info_by_path = self._build_dict(lss_data, key="path")
+ missing_frames = info_by_path.get(lss_path)['missing_frames']
+ if missing_frames:
+ self.logger.error("Incomplete playblast! All the frames are not the playblast.")
+ return False
+ else:
+ # If there are no missing frames, checking if the start and end frames match with playblast settings.
+ # This is being directly checked with playblast settings in the scene since
+ # _sync_frame_range_with_shotgun() will ensure playblast frame range is synced with shotgun
+ import pymel.core as pm
+ playback_start = pm.playbackOptions(q=True, minTime=True)
+ playback_end = pm.playbackOptions(q=True, maxTime=True)
+ collected_playblast_firstframe = info_by_path.get(lss_path)['frame_range'][0]
+ collected_playblast_lastframe = info_by_path.get(lss_path)['frame_range'][1]
+ if (collected_playblast_firstframe != playback_start) or (collected_playblast_lastframe != playback_end):
+ self.logger.error("Incomplete playblast! All the frames are not in the playblast.")
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _sync_frame_range_with_shotgun(self, item):
+ """
+ Checks whether frame range is in sync with shotgun.
+ :param item: Item to process
+ :return: True if yes false otherwise
+ """
+ context = item.context
+ entity = context.entity
+ # checking entity validity
+ if entity:
+ frame_range_app = self.parent.engine.apps.get("tk-multi-setframerange")
+ sg_entity_type = entity["type"]
+ sg_filters = [["id", "is", entity["id"]]]
+ in_field = frame_range_app.get_setting("sg_in_frame_field")
+ out_field = frame_range_app.get_setting("sg_out_frame_field")
+ fields = [in_field, out_field]
+ # get the field information from shotgun based on Shot
+ # sg_cut_in and sg_cut_out info will be on Shot entity, so skip in case this info is not present
+ # or if the sg_head_in or sg_tail_out is empty, skip the check
+ data = self.sgtk.shotgun.find_one(sg_entity_type, filters=sg_filters, fields=fields)
+ if in_field not in data or out_field not in data:
+ return True
+ elif in_field is None or out_field is None:
+ return True
+ # Check if playback_start or animation_start is not in sync with shotgun
+ # Similarly if animation_start or animation_start is not in sync with shotgun
+ import pymel.core as pm
+ playback_start = pm.playbackOptions(q=True, minTime=True)
+ playback_end = pm.playbackOptions(q=True, maxTime=True)
+ animation_start = pm.playbackOptions(q=True, animationStartTime=True)
+ animation_end = pm.playbackOptions(q=True, animationEndTime=True)
+ if playback_start != data[in_field] or playback_end != data[out_field]:
+ self.logger.error("Frame range not synced with Shotgun.")
+ return False
+ if animation_start != data[in_field] or animation_end != data[out_field]:
+ self.logger.error("Frame range not synced with Shotgun.")
+ return False
+ return True
+ return True
+ def _extra_nodes_outside_track_geo(self):
+ """
+ Check for nodes, apart from groups and camera lying outside of TRACK_GEO node
+ :return: True if yes false otherwise
+ """
+ children = cmds.listRelatives('TRACK_GEO', c=True)
+ # Subtracting group nodes, cameras and child nodes of TRACK_GEO from the list of dag nodes.
+ # This is to get extra nodes present outside TRACK_GEO
+ if children:
+ extras = list(set(cmds.ls(tr=True, dag=True)) - set(GROUP_NODES) - set(cmds.listCameras()) - set(children))
+ else:
+ extras = list(set(cmds.ls(tr=True, dag=True)) - set(GROUP_NODES) - set(cmds.listCameras()))
+ if extras:
+ self.logger.error("Nodes present outside TRACK_GEO.",
+ extra={
+ "action_show_more_info": {
+ "label": "Show Info",
+ "tooltip": "Show the extra nodes",
+ "text": "Nodes outside TRACK_GEO:\n{}".format("\n".join(extras))
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _track_geo_locked_channels(self):
+ """Check for locked channels for all nodes under the group TRACK_GEO.
+ :param:
+ nodes: list of nodes under TRACK_GEO
+ :return: True if yes false otherwise
+ """
+ children = cmds.listRelatives('TRACK_GEO', c=True)
+ if children:
+ locked = ""
+ for node in children:
+ # For each node, list out attributes which are locked
+ lock_per_node = cmds.listAttr(node, l=True)
+ if lock_per_node:
+ locked += "\n" + node + " ---> " + ", ".join(lock_per_node)
+ # If there are locked channels, error message with node name and locked attribute name(s).
+ if locked:
+ self.logger.error("Locked channels detected.",
+ extra={
+ "action_show_more_info": {
+ "label": "Show Info",
+ "tooltip": "Show the node and locked channels",
+ "text": "Locked channels:\n{}".format(locked)
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ return False
+ return True
+ return True
+ def _track_geo_child_naming(self):
+ """Checks if the name of nodes under TRACK_GEO are prefixed with 'integ_'.
+ :param:
+ track_geo: nodes under TRACK_GEO
+ :return: True if yes false otherwise
+ """
+ # Nodes under TRACK_GEO group
+ children = cmds.listRelatives('TRACK_GEO', c=True)
+ error_names = ""
+ # if there are nodes under TRACK_GEO, check for one without prefix "integ_"
+ if children:
+ for child in children:
+ # If the name doesn't start with integ_ add node name to errorNames
+ if child[:6] != "integ_":
+ error_names += "\n" + child
+ if error_names:
+ self.logger.error("Incorrect Naming! Node name should start with integ_.",
+ extra={
+ "action_show_more_info": {
+ "label": "Show Info",
+ "tooltip": "Show the node with incorrect naming",
+ "text": "Nodes with incorrect naming:\n{}".format(error_names)
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _check_hierarchy(self, group_nodes):
+ """Checks the hierarchy of group nodes in the scene.
+ :param:
+ group_nodes: the list of nodes in the scene
+ :return: True if yes false otherwise
+ """
+ for name in range(len(group_nodes) - 1):
+ # Listing children of group nodes
+ children = cmds.listRelatives(group_nodes[name], c=True)
+ # group_nodes is arranged in hierarchical order i.e. the next node should be the child of previous
+ if children and (group_nodes[name + 1] in children):
+ if name == 'SET_TO_WORLD' and 'CAM' in children:
+ continue
+ else:
+ hierarchy = "WORLDSCALE\n|__SET_TO_WORLD\n" + " " + "|__TRACK_GEO\n" + " " + "|__CAM"
+ self.logger.error("Incorrect hierarchy.",
+ extra={
+ "action_show_more_info": {
+ "label": "Show Info",
+ "tooltip": "Show the required hierarchy",
+ "text": "Required hierarchy:\n\n{}".format(hierarchy)
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _connected_image_plane(self):
+ camshape = cmds.listRelatives(CAMERA_NAME, s=True, c=True)[0]
+ connections = cmds.listConnections(camshape + '.imagePlane', source=True, type='imagePlane')
+ if not connections:
+ self.logger.error("Image plane not attached to CAM.")
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _camera_naming(self):
+ """Checks the naming of the camera.
+ :param:
+ group_nodes: The list of nodes that should be in the scene. This will be
+ used to check node hierarchy once camera naming is validated.
+ :return: True if yes false otherwise
+ """
+ # Look for all the cameras present in the scene
+ all_cameras = cmds.listCameras()
+ # Remove the default_cameras from the list
+ main_cam = list(set(all_cameras) - set(DEFAULT_CAMERAS))
+ if main_cam:
+ if len(main_cam) > 1:
+ # Checking if more than one CAM present
+ self.logger.error("More the one camera detected. Only CAM should be present.")
+ return False
+ elif main_cam[0] != CAMERA_NAME:
+ # Validating camera name
+ self.logger.error("Incorrect camera name! Should be CAM.")
+ return False
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("Camera (CAM) not present in the scene.")
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _node_naming(self, groups):
+ """Checking if the established group node names have not been tampered with.
+ :param:
+ group_nodes: group nodes to be present in the scene
+ groups: group nodes that are actually present
+ :return: True if yes false otherwise
+ """
+ # Check for extra group nodes apart from the ones in group_nodes
+ extras = list(set(groups) - set(GROUP_NODES))
+ # check for any group nodes apart from the once mentioned
+ if extras:
+ self.logger.error("Incorrect naming or extra group nodes present in the scene.",
+ extra={
+ "action_show_more_info": {
+ "label": "Show Info",
+ "tooltip": "Show the conflicting group nodes",
+ "text": "Please check the group nodes:\n{}".format("\n".join(extras)) +
+ "\n\nOnly following group nodes should be present:\n{}".format(
+ "\n".join(GROUP_NODES))
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ return False
+ # check if any of the required group nodes are missing
+ elif not set(GROUP_NODES).issubset(set(groups)):
+ self.logger.error("Please ensure all the group nodes are present.",
+ extra={
+ "action_show_more_info": {
+ "label": "Show Info",
+ "tooltip": "Group nodes",
+ "text": "Following group nodes should be present:\n{}".format(
+ "\n".join(GROUP_NODES))
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ return False
+ return True
+ @staticmethod
+ def _is_group(node=None):
+ """Check for all the group nodes present in the scene.
+ :param:
+ node: all the nodes in the scene
+ :return: True if yes false otherwise
+ """
+ if cmds.nodeType(node) != "transform":
+ return False
+ children = cmds.listRelatives(node, c=True)
+ if not children:
+ return True
+ for c in children:
+ if cmds.nodeType(c) != 'transform':
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ def validate(self, task_settings, item):
+ """
+ Validates the given item to check that it is ok to publish. Returns a
+ boolean to indicate validity.
+ :param task_settings: Dictionary of Settings. The keys are strings, matching
+ the keys returned in the settings property. The values are `Setting`
+ instances.
+ :param item: Item to process
+ :returns: True if item is valid, False otherwise.
+ """
+ all_dag_nodes = cmds.ls(dag=True, sn=True)
+ groups = [g for g in all_dag_nodes if self._is_group(g)]
+ status = True
+ # Checks for the scene file, i.e if the item is not a sequence or a cache file
+ if item.type == "file.maya":
+ nodes = self._node_naming(groups) and \
+ self._check_hierarchy(groups) and \
+ self._track_geo_child_naming() and \
+ self._track_geo_locked_channels()and \
+ self._extra_nodes_outside_track_geo() and \
+ self._sync_frame_range_with_shotgun(item)
+ cam = self._camera_naming() and self._connected_image_plane()
+ status = nodes and cam and status
+ elif item.properties['is_sequence']:
+ sequences = self._framerange_of_sequence(item)
+ status = sequences and status
+ if not status:
+ return status
+ return super(MayaPublishFilesDDIntegValidationPlugin, self).validate(task_settings, item)