To build the plugin and connect your IDE for a remote debug session, you can use the following script:
SET MAVEN_OPTS=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005
call mvn clean
call mvn package -Dssc.url=
call mvn -Dport=8181 -DskipTests=true hpi:run
You must obtain a Fortify SSC authentication token to use the plugin's server related functionality, which includes build failure conditions and getting all vulnerability results in Jenkins.
- SSC authentication token (CIToken). Token creation command:
$ fortifyclient token -gettoken CIToken -url http://localhost:8180/ssc -user admin
- Tests. Some of the junit tests can utilize a connection to Fortify Software Security Center to verify the plugin functionality.
To override the default SSC location (localhost:8080), you can specify the optional SSC URL parameter: 'ssc.url'.
For example:
See other default parameters that you can override in the file.
mvn package -Dssc.url=[:port]/ssc/
The mvn command-line arguments are passed to Java as MAVEN_CMD_LINE_ARGS. Test cases will read this environment variable and set different URL and tokens during testing. Corresponding test cases are skipped if Fortify Software Security Center is not available.