This is a software renderer dedicate on technology practice. Therefore I do not care about performance or anything else. A stupid but making sense implementation is what I want to build.
The API mainly borrows from Direct3D 12.
The implementation is mainly according to the discussion in Real-Time Rendering 4th.
The d3dApp.h/.cpp, GameTimer.h/.cpp, TF.h, MathHelper.h, d3dUtil.h are modified from the version discussed in Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 12.
- 8 * 8 tile and 2 * 2 quad hierarchical with zigzag order
- Hierarchical z-buffering algorithm(Hi-Z)
- Tile size pre-edge test
- Binning with AABB
- Near-z clip and assumed infinity guard-bands
- Optimization for UMA
- 4D-space linear interpolation
- Edge equation linear property
- Top-left rule
- Z-prepass
- Programmable shader
- Quad level pixel shader
Press F3 to allow / not allow tearing(unlock 60fps limitation).
Press F4 to on / off debug mode(magnify pixels and showing tile outline).
When in debug mode, press key 1-8 to set magnification level.
- performance: 365fps @800*600 @i5-8250U
(define TestDepth in samples/cube/cube.cpp to enable this sample)
debug mode with magnification level of 4.
- performance: 510fps @800*600 @i5-8250U
- Only a few error checking, since building a robust renderer has too much works to do, and I just want to build a software renderer to check and enhance my understanding of hardware renderer.
- No positive w clip, since that is mathematically imperfect and no necessary.
- No texture and mipmap support, since that can be easily implement with constant buffer and quad level pixel shader. (though it is slow, but I don't care performance in this project.)