diff --git a/docs/rmg-commands.rst b/docs/rmg-commands.rst index bf5ac28..6d598bb 100644 --- a/docs/rmg-commands.rst +++ b/docs/rmg-commands.rst @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ remage macro command reference Command directory path : /RMG/ ------------------------------ -* **Sub-directories**: +* **Sub-directories**: * */RMG/Manager/*: ``General commands for controlling the application`` * */RMG/Output/*: ``Commands for controlling the simulation output`` * */RMG/Processes/*: ``Commands for controlling physics processes`` @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Command directory path : /RMG/Manager/ General commands for controlling the application -* **Sub-directories**: +* **Sub-directories**: * */RMG/Manager/Logging/*: ``Commands for controlling application logging`` * */RMG/Manager/Randomization/*: ``Commands for controlling randomization settings`` * *Interactive*: ``Enable interactive mode`` @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Command directory path : /RMG/Manager/Logging/ Commands for controlling application logging -* **Sub-directories**: +* **Sub-directories**: * *LogLevel*: ``Set verbosity level of application log`` Command /RMG/Manager/Logging/LogLevel @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Command directory path : /RMG/Manager/Randomization/ Commands for controlling randomization settings -* **Sub-directories**: +* **Sub-directories**: * *RandomEngine*: ``Select the random engine (CLHEP)`` * *Seed*: ``Select the initial seed for randomization (CLHEP::HepRandom::setTheSeed)`` * *InternalSeed*: ``Select the initial seed for randomization by using the internal CLHEP table`` @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ Command directory path : /RMG/Output/ Commands for controlling the simulation output -* **Sub-directories**: +* **Sub-directories**: * */RMG/Output/Germanium/*: ``Commands for controlling output from hits in germanium detectors.`` * */RMG/Output/Vertex/*: ``Commands for controlling output of primary vertices.`` * */RMG/Output/Scintillator/*: ``Commands for controlling output from hits in scintillator detectors.`` @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ Command directory path : /RMG/Output/Germanium/ Commands for controlling output from hits in germanium detectors. -* **Sub-directories**: +* **Sub-directories**: * *SetEdepCutLow*: ``Set a lower energy cut that has to be met for this event to be stored.`` * *SetEdepCutHigh*: ``Set an upper energy cut that has to be met for this event to be stored.`` * *AddDetectorForEdepThreshold*: ``Take this detector into account for the filtering by /EdepThreshold.`` @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ Command directory path : /RMG/Output/Vertex/ Commands for controlling output of primary vertices. -* **Sub-directories**: +* **Sub-directories**: * *StorePrimaryParticleInformation*: ``Store information on primary particle details (not only vertex data).`` * *SkipPrimaryVertexOutput*: ``Do not store vertex/primary particle data.`` @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ Command directory path : /RMG/Output/Scintillator/ Commands for controlling output from hits in scintillator detectors. -* **Sub-directories**: +* **Sub-directories**: * *SetEdepCutLow*: ``Set a lower energy cut that has to be met for this event to be stored.`` * *SetEdepCutHigh*: ``Set an upper energy cut that has to be met for this event to be stored.`` * *AddDetectorForEdepThreshold*: ``Take this detector into account for the filtering by /EdepThreshold.`` @@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ Command directory path : /RMG/Processes/ Commands for controlling physics processes -* **Sub-directories**: +* **Sub-directories**: * */RMG/Processes/Stepping/*: ``Commands for controlling physics processes`` * *Realm*: ``Set simulation realm (cut values for particles in (sensitive) detector`` * *OpticalPhysics*: ``Add optical processes to the physics list`` @@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ Command directory path : /RMG/Processes/Stepping/ Commands for controlling physics processes -* **Sub-directories**: +* **Sub-directories**: * *DaughterNucleusMaxLifetime*: ``Determines which unstable daughter nuclei will be killed, if they are at rest, depending on their lifetime.