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187 lines (156 loc) · 15.5 KB

Change Log

1.0.1 (2016-05-16)

Full Changelog

Fixed bugs:

  • open queue does not manage repeated elements #170

Closed issues:

  • Add heuristic to maze example #165
  • Implementation of Annealing localsearch #158

v1.0.0 (2016-02-22)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Complete javadoc documentation for hipster.algorithm.problem (core) #5
  • Complete javadoc documentation for hipster.algorithm.multiobjective (core) #4
  • Add a depth or path size attribute to nodes #140
  • Replace Stack with ArrayDeque #137
  • Detect negative cycle conditions in BellmanFord #136
  • Update scripts to auto-generate javadocs for snapshot versions #121

Fixed bugs:

  • When Search Result printed Action list is now in reverse order (in v1.0.0.rc2 vs v1.0.0.rc1) #141
  • Fix coveralls maven plugin #131

Closed issues:

  • Update gitignore file to include Eclipse editor files #146
  • When checking if point in bounds, also check lower bounds. #144
  • Integration with #152
  • Replace Cobertura with JaCoCo #151
  • Change maven compiler version to 1.6 #150
  • Fix incorrect URL for javadoc publication #149
  • Remove unused citius-nexus-snapshot in maven-settings.xml #148
  • Upgrade config to deploy on bintray #143
  • Show unit time (ms) in algorithm result toString() method #139
  • Detect "NoSuchElementException" situations in AbstractIterator #138

Merged pull requests:

v1.0.0-rc2 (2015-08-12)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Fix deploy script to deploy only SNAPSHOT versions #111
  • Update travis.yml to use the new container-based CI #135
  • StateTransitionFunction is not lazy #134
  • LazyActionStateTransitionFunction is not lazy #133
  • LazyNodeExpander is not lazy #132
  • Create a branch whitelist in travis.yml #129
  • Refactor the basic (non-guava) graph implementations and improve unit tests #128
  • Confusing usage of the GraphBuilder #119
  • Remove dependencies with Guava from hipster-core #113

Fixed bugs:

  • Java <1.8 Incompatibility #130
  • BellmanFord iterator search method fails #127
  • NullPointerException using Bellman-Ford algorithm #124
  • RomaniaaProblemOptimalSearchTest does not detect solutions with different length #123
  • AD* node expander check isConsistent() after node.g and node.v changed #122
  • assert check in BinaryOperation constructor done with equals\(\) instead of compare\(\) #120
  • restrictive type in ProblemBuilder(...)defineProblemWithoutExplicitActions().useTransitionFunction() #115
  • change visibility of attributes and methods in Algorithm subclasses #114
  • AbstractNode.path() in reversed order #72
  • Method search(SearchListener) from Algorithms does not stop #49

Closed issues:

  • Create new module "hipster-extensions" with classes depending on Guava #125
  • Update site.url in parent pom.xml #126
  • hipster.version in branch development should not be the same than last release #118
  • hipster.version defined in root pom.xmi but not used #117
  • Implement common tests for heuristic search algorithms #71

v1.0.0-rc1 (2014-12-10)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Complete package-index descriptions #86
  • Bump doxia version to 1.6 #85
  • Add DFS cycle support #84
  • Add a status bar at the bottom of the ASCII Visualizer #79
  • Add option to disable the ASCII Visualizer realtime printing #76
  • Add support for custom goal test conditions [CISTI2014] #70
  • Modify action/state function interfaces to use nodes to compute successors #68
  • Search Problems should provide an initial node and the node expander #67
  • Remove redundant algorithm factories #60
  • Make Nodes generic in each algorithm implementation #57
  • Implement abstract definition for graph-based problems #56
  • Create a node transition function #53
  • Clean algorithm factory duplications #50
  • Rename Algorithms class to Hipster #48
  • Cannot access the heuristic from HeuristicNode #45
  • Change factory.node to factory.makeNode #42
  • Reorganize maven modules #39
  • Pretty 8-puzzle string representation #26
  • Complete javadoc documentation for hipster.util.parallel (core) #14
  • Complete javadoc documentation for hipster.util.maze (core) #13
  • Complete javadoc documentation for hipster.algorithm.node.impl (core) #12
  • Complete javadoc documentation for hipster.algorithm.node.adstar (core) #11
  • Complete javadoc documentation for hipster.algorithm.node (core) #10
  • Complete javadoc documentation for hipster.algorithm.function.impl #9
  • Complete javadoc documentation for hipster.algorithm.impl (core) #8
  • Complete javadoc documentation for hipster.function (core) #7
  • Complete javadoc documentation for hipster.collection #6
  • Complete javadoc documentation for hipster.algorithm.factory (core) #3
  • Complete javadoc documentation for hipster.algorithm.combinatorial (core) #2
  • Complete javadoc documentation for hipster.algorithm (core) #1

Fixed bugs:

  • Fix google analytics tracking code #90
  • Fix download links in the main web page #89
  • Fix link to milestones in #88
  • Twitter icon is missing in the website #80
  • IDA* minFLimit inconsistent updates #74
  • Fix getLineSeparator() incompatible with jdk 6 #69
  • Variable num of iters with Dijkstra/A*/IDA* after refactor #63
  • Bad value of HeuristicNode.getScore() when the initial node is instantiated by HeuristicNodeImplFactory #52
  • Fix A* cost comparator #43
  • SetCoverIterator fails when there is only one element #35

Closed issues:

  • Generate maven site with markdown with reflow maven skin #31
  • Update bash scripts for automatic deployment #112
  • collections / adapters package - Javadoc documentation #110
  • util.graph package - Javadoc documentation #109
  • util.examples / util.examples.maze - Javadoc documentation #108
  • thirdparty package - Javadoc documentation #107
  • model.problem package - Javadoc documentation #106
  • model.impl package - Javadoc documentation