Heterogeneous Multi-Robots Mission Control is an architecture for the development of applications, capable of coordinating multi-robot missions subject to uncertainty in properties of the available robots in the Software Engineering Lab (LES) at University of Brasilia.
Keywords: Software architecture, cooperative heterogeneous robots, multi-robots systems, Cyber-physical systems
The source code is released under a MIT license.
Authors: Gabriel Rodrigues, Vicente Moraes and Gabriel F P Araujo
Affiliation: LES
Maintainers: Gabriel Rodrigues, Vicente Moraes,Gabriel F P Araujo
Heterogeneous Multi-Robots Mission Control is research code, expect that it changes often and any fitness for a particular purpose is disclaimed.
title = {An Architecture for Mission Coordination of Heterogeneous Robots},
author = {Rodrigues, Gabriel and Caldas, Ricardo and Araujo, Gabriel and {de Moraes}, Vicente and Rodrigues, Gena{\'i}na and Pelliccione, Patrizio},
year = {2022},
month = sep,
journal = {Journal of Systems and Software},
volume = {191},
pages = {111363},
issn = {01641212},
doi = {10.1016/j.jss.2022.111363},
langid = {english}
In your environment:
$ pip install hmrs-mission-control
python 3, pip
Used IDE: vscode, plugin python
macOS aditional dependencies brew install libmagic
poetry easy the process of managing python dependencies
$ pip install poetry
Alternatively, macOS brew
$ brew install poetry
Inside the project folder (after clone)
$ poetry install
$ poetry shell
Inside poetry environment (after poetry shell)
python evaluation/experiment_gen_lab_samples/experiment_gen.py
Tests should be put on /tests folder and are executed with the following command.
$ poetry run pytest -v --cov .
$ flake8 --statistics
Select the exec shell
$ poetry shell
Then, Execute Simulation
$ python ./run.py
To add new dependencies use the following command.
$ poetry install [name]
This command will add the dependency to the Pipfile and poetry.lock assuring that the execution can be reproduced in another environment (after dependencies are updated with poetry install
command )
Same as previous dependencies, but for development libraries such as the ones used for test.
$ poetry install [name] --dev
Note that other systems after pulling updates will need a reexecution of poetry install --dev