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R4DS Study Group - Week 44

Pierrette Lo 2/5/2021

This week’s assignment

  • Chapter 15


  1. There is, of course, a cheat sheet:

  2. I realized that my previous attempts to use factors had problems because I had confused base R factor() with the functions in the tidyverse {forcats} package.

Basically, forcats allows you to do the same things with factors but makes it harder to mess up.

Specifically, if you want to “recode” factor levels so they display nicely, factor() requires you to specify levels and labels, whereas forcats::fct_recode only requires levels.

Note that in either case, you’re not changing the data itself - just how the values in the data are categorized.

Example, copied from

## Warning: package 'gapminder' was built under R version 4.0.3
## [1] "Africa"   "Americas" "Asia"     "Europe"   "Oceania"
#base R's factor()
gapminder %>%
  mutate(continent = factor(continent,  
                            #all existing unique values/levels you want to use
                            #need to be specified
                            levels = c("Africa", "Americas", "Asia", "Europe", "Oceania"),
                            #one label per level needs to be specified, in the
                            #same order as the levels
                            labels = c("Africa", "N&S America", "Asia", "Europe", "Australia"))
         ) %>%
  boxplot(lifeExp ~ continent, data = .) 

#using forcats::fct_recode()
gapminder %>%
  mutate(continent = fct_recode(continent,
                                #only the value(s) you want to recode need to be specified
                                #"new value" = "old value"
                                "N&S America" = "Americas",
                                "Australia" = "Oceania")
         ) %>%
  boxplot(lifeExp ~ continent, data = .) 

Exercises 15.3.1 (General Social Survey)

  1. Explore the distribution of rincome (reported income). What makes the default bar chart hard to understand? How could you improve the plot?
##  [1] "No answer"      "Don't know"     "Refused"        "$25000 or more"
##  [5] "$20000 - 24999" "$15000 - 19999" "$10000 - 14999" "$8000 to 9999" 
##  [9] "$7000 to 7999"  "$6000 to 6999"  "$5000 to 5999"  "$4000 to 4999" 
## [13] "$3000 to 3999"  "$1000 to 2999"  "Lt $1000"       "Not applicable"
gss_cat %>% 
  ggplot(aes(y = rincome)) +

The non-dollar amount categories should be grouped together at the start (ie. the bottom of the y axis).

Also, Refused/Don’t know/No answer could probably be lumped together. These functions are explained the next section.

gss_cat %>% 
  mutate(rincome = fct_other(rincome, 
                             drop = c("Refused", "Don't know", "No answer"), 
                             other_level = "Refused/Don't know/ No answer"),
         rincome = fct_relevel(rincome, "Not applicable", "Refused/Don't know/ No answer")) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(y = rincome)) +

  1. What is the most common relig in this survey? What’s the most common partyid?


gss_cat %>% 
  ggplot(aes(y = fct_infreq(relig))) +

# OR

fct_count(gss_cat$relig, sort = TRUE)
## # A tibble: 16 x 2
##    f                           n
##    <fct>                   <int>
##  1 Protestant              10846
##  2 Catholic                 5124
##  3 None                     3523
##  4 Christian                 689
##  5 Jewish                    388
##  6 Other                     224
##  7 Buddhism                  147
##  8 Inter-nondenominational   109
##  9 Moslem/islam              104
## 10 Orthodox-christian         95
## 11 No answer                  93
## 12 Hinduism                   71
## 13 Other eastern              32
## 14 Native american            23
## 15 Don't know                 15
## 16 Not applicable              0


gss_cat %>% 
  ggplot(aes(y = fct_infreq(partyid))) +

# OR

fct_count(gss_cat$partyid, sort = TRUE)
## # A tibble: 10 x 2
##    f                      n
##    <fct>              <int>
##  1 Independent         4119
##  2 Not str democrat    3690
##  3 Strong democrat     3490
##  4 Not str republican  3032
##  5 Ind,near dem        2499
##  6 Strong republican   2314
##  7 Ind,near rep        1791
##  8 Other party          393
##  9 No answer            154
## 10 Don't know             1
  1. Which relig does denom (denomination) apply to? How can you find out with a table? How can you find out with a visualisation?

