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Developer Guide

The repo can be built for the following platforms, using the provided setup and the following instructions.

Chip Windows Linux OS X FreeBSD
Instructions Instructions Instructions Instructions

Building the repository

The CoreFX repo can be built from a regular, non-admin command prompt. The build produces multiple binaries that make up the CoreFX libraries and the accompanying tests.

Developer Workflow

The dev workflow describes the development process to follow. It is divided into specific tasks that are fast, transparent and easy to understand. The tasks are represented in scripts (cmd/sh) in the root of the repo:

  • Clean
  • Sync
  • Build
  • Run Tests
  • Publish packages

For more information about the different options that each task has, use the argument -? when calling the script. For example:

sync -?

###Build The CoreFX build has two logical components, the native build which produces the "shims" (which provide a stable interface between the OS and managed code) and the managed build which produces the MSIL code and nuget packages that make up CoreFX.

Calling the script build attempts to build both the native and managed code. Only use it when the parameters that you are passing to the script apply for both components. Otherwise, use the scripts build-native and build-managed respectively.


  • Building in debug mode for platform x64
build -debug -buildArch=x64
  • The following example is no longer acceptable as we changed how we managed the parameters. For specific behaviors use the respectively script, in this case build-native.
build native debug                 => ERROR!
  • The following example will fail, because the property /p:skiptests=true only applies to the build-managed component.
build -debug /p:skiptests=true     => ERROR!

###Build Native The native build produces shims over libc, openssl, gssapi, libcurl and libz. The build system uses CMake (2.8.12 or higher) to generate Makefiles using clang (3.5 or higher). The build also uses git for generating some version information.

The native component should be buildable on any system.


  • Building in debug mode for platform x64
build-native -debug -buildArch=x64
  • The following example shows the argument --. Everything that is after it is not going to be processed and it is going to be passed as it is.
build-native -debug -buildArch=arm -- cross verbose

For more information about extra parameters take a look at the scripts build-native under src/Native.

##Build Managed Since the managed build uses the .NET Core CLI (which the build will download), managed components can only be built on a subset of distros. There are some additional pre-requesties from the CLI which need to be installed. Both libicu and libunwind are used by CoreCLR to execute managed code, so they must be installed. Since CoreFX does not actually link against these packages, runtime versions are sufficent. We also require curl to be present, which we use to download the .NET Core CLI.


  • Building in debug mode for platform x64
build-managed -debug -buildArch=x64
  • Building in debug mode for platform x64 targeting OS Linux
build-managed -debug -buildArch=x64 -os=Linux
  • Building only the managed libraries with /flp:v=diag. It doesn't restore packages, builds tests or builds packages.
build-managed -binaries -verbose
  • Building the managed libraries and the tests but don't run the tests.
build-managed -skiptests
  • The following example shows the argument --. Everything that is after it is not going to be processed and it is going to be passed as it is. Use it to pass extra msbuild properties.
build-managed -binaries -- /p:WithoutCategories=IgnoreForCI

Building individual CoreFx DLLs

Under the src directory is a set of directories, each of which represents a particular assembly in CoreFX.

For example the src\System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource directory holds the source code for the System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll assembly. Each of these directories includes two projects, one for the DLL being built and one for the tests, both specified by a .builds file.

You can build the DLL for System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll by going to the src\System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticsSource\src directory and typing msbuild System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.builds. The DLL ends up as bin\AnyOS.AnyCPU.Debug\System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource\System.DiagnosticSource.dll.

You can build the tests for System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll by going to src\System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource\tests and typing msbuild System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.Tests.builds.

There is also a pkg directory for each project, and if you go into it and type msbuild, it will build the DLL (if needed) and then also build the NuGet package for it. The NuGet package ends up in the bin\packages directory.

Note: If building in a non-Windows, call ./Tools/ instead of just msbuild.

Building other OSes

By default, building from the root will only build the libraries for the OS you are running on. One can build for another OS by specifying build-managed -FilterToOSGroup=[value] or build for all by specifying build-managed -BuildAllOSGroups.

Building in Release or Debug

By default, building from the root or within a project will build the libraries in Debug mode. One can build in Debug or Release mode from the root by doing build -release or build -debug or when building a project by specifying /p:ConfigurationGroup=[Debug|Release] after the msbuild command.

Building other Architectures

One can build 32 or 64 bit binaries or for any architecture by specifying in the root build -buildArch=[value] or in a project /p:Platform=[value] after the msbuild command.


We use the OSS testing framework xunit.

Running tests on the command line

By default, the core tests are run as part of build.cmd or If the product binaries are already available, you could do build-tests which will build and run the tests. If the tests are already built and you only want to run them, invoke run-tests.

For more information about cross platform testing, please take a look here.

You can also run the tests for an individual project by building it individually, e.g.:

cd src\System.Collections.Immutable\tests
msbuild /t:BuildAndTest (or /t:Test to just run the tests if the binaries are already built)

It is possible to pass parameters to the underlying xunit runner via the XunitOptions parameter, e.g.:

msbuild /t:Test "/p:XunitOptions=-class Test.ClassUnderTests"

Note: If building in a non-Windows, call ./Tools/ instead of just msbuild.

There may be multiple projects in some directories so you may need to specify the path to a specific test project to get it to build and run the tests.

Tests participate in the incremental build. This means that if tests have already been run, and inputs to the incremental build have not changed, rerunning the tests target will not execute the test runner again. To force re-executing tests in this situation, use msbuild /t:RebuildAndTest.

The tests can also be filtered based on xunit trait attributes defined in xunit.netcore.extensions. These attributes are to be specified over the test method. The available attributes are:

OuterLoop: Tests marked as Outerloop are for scenarios that don't need to run every build. They may take longer than normal tests, cover seldom hit code paths, or require special setup or resources to execute. These tests are excluded by default when testing through msbuild but can be enabled manually by adding the Outerloop property e.g.

build-managed -Outerloop

To run only the Outerloop tests, use the following command:

xunit.console.netcore.exe *.dll -trait category=outerloop
msbuild *.csproj /p:WithCategories=OuterLoop

PlatformSpecific(Xunit.PlatformID platforms): Use this attribute on test methods to specify that this test may only be run on the specified platforms. This attribute returns the following categories based on platform

   - `nonwindowstests`: for tests that don't run on Windows
   - `nonlinuxtests`: for tests that don't run on Linux
   - `nonosxtests`: for tests that don't run on OS X

To run Linux specific tests on a Linux box, use the following commandline,

xunit.console.netcore.exe *.dll -notrait category=nonlinuxtests

ActiveIssue(int issue, Xunit.PlatformID platforms): Use this attribute over tests methods, to skip failing tests only on the specific platforms, if no platforms is specified, then the test is skipped on all platforms. This attribute returns the 'failing' category, so to run all acceptable tests on Linux that are not failing, use the following commandline,

xunit.console.netcore.exe *.dll -notrait category=failing -notrait category=nonlinuxtests

And to run all Linux-compatible tests that are failing,

xunit.console.netcore.exe *.dll -trait category=failing -notrait category=nonlinuxtests

A few common examples with the above attributes:

  • Run all tests acceptable on Windows
xunit.console.netcore.exe *.dll -notrait category=nonwindowstests
  • Run all inner loop tests acceptable on Linux
xunit.console.netcore.exe *.dll -notrait category=nonlinuxtests -notrait category=OuterLoop
  • Run all outer loop tests acceptable on OS X that are not currently associated with active issues
xunit.console.netcore.exe *.dll -notrait category=nonosxtests -trait category=OuterLoop -notrait category=failing
  • Run all tests acceptable on Linux that are currently associated with active issues
xunit.console.netcore.exe *.dll -notrait category=nonlinuxtests -trait category=failing

All the required dlls to run a test project can be found in bin\tests\{Configration}\{Project}.Tests\netcoreapp1.0\ which should be created when the test project is built.

Code Coverage

Code coverage is built into the corefx build system. It utilizes OpenCover for generating coverage data and ReportGenerator for generating reports about that data. To run:

// Run full coverage
build-managed -Coverage

// To run a single project with code coverage enabled pass the /p:Coverage=true property
cd src\System.Collections.Immutable\tests
msbuild /t:BuildAndTest /p:Coverage=true

If coverage succeeds, the code coverage report will be generated automatically and placed in the bin\tests\coverage directory. You can view the full report by opening index.htm

Code coverage reports from the continuous integration system are available from the links on the front page of the corefx repo.

The CoreFX build and test suite is a work in progress, as are the building and testing instructions. The .NET Core team and the community are improving Linux and OS X support on a daily basis and are adding more tests for all platforms. See CoreFX Issues to find out about specific work items or report issues.