Transform css linear-gradient degree to start and end coordinates
in react-native-linear-gradient or expo-linear-gradient
npm install react-native-linear-gradient-degree --save
For example, css background:
background : linear-gradient(240deg,rgba(43,156,225,1) 0%,rgba(46,137,193,1) 100%);
import * as React from 'react';
import { Text, View } from 'react-native';
import { LinearGradient } from 'expo-linear-gradient';
import { deg } from 'react-native-linear-gradient-degree';
export const App: React.FunctionComponent = function App(props) {
return (
<View style={{ marginTop: 200 }}>
<LinearGradient colors={["rgba(43,156,225,1)", "rgba(46,137,193,1)"]} {...deg(240)}>
<Text style={{ height: 50, width: 200 }}>apply</Text>
console.log(deg(240)) // {"start":{"x":1,"y":0.7886751345948129},"end":{"x":0,"y":0.21132486540518713}}