Table method:

denominations <- gss_cat %>%
  select (relig, denom) %>%   filter(!denom %in% c(
    "No answer", "Other", "Don't know", "Not applicable",
    "No denomination"
  )) %>% count(relig, denom)
## # A tibble: 25 x 3
##    relig      denom                    n
##    <fct>      <fct>                <int>
##  1 Protestant Episcopal              397
##  2 Protestant Presbyterian-dk wh     244
##  3 Protestant Presbyterian, merged    67
##  4 Protestant Other presbyterian      47
##  5 Protestant United pres ch in us   110
##  6 Protestant Presbyterian c in us   104
##  7 Protestant Lutheran-dk which      267
##  8 Protestant Evangelical luth       122
##  9 Protestant Other lutheran          30
## 10 Protestant Wi evan luth synod      71
## # ... with 15 more rows
#check levels of denom

##  [1] "No answer"            "Don't know"           "No denomination"     
##  [4] "Other"                "Episcopal"            "Presbyterian-dk wh"  
##  [7] "Presbyterian, merged" "Other presbyterian"   "United pres ch in us"
## [10] "Presbyterian c in us" "Lutheran-dk which"    "Evangelical luth"    
## [13] "Other lutheran"       "Wi evan luth synod"   "Lutheran-mo synod"   
## [16] "Luth ch in america"   "Am lutheran"          "Methodist-dk which"  
## [19] "Other methodist"      "United methodist"     "Afr meth ep zion"    
## [22] "Afr meth episcopal"   "Baptist-dk which"     "Other baptists"      
## [25] "Southern baptist"     "Nat bapt conv usa"    "Nat bapt conv of am" 
## [28] "Am bapt ch in usa"    "Am baptist asso"      "Not applicable"
gss_cat %>% 
  # lump the "non_denom" levels together
  mutate(denom = fct_other(denom, 
                           drop = c("No answer", "Don't know", "No denomination", 
                                    "Other", "Not applicable"),
                            other_level = "non_denom")) %>% 
  # now lump together everything that ISN'T non_denom
  mutate(denom = fct_other(denom, 
                           keep = "non_denom", 
                           other_level = "has_denom")) %>% 
  count(denom, relig)
## # A tibble: 16 x 3
##    denom     relig                       n
##    <fct>     <fct>                   <int>
##  1 non_denom No answer                  93
##  2 non_denom Don't know                 15
##  3 non_denom Inter-nondenominational   109
##  4 non_denom Native american            23
##  5 non_denom Christian                 689
##  6 non_denom Orthodox-christian         95
##  7 non_denom Moslem/islam              104
##  8 non_denom Other eastern              32
##  9 non_denom Hinduism                   71
## 10 non_denom Buddhism                  147
## 11 non_denom Other                     224
## 12 non_denom None                     3523
## 13 non_denom Jewish                    388
## 14 non_denom Catholic                 5124
## 15 non_denom Protestant               3821
## 16 has_denom Protestant               7025

Visual method:

gss_cat %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = relig, y = denom)) + 
  geom_point() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))

Exercises 15.4.1 (Modifying factor order)

  1. There are some suspiciously high numbers in tvhours. Is the mean a good summary?

Median is probably better than mean if there are a lot of outliers, but in this case there doesn’t seem to be a huge difference between mean (2.98) and median (2).

# look at distribution

gss_cat %>% 
  ggplot(aes(tvhours)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 1)
## Warning: Removed 10146 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).

# check mean & median

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
##   0.000   1.000   2.000   2.981   4.000  24.000   10146
  1. For each factor in gss_cat identify whether the order of the levels is arbitrary or principled.

“Arbitrary” vs. “principled” factor order isn’t really defined here, and this textbook seems to be the only place where these terms are used.

I decided to use these definitions:

  • Strictly “ordered” factor = order of levels was specified when the factor was created; is.ordered(my_factor) will return TRUE
  • “Principled” = levels can/should be organized according to a principle
  • “Arbitrary” = order doesn’t matter

A quick way to check out factors in your data is to use the {skimr} package:

Name gss_cat
Number of rows 21483
Number of columns 9
Column type frequency:
factor 6
numeric 3
Group variables None

Data summary

Variable type: factor

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate ordered n_unique top_counts
marital 0 1 FALSE 6 Mar: 10117, Nev: 5416, Div: 3383, Wid: 1807
race 0 1 FALSE 3 Whi: 16395, Bla: 3129, Oth: 1959, Not: 0
rincome 0 1 FALSE 16 $25: 7363, Not: 7043, $20: 1283, $10: 1168
partyid 0 1 FALSE 10 Ind: 4119, Not: 3690, Str: 3490, Not: 3032
relig 0 1 FALSE 15 Pro: 10846, Cat: 5124, Non: 3523, Chr: 689
denom 0 1 FALSE 30 Not: 10072, Oth: 2534, No : 1683, Sou: 1536

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
year 0 1.00 2006.50 4.45 2000 2002 2006 2010 2014 ▇▃▇▂▆
age 76 1.00 47.18 17.29 18 33 46 59 89 ▇▇▇▅▂
tvhours 10146 0.53 2.98 2.59 0 1 2 4 24 ▇▂▁▁▁

None of the 6 factor variables are “strictly ordered”.

Get the names of all factor levels using the {purrr} package (will be covered in Chapter 21, Iteration).

gss_cat %>% 
  # keep only variables that are factors
  keep(is.factor) %>% 
  # apply the `levels()` function to each remaining column
## $marital
## [1] "No answer"     "Never married" "Separated"     "Divorced"     
## [5] "Widowed"       "Married"      
## $race
## [1] "Other"          "Black"          "White"          "Not applicable"
## $rincome
##  [1] "No answer"      "Don't know"     "Refused"        "$25000 or more"
##  [5] "$20000 - 24999" "$15000 - 19999" "$10000 - 14999" "$8000 to 9999" 
##  [9] "$7000 to 7999"  "$6000 to 6999"  "$5000 to 5999"  "$4000 to 4999" 
## [13] "$3000 to 3999"  "$1000 to 2999"  "Lt $1000"       "Not applicable"
## $partyid
##  [1] "No answer"          "Don't know"         "Other party"       
##  [4] "Strong republican"  "Not str republican" "Ind,near rep"      
##  [7] "Independent"        "Ind,near dem"       "Not str democrat"  
## [10] "Strong democrat"   
## $relig
##  [1] "No answer"               "Don't know"             
##  [3] "Inter-nondenominational" "Native american"        
##  [5] "Christian"               "Orthodox-christian"     
##  [7] "Moslem/islam"            "Other eastern"          
##  [9] "Hinduism"                "Buddhism"               
## [11] "Other"                   "None"                   
## [13] "Jewish"                  "Catholic"               
## [15] "Protestant"              "Not applicable"         
## $denom
##  [1] "No answer"            "Don't know"           "No denomination"     
##  [4] "Other"                "Episcopal"            "Presbyterian-dk wh"  
##  [7] "Presbyterian, merged" "Other presbyterian"   "United pres ch in us"
## [10] "Presbyterian c in us" "Lutheran-dk which"    "Evangelical luth"    
## [13] "Other lutheran"       "Wi evan luth synod"   "Lutheran-mo synod"   
## [16] "Luth ch in america"   "Am lutheran"          "Methodist-dk which"  
## [19] "Other methodist"      "United methodist"     "Afr meth ep zion"    
## [22] "Afr meth episcopal"   "Baptist-dk which"     "Other baptists"      
## [25] "Southern baptist"     "Nat bapt conv usa"    "Nat bapt conv of am" 
## [28] "Am bapt ch in usa"    "Am baptist asso"      "Not applicable"

I would say rincome has a mostly principled order (salary bins). partyid seems somewhat organized into Republican, Independent, and Democrat meta-groupings. The rest seem arbitrary.

  1. Why did moving “Not applicable” to the front of the levels move it to the bottom of the plot?

Behind the scenes, R associates each factor level with an integer. Moving a level to the “front” makes it level #1. Levels are plotted by their associated integers, so level #1 will be at the bottom of the y axis.

This is well illustrated in the cheat sheet.

Notice how the levels of a factor are numbered:

## [1] "No answer"     "Never married" "Separated"     "Divorced"     
## [5] "Widowed"       "Married"

Here’s what the first 10 rows of the factor variable marital looks like to R:

unclass(gss_cat$marital) %>% 
##  [1] 2 4 5 2 4 6 2 4 6 6

And here’s how they look to a human:

gss_cat$marital %>% head(10)
##  [1] Never married Divorced      Widowed       Never married Divorced     
##  [6] Married       Never married Divorced      Married       Married      
## Levels: No answer Never married Separated Divorced Widowed Married

Exercises 15.5.1 (Modifying factor levels)

NOTE: fct_other is now the preferred method of lumping levels together. fct_lump has a few different methods it can potentially use to lump levels by frequency, so it can be inconsistent. See the documentation for details.

  • fct_other = collapse multiple specified levels into a single level
  • fct_lump = collapse multiple levels based on frequency
  • fct_recode = change specified levels manually
  • fct_collapse = collapse levels into multiple manually specified groups
  1. How have the proportions of people identifying as Democrat, Republican, and Independent changed over time?

Factor method:

##  [1] "No answer"          "Don't know"         "Other party"       
##  [4] "Strong republican"  "Not str republican" "Ind,near rep"      
##  [7] "Independent"        "Ind,near dem"       "Not str democrat"  
## [10] "Strong democrat"
gss_cat %>%
  mutate(partyid = fct_collapse(partyid,
                                Rep = c("Strong republican", "Not str republican"),
                                Ind = c("Ind,near rep", "Ind,near dem", "Independent"),
                                Dem = c("Not str democrat", "Strong democrat"),
                                Other = c("No answer", "Don't know", "Other party")
  )) %>% 
  count(year, partyid) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = year, y = n, color = fct_reorder2(partyid, year, n))) +

You could also use mutate and str_detect to add a meta-category and save a lot of typing (unfortunately I couldn’t find a way to use str_detect with fct_collapse):

gss_cat %>% 
  mutate(metaparty = factor(case_when(str_detect(tolower(partyid), "rep") ~ "Rep",
                                str_detect(tolower(partyid), "dem") ~ "Dem",
                                str_detect(tolower(partyid), "ind") ~ "Ind",
                                TRUE ~ "Other"))) %>% 
  count(year, metaparty) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = year, y = n, color = fct_reorder2(metaparty, year, n))) +

  1. How could you collapse rincome into a small set of categories?

Not sure what is meant by “small” - you could use the above method to define high/medium/low/other categories. Or, my lazy response of 2 categories:

##  [1] "No answer"      "Don't know"     "Refused"        "$25000 or more"
##  [5] "$20000 - 24999" "$15000 - 19999" "$10000 - 14999" "$8000 to 9999" 
##  [9] "$7000 to 7999"  "$6000 to 6999"  "$5000 to 5999"  "$4000 to 4999" 
## [13] "$3000 to 3999"  "$1000 to 2999"  "Lt $1000"       "Not applicable"
gss_cat %>%
  mutate(rincome = fct_other(rincome,
                             drop = c("No answer", "Don't know", "Refused", "Not applicable"),
                             other_level = "Income not reported")) %>% 
  mutate(rincome = fct_other(rincome,
                             keep = "Income not reported",
                             other_level = "Income reported")) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(y = rincome)) +