The spotify-easie
project goal is to serve as an example of how to use api_easiedata to create custom databases using data retrieved from spotify on easiedata.
It creates 3 tables in easiedata with the objective of generating track recommendations using the spotify API.
To register as an user in easiedata contact one of the contributors of this repository
To create an spotify application follow this tutorial spotify-quick-start All you need for this project is Client ID and Client Secret
Clone the repository or download the .zip file and extract it on the desired directory
Create a virtual environment with the command
python -m venv venv
Activate the created enviroment
source venv/bin/activate
Install the requirements for the project
pip install -r requirements.txt
With the activated enviroment set the variables on settings.json file and run the following commands
python tests/ settings.json
python tests/ settings.json
Fill the information on the settings.json file on the root directory of this project and run all core functionalities:
python easiesync settings.json build_all