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Monitor management

adamkobor edited this page Aug 17, 2020 · 7 revisions

Your monitors are your base entities when it comes to the management of Kuvasz. They encapsulate all of the necessary informations that are needed to run any kind of checks against a website.

You can:

  • create,
  • update, or
  • delete

a monitor.

Manipulating monitors

While it is possible to manipulate your monitors directly in the database (followed by restarting the service), this approach is discouraged, because it doesn't guarantee the consistency of your data. Instead, you should use the API of Kuvasz to do these things.

There are dedicated endpoints for:

  • creation -> POST /monitor
  • update -> PATCH /monitor/{id}
  • deletion -> DELETE /monitor/{id}


The uptimeCheckInterval property on the API represents the interval between two consecutive uptime check in seconds. The shortest interval you can set is 60 seconds.

Disable vs. delete

If you want to permanently remove a monitor and all of its historical data, you should go with the DELETE endpoint mentioned above. However, if you just want to temporarily disable a monitor, you can use the PATCH endpoint with the following payload:

    "enabled": false

Modifying a monitor

Through the provided PATCH endpoint you can make partial updates to a monitor, which means that you don't have to specify the value of a property if you don't want to touch it at all.

Example (Updating only the uptimeCheckInterval of a monitor):

curl --location --request PATCH '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer YourAccesstoken' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "uptimeCheckInterval": 120
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