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345 lines (235 loc) · 12.2 KB

File metadata and controls

345 lines (235 loc) · 12.2 KB

2.1.4 (In progress)

2.1.3 (February 24th, 2016)

  • Ensures Unix line ending are used when generating env scripts (autoenv and bash).

2.1.2 (January 12th, 2015)

  • Fixed indifferent access inside arrays. Array elements of type Hash are now converted to Bag instances (recursively). This fix the indifferent access of Bag elements inside arrays.

    Fixes issue #27.

2.1.1 (December 2nd, 2014)

  • Permit numeric keys in bag. They are converted to symbol like others.

    Fixes issue #26.

  • Removed old code that was switching YAML engine to syck when it was available.

    Fixes issue #14 again.

  • Fixed auto export variables on vagrant provision feature. The initial release is not working correctly.

  • Changed how module shortcut is defined. The shortcut is now defined inside the class using it to avoid already defined warnings.

    Fixes issue #24.

2.1.0 (November 1st, 2014)

  • Added possibility to specify the script path where to generate the environment commands (export/unset) when using the vagrant user env command.

  • Added possibility to automatically export variables on vagrant provision. This can be used by specifying config.user.auto_export = <format> in your Vagrantfile where can be one of:

    • false => No auto export (default value).
    • :autoenv => Export to autoenv script format.
    • :script => Export to a bash script file.
    • [:autoenv, :script] => export both format.

    The default generated script path is "./". You can change the default script name by specifying the configuration key config.user.auto_export_script_path in your Vagrantfile:

    config.user.auto_export_script_path = "./script/"

    Contributed by @ruifil.

2.0.2 (July 13th, 2014)

  • Fixed a bug when using some vagrant commands. The code to retrieve the Vagrantfile name was not accurate in respect to where it was copied. When the env variable VAGRANT_VAGRANTFILE is set, it then must be wrapped inside an array.

    Fixes issue #21.

2.0.1 (July 10th, 2014)

  • Fixed a bug when using the plugin. A require clause was missing, it was working when doing commands but not when using Vagrant directly.

    Fixes issue #20.

2.0.0 (July 9th, 2014)

  • Fixed retrieval of current directory for .vagrantuser. The directory is now that same as the one of the Vagrantfile. Rules have been copied for Vagrant's one, hence, the behavior should be the same.

  • Fixed bad implementation of config class ::Vagrant.plugin("2", :config) where merge was not implemented and was causing errors. Now, all objects (i.e. Config, Bag and Parameters implements merge and merge! correctly).

  • Added possibility to change array merge strategy. This can be used in Vagrant by doing config.user.array_merge_strategy = <strategy> where valid strategies are:

    • :replace => Replace current values by new ones
    • :extend => Merge current values with new ones
    • :concat => Append new values to current ones
  • Better handling in Vagrant of cases where the vagrant user file cannot be parsed correctly. This is now reported as an error in Vagrant an nicely displayed with the path of the offending file and the parser error message.

  • Better handling of how global Nugrant options are passed and handled. Everything is now located in the Nugrant::Config object and used by everything that need some configuration parameters.

  • It is now possible to customize key error handling by passing an options hash with key :key_error and a Proc value.

  • Improved command vagrant user parameters. The command now checks if restricted keys are used and prints a warning when it's the case.

  • Added a new command vagrant user restricted-keys that prints the keys that are restricted, i.e. that cannot be accessed using method access syntax.

  • Added possibility to specify merge strategy to use when merging two arrays together.

Backward Incompatibilities

  • Removed deprecated --script argument from vagrant user env command.

  • Support for Ruby <= 1.9.2 has been dropped. This is not a problem when using Nugrant as a Vagrant plugin. Use branch 1.x if you can't upgrade to Ruby >= 1.9.3.

  • Support for Vagrant 0.x has been dropped. This means that Nugrant 2.x will not load if installed in a Vagrant 0.x environment. Use branch 1.x if you can't upgrade to Vagrant 1.x.

  • Bag and Parameters and Vagrant configuration object config.user are now Enumerable.

    This change has implications on the resolving process of the variables that are stored in the Bag when using the dot syntax ( in your code and Vagrantfiles. By using this syntax with version 2.0, some keys will collapse with the internal object's methods. In fact, it was already the case before but to a much smaller scope because object were not enumerable.

    The number of conflicts should be rather low because the restricted keys are not commonly used as parameter name. The list of the restricted keys is the following:

    !, !=, !~, <=>, ==, ===, =~, [], __all, __current, __defaults,
    __id__, __send__, __system, __user, _detected_errors, _finalize!,
    all?, any?, chunk, class, clear!, clone, collect, collect_concat,
    compute_all!, compute_bags!, count, cycle, defaults, defaults=,
    define_singleton_method, detect, display, drop, drop_while, dup,
    each, each_cons, each_entry, each_slice, each_with_index,
    each_with_object, empty?, entries, enum_for, eql?, equal?, extend,
    finalize!, find, find_all, find_index, first, flat_map, freeze,
    frozen?, gem, grep, group_by, has?, hash, include?, inject,
    inspect, instance_eval, instance_exec, instance_of?,
    instance_variable_defined?, instance_variable_get,
    instance_variable_set, instance_variables, instance_variables_hash,
    is_a?, kind_of?, lazy, map, max, max_by, member?, merge, merge!,
    method, method_missing, methods, min, min_by, minmax, minmax_by,
    nil?, none?, object_id, one?, partition, private_methods,
    protected_methods, psych_to_yaml, public_method, public_methods,
    public_send, reduce, reject, remove_instance_variable, respond_to?,
    reverse_each, select, send, set_options, singleton_class,
    singleton_methods, slice_before, sort, sort_by, suppress_warnings,
    taint, tainted?, take, take_while, tap, to_a, to_enum, to_hash,
    to_json, to_s, to_set, to_yaml, to_yaml_properties, trust, untaint,
    untrust, untrusted?, validate, zip
  • The Parameter class has a new API.

  • The Bag class has a new API.

1.4.2 (January 11th, 2014)

  • Fixed Vagrant user config class to make the has? method available to people using Vagrant. This considered has a bug fix because using has? was not working anyway before.

1.4.1 (December 15th, 2013)

  • Fixed a superfluous warning message when using ruby >= 2.0.0 which is now the default when installing Vagrant >= 1.4.0 (at least on Windows).

1.4.0 (November 28th, 2013)

  • Adding support to export to an autoenv file. See GH-13.

  • Deprecated usage of -s, --script option for command vagrant user env. This was replaced by the more generic and extensible -f, --format FORMAT option. The -s, --script option will be removed in 2.0.

1.3.0 (November 19th, 2013)

  • Now using minitest as our testing library.

  • Added a new command that can be used either standalone or via a small bash script to easily export environment variables from your currently set parameters. See GH-13.

  • Keys associated to a null value are considered as being missing by the merge process. It is still possible to define a null parameter, but it will be overridden by any parameter and will not override any. See GH-12.

  • Fixed output of command vagrant user parameters, the keys were serialized as symbol instead of string.

1.2.0 (October 24th, 2013)

  • Now showing better error message to the end-user when a parameter cannot be found. The message displays which key could not be found. Moreover, we show the context within the Vagrantfile where we think the error occurred:

    Nugrant: Parameter 'param' was not found, is it defined in
    your .vagrantuser file? Here where we think the error
    could be in your Vagrantfile:
     1:     Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
     2:>>     puts config.user.param
     3:     end

    See [GH-8] (#8).

  • Ensured that keys used within a Bag are always symbol. This make sure that it is possible to retrieve a value with any access method. See GH-9.

  • Now using multi_json for JSON handling.

1.1.0 (May 17th, 2013)

  • Rewrite completely classes Parameters and Bag.

  • Reduced chances to have a parameter name collapsing with an implementation method.

  • Removed dependency on deep_merge. We do now perform our own merge.

  • Added possibility to iterate through keys by using .each:

    config.user.local.each do |name, value|
      puts "Key #{name}: #{value}"

Backward Incompatibilities

  • Parameters is not extending the Bag class anymore.

  • Parameters and Bag attributes and methods are now almost all prefixed with __ to reduce clashes to a minimum when accessing parameters with method-like syntax (i.e. parameters.git.master instead of parameters['git']['master'])

1.0.1 (April 9th, 2013)

  • Fixed a crash when user config value is nil preventing vagrant user parameters from working as expected. See GH-4.

  • Fixed a bug preventing the version from being printed when doing vagrant user -v.

1.0.0 (March 21th, 2013)

  • For now on, this gem will follow semantic versioning.
  • Refactored how Vagrant plugin is architectured.
  • Now supporting Vagrant 1.1.x (Plugin version "2").


  • Renamed ParameterBag to Bag

  • Cleanup Bag api

  • Renamed method has_param? to has_key? in Bag

  • Removed method get_params from Bag


  • Cleanup Parameters and ParameterBag interface

  • The method defaults has been removed from the bag

  • Setting defaults on Parameters now recompute the final bag

  • Improved vagrant user parameters command

  • Now using the exact config as seen by Vagrant, this includes defaults parameters

  • An option has been added to only see defaults parameters


  • Added travis configuration file

  • Added travis build status icon to readme

  • Fixed a bug when .vagrantuser file is empty or not a hash type

  • Improved parameters command

  • The parameters command is now a proper subcommand

  • An option has been added to see system parameters

  • An option has been added to see user parameters

  • An option has been added to see project parameters


  • Updated README file for installation via


  • Added a subcommand parameters for vagrant command user

  • Added a vagrant command vagrant user subcommand [options]


  • Fixed a bug with the new default values implementation


  • Introduced possibility to set default values

  • Introduced restricted keys (For now, restricted keys are [defaults]).

  • Fixed a bug with system-wide parameters


  • YAML is back as the default file format for parameters


  • Fixed a bug on ruby 1.8.7 which doesn't have yaml included in its load path by default


  • Introduced system-wide parameters file


  • JSON is now the default file format for parameters (due to problem with YAML)

  • It is now possible to store parameters in the JSON format