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Running test suites using Mono

Before running tests, build Mono using the desired configuration.

Runtime Tests

Desktop Mono:

To build the runtime tests for Mono JIT or interpreter:

  1. Build test host (corerun) - From the $(REPO_ROOT):
./ clr.hosts -c <release|debug>
  1. Build the tests (in $(REPO_ROOT)/src/tests)
cd src/tests
./ mono <release|debug> /p:LibrariesConfiguration=<release|debug>

To build an individual test, test directory, or a whole subdirectory tree, use the -test:, -dir: or -tree: options (without the src/tests prefix). For example: ./ mono release -test:JIT/opt/InstructionCombining/DivToMul.csproj. To generate executable .sh files for tests that are not set to be run individualy it is necessary to export BuildAsStandalone=true before building the tests.

Run individual test:

bash ./artifacts/tests/coreclr/osx.x64.Release/JIT/opt/InstructionCombining/DivToMul/ -coreroot=`pwd`/artifacts/tests/coreclr/osx.x64.Release/Tests/Core_Root

Run all built tests:

./ <Debug|Release>

To debug a single test with lldb:

  1. Run the shell script for the test case manually with the -debug option:
bash ./artifacts/tests/coreclr/osx.x64.Release/JIT/opt/InstructionCombining/DivToMul/ -coreroot=`pwd`/artifacts/tests/coreclr/osx.x64.Release/Tests/Core_Root -debug=/usr/bin/lldb
  1. In LLDB add the debug symbols for mono: add-dsym <CORE_ROOT>/libcoreclr.dylib.dwarf
  2. Run/debug the test


Build the runtime tests for WebAssembly

$(REPO_ROOT)/src/tests/ -mono os browser wasm <Release/Debug>

The last few lines of the build log should contain something like this:

 Example command

 src/tests/ wasm <Debug|Release>


Build the runtime tests for Android x64/ARM64

$(REPO_ROOT)/src/tests/ -mono os android <x64/arm64> <Release/Debug>

Run one test wrapper from repo root

export CORE_ROOT=<path_to_folder_Core_Root>
./ <path_to_xunit.console.dll> <path_to_*.XUnitWrapper.dll>

Additional Documents

For more details about internals of the runtime tests, please refer to the CoreCLR testing documents

Libraries tests

Desktop Mono

Build and run library tests against Mono JIT or interpreter

$(REPO_ROOT)/ build /t:Test /p:RuntimeFlavor=mono /p:Configuration=<Release/Debug> $(REPO_ROOT)/src/libraries/<library>/tests

Alternatively, you could execute the following command from $(REPO_ROOT)/src/mono

make run-tests-corefx-<library>

For example, the following command is for running System.Runtime tests:

make run-tests-corefx-System.Runtime

Debugging libraries tests on Desktop Mono

See debugging with VS Code

Mobile targets and WebAssembly

Build and run library tests against WebAssembly, Android or iOS. See instructions located in Library testing document folder

Running the functional tests

There are the functional tests which aim to test some specific features/configurations/modes on Android, iOS-like platforms (iOS/tvOS + simulators, MacCatalyst), and WebAssembly.

A functional test can be run the same way as any library test suite, e.g.:

./ build /t:Test -c Release /p:TargetOS=android /p:TargetArchitecture=x64 src/tests/FunctionalTests/Android/Device_Emulator/PInvoke/Android.Device_Emulator.PInvoke.Test.csproj

Currently the functional tests are expected to return 42 as a success code so please be careful when adding a new one.

For more details, see instructions located in Library testing document folder.

Running the Mono samples

There are a few convenient samples located in $(REPO_ROOT)/src/mono/sample, which could help you test your program easily with different flavors of Mono or do a sanity check on the build. The samples are set up to work with a specific configuration; please refer to the relevant Makefile for specifics. If you would like to work with a different configuration, you can edit the Makefile.

Desktop Mono

To run the desktop Mono sample, cd to HelloWorld and execute:

make run

Note that the default configuration of this sample is LLVM JIT.


To run the WebAssembly sample, cd to wasm. There are two sub-folders browser and console. One is set up to run the program in browser, the other is set up to run the program in console. Enter the desirable sub-folder and execute

make build && make run


To run the Android sample, cd to Android and execute

make run


To run the iOS sample, cd to iOS and execute

make run