`` Command /RMG/Processes/Stepping/DaughterNucleusMaxLifetime @@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ Command directory path : /RMG/Geometry/ Commands for controlling geometry definitions -* **Sub-directories**: +* **Sub-directories**: * *GDMLDisableOverlapCheck*: ``Disable the automatic overlap check after loading a GDML file`` * *GDMLOverlapCheckNumPoints*: ``Change the number of points sampled for overlap checks`` * *IncludeGDMLFile*: ``Use GDML file for geometry definition`` @@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ Command directory path : /RMG/Generator/ Commands for controlling generators -* **Sub-directories**: +* **Sub-directories**: * */RMG/Generator/MUSUNCosmicMuons/*: ``Commands for controlling the MUSUN µ generator`` * */RMG/Generator/CosmicMuons/*: ``Commands for controlling the µ generator`` * */RMG/Generator/Confinement/*: ``Commands for controlling primary confinement`` @@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ Command directory path : /RMG/Generator/MUSUNCosmicMuons/ Commands for controlling the MUSUN µ generator -* **Sub-directories**: +* **Sub-directories**: * *SetMUSUNFile*: ``Set the MUSUN input file`` Command /RMG/Generator/MUSUNCosmicMuons/SetMUSUNFile @@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ Command directory path : /RMG/Generator/CosmicMuons/ Commands for controlling the µ generator -* **Sub-directories**: +* **Sub-directories**: * *SkyShape*: ``Geometrical shape of the µ generation surface`` * *SkyPlaneSize*: ``Length of the side of the sky, if it has a planar shape`` * *SkyPlaneHeight*: ``Height of the sky, if it has a planar shape`` @@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ Command directory path : /RMG/Generator/Confinement/ Commands for controlling primary confinement -* **Sub-directories**: +* **Sub-directories**: * */RMG/Generator/Confinement/Physical/*: ``Commands for setting physical volumes up for primary confinement`` * */RMG/Generator/Confinement/Geometrical/*: ``Commands for setting geometrical volumes up for primary confinement`` * *Reset*: ``Reset all parameters of vertex confinement, so that it can be reconfigured.`` @@ -790,7 +790,7 @@ Command directory path : /RMG/Generator/Confinement/Physical/ Commands for setting physical volumes up for primary confinement -* **Sub-directories**: +* **Sub-directories**: * *AddVolume*: ``Add physical volume(s) to sample primaries from.`` Command /RMG/Generator/Confinement/Physical/AddVolume @@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ Command directory path : /RMG/Generator/Confinement/Geometrical/ Commands for setting geometrical volumes up for primary confinement -* **Sub-directories**: +* **Sub-directories**: * */RMG/Generator/Confinement/Geometrical/Sphere/*: ``Commands for setting geometrical dimensions of a sampling sphere`` * */RMG/Generator/Confinement/Geometrical/Cylinder/*: ``Commands for setting geometrical dimensions of a sampling cylinder`` * */RMG/Generator/Confinement/Geometrical/Box/*: ``Commands for setting geometrical dimensions of a sampling box`` @@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ Command directory path : /RMG/Generator/Confinement/Geometrical/Sphere/ Commands for setting geometrical dimensions of a sampling sphere -* **Sub-directories**: +* **Sub-directories**: * *InnerRadius*: ``Set inner radius`` * *OuterRadius*: ``Set outer radius`` @@ -915,7 +915,7 @@ Command directory path : /RMG/Generator/Confinement/Geometrical/Cylinder/ Commands for setting geometrical dimensions of a sampling cylinder -* **Sub-directories**: +* **Sub-directories**: * *InnerRadius*: ``Set inner radius`` * *OuterRadius*: ``Set outer radius`` * *Height*: ``Set height`` @@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ Command directory path : /RMG/Generator/Confinement/Geometrical/Box/ Commands for setting geometrical dimensions of a sampling box -* **Sub-directories**: +* **Sub-directories**: * *XLength*: ``Set X length`` * *YLength*: ``Set Y length`` * *ZLength*: ``Set Z length`` @@ -1053,7 +1053,7 @@ Set Z length Command directory path : /RMG/Confinement/ ------------------------------------------ -* **Sub-directories**: +* **Sub-directories**: * */RMG/Confinement/FromFile/*: ``Commands for controlling reading event vertex positions from file`` Command directory path : /RMG/Confinement/FromFile/ @@ -1061,7 +1061,7 @@ Command directory path : /RMG/Confinement/FromFile/ Commands for controlling reading event vertex positions from file -* **Sub-directories**: +* **Sub-directories**: * *FileName*: ``Set name of the file containing vertex positions. See the documentation for a specification of the format.`` Command /RMG/Confinement/FromFile/FileName