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DataONE Dash Production Release Criteria |
/release-criteria/ |
The following features should be tested, documented, and available as a precondition to the production release of DataONE Dash.
- DataONE support in all three parallel Dash VM instances (,,, each configured with the full technology stack:
- Apache 2.4.x SSL-enabled, reverse proxy web server
- Ruby 2.x
- Rails 3.x application framework
- Unicorn 4.x web server
- XTF 3.1
- Tomcat
- J2SE 1.5.0 or newer
- Python 2.7.6 for metadata harvester
- Server certificates
- Start-up scripts (init.d)
- Codebase managed in GitHub repositories, one each for ingest, harvest, and XTF, but all under the umbrella of a common UC3 dash administrative user.
- Deployment scripts for infrastructure (puppet).
- Deployment scripts for application and brochure pages (capistrano).
Standardized submission agreement & data use agreement (CC-0)
- Maximum size of individual dataset files and datasets
- Maximum size of individual campus collections
- No price model necessary since storage paid for by UNM
- URL:
- DataONE logo in all headers (ingest and XTF).
- “Contact us” in all footers goes to UC3 email only (not DataONE)
- Attribution in all footers, e.g., “DataONE Dash is a collaborative project of the DataONE project, University of New Mexico, and UC3”.
- DataONE-specific text for About and FAQ pages.
- OAuth-based authentication with Google credentials, supported in the Ruby/Rails application using the OmniAuth gem.
- File browse and drag-and-drop dataset selection, subject to maximum dataset and file size limits.
- Metadata entry form, with tooltip for each element:
- Title
- Data type - pick list
- Author (repeatable)
- Keywords (3 required + repeatable)
- Abstract
- Methods
- Link (repeatable): identifier + identifier type (pick list) + description (pick list)
- Identifier
- Funder
- Grant number
- Auto-filled fields in metadata:
- Date - YYYY
- Institution - ONEShare
- Rights - CC-0
- Rights URI -
- Opportunity to review metadata and add/delete files prior to submission.
- Automated packaging and submission to the Merritt ONEShare collection.
Creation of equivalent DataCite and Dublin Core metadata files, see the crosswalk
Creation of the DataONE manifest file. There will be a pair of lines (one for “mrt-datacite.xml” and one for “mrt-dc.xml”) for each data file in the submission.
<code>#%dataonem_0.1 #%profile | #%prefix | dom: | #%prefix | mrt: | #%fields | dom:scienceMetadataFile | dom:scienceMetadataFormat | dom:scienceDataFile | mrt:mimeType mrt-datacite.xml | | <u>file</u> | text/xml mrt-dc.txt | | <u>file</u> | text/xml ... #%eof</code>
Discovery: Faceted XTF search and browse, with faceting of all DataCite metadata elements.
- Pages for “About”, “Terms of service”, “FAQ”, “Policies” in all footers.
- “Contact Us” page
- OAuth-based authentication with Google credentials, supported in the Ruby/Rails application with the OmniAuth gem.
- Merritt ONEShare user role account.
- Public Merritt ONEShare collection (already existing).
- Submission profile for the ONEShare collection, using the VM-based storage service ( to deposit data in the UNM storage node with assigned DOIs and register with the Merritt member node. [Work with Mark to modify the existing DataUp profile]
- EZID DOI minter for ONEShare. DataONE will become an EZID member.
- Maximum size of individual campus collections.
- Cron job for Python harvesting script.
- Groundwork/Nagios monitors.
- Weekly report of the total and incremental number and size of datasets by campus/Merritt collection, mailed to designated campus contacts.