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File metadata and controls

190 lines (147 loc) · 7.44 KB


By default, the mainnet bcoin config files will reside in ~/.bcoin/bcoin.conf and ~/.bcoin/wallet.conf. Any parameter passed to bcoin at startup will have precedence over the config file. Even if you are just running bcoin-cli or bwallet-cli (to access a remote server, for example) the configuration files would still reside in ~/.bcoin/

For example:

bcoin --network=regtest --api-key=menace --daemon

...will read the config file at ~/.bcoin/regtest/bcoin.conf and ignore any network or api-key parameters listed in that file.

All bcoin configuration options work in the config file, CLI arguments, process environment, and in the constructor parameters when instantiating new node objects in JavaScript. Each method has slightly different formatting. Note specifically the usage of hyphens and capital letters.

See the examples below:

config file CLI parameter environment variable JS object constructor
network: testnet --network=testnet BCOIN_NETWORK=testnet {network: 'testnet'}
log-level: debug --log-level=debug BCOIN_LOG_LEVEL=debug {logLevel: 'debug'}
max-outbound: 8 --max-outbound=8 BCOIN_MAX_OUTBOUND=8 {maxOutbound: 8}


Bcoin's data directory is determined by the prefix option.


$ bcoin --prefix ~/.bcoin_spv --spv

Will create a datadir of ~/.bcoin_spv, containing a chain database, wallet database and log file.

Common options

  • config: Points to a custom config file, not in the prefix directory.
  • network: Which network's chainparams to use for the node (main, testnet, regtest, or simnet) (default: main).
  • workers: Whether to use a worker process pool for transaction verification (default: true).
  • workers-size: Number of worker processes to spawn for transaction verification. By default, the worker pool will be sized based on the number of CPUs/cores in the machine.
  • workers-timeout: Worker process execution timeout in milliseconds (default: 120000).
  • sigcache-size: Max number of items in signature cache.

Node options

  • prefix: The data directory (stores databases, logs, and configs) (default=~/.bcoin).
  • db: Which database backend to use (default=leveldb).
  • max-files: Max open files for leveldb. Higher generally means more disk page cache benefits, but also more memory usage (default: 64).
  • cache-size: Size (in MB) of leveldb cache and write buffer (default: 32mb).
  • spv: Enable Simplified Payments Verification (SPV) mode

Note: The spv and daemon options can not be entered in bcoin.conf. They will only work when passed as a launch argument:

bcoin --spv --daemon

Logger options

  • log-level: error, warning, info, debug, or spam (default: debug).
  • log-console: true or false - whether to actually write to stdout/stderr if foregrounded (default: true).
  • log-file: Whether to use a log file (default: true).

Chain options

Note that certain chain options affect the format and indexing of the chain database and must be passed in consistently.

  • prune: Prune from the last 288 blocks (default: false).
  • checkpoints: Use checkpoints and getheaders for the initial sync (default: true).
  • index-tx: Index transactions (enables transaction endpoints in REST api) (default: false).
  • index-address: Index transactions and utxos by address (default: false).

Mempool options

  • mempool-size: Max mempool size in MB (default: 100).
  • replace-by-fee: Allow replace-by-fee transactions (default: false).
  • persistent-mempool: Save mempool to disk and read into memory on boot (default: false).

Pool options

  • selfish: Enable "selfish" mode (no relaying of txes or blocks) (default: false).
  • compact: Enable compact block relay (default: true).
  • bip37: Enable serving of bip37 merkleblocks (default: false).
  • listen: Accept incoming connections (default: true).
  • max-outbound: Max number of outbound connections (default: 8).
  • max-inbound: Max number of inbound connections (default: 8).
  • seeds: Custom list of DNS seeds (comma-separated).
  • host: Host to listen on (default:
  • port: Port to listen on (default: 8333).
  • public-host: Public host to advertise on network.
  • public-port: Public port to advertise on network.
  • nodes: List of target nodes to connect to (comma-separated).
  • only: List of nodes to ONLY connect to (no other nodes or dns seeds will be contacted).

Miner options

  • coinbase-flags: Coinbase flags (default: mined by bcoin).
  • coinbase-address: List of payout addresses, randomly selected during block creation (comma-separated).
  • max-block-weight: Max block weight to mine (default: 4000000).
  • reserved-block-weight: Amount of space reserved for coinbase (default: 4000).
  • reserved-block-sigops: Amount of sigops reserved for coinbase (default: 400).


  • http-host: HTTP host to listen on (default:
  • http-port: HTTP port to listen on (default: 8332 for mainnet).
  • ssl-cert: Path to SSL cert.
  • ssl-key: Path to SSL key.
  • service-key: Service key (used for accessing wallet system only).
  • api-key: API key (used for accessing all node APIs, may be different than API key for wallet server).
  • cors: Enable "Cross-Origin Resource Sharing" HTTP headers (default: false).

Note: For security cors should not be used with no-auth.
If enabled you should also enable wallet-auth and set api-key.

Wallet options

These options must be saved in wallet.conf. They can also be passed as environment variables or command-line variables if they are preceeded with a wallet- prefix. (See

For example, to run a bcoin and wallet node on a remote server that you can access from a local machine, you would launch bcoin with the command:

bcoin --network=testnet --http-host= --wallet-http-host= --wallet-api-key=hunter2 --wallet-wallet-auth=true

Bcoin client:

  • node-host: Location of bcoin node HTTP server (default: localhost).
  • node-port: Port of bcoin node HTTP server (defaults to RPC port of network).
  • node-ssl: Whether to use SSL (default: false).
  • node-api-key: API-key for bcoin HTTP server.

Wallet database:

  • memory: Keep database in memory rather than write to disk.
  • max-files: Max open files for leveldb.
  • cache-size: Size (in MB) of leveldb cache and write buffer.
  • witness: Make SegWit enabled wallets.
  • checkpoints: Trust hard-coded blockchain checkpoints.

Wallet http server:

  • ssl: Whether to use SSL (default: false).
  • ssl-key: Path to SSL key.
  • ssl-cert: Path to SSL cert.
  • http-host: HTTP host to listen on (default:
  • http-port: HTTP port to listen on (default: 8334 for mainnet).
  • api-key: API key (used for accessing all wallet APIs, may be different than API key for node server).
  • cors: Enable "Cross-Origin Resource Sharing" HTTP headers (default: false).
  • no-auth: Disable auth for API server and wallets (default: false).
  • wallet-auth: Enable token auth for wallets (default: false).
  • admin-token: Token required if wallet-auth is enabled: restricts access to all wallet admin routes.

Sample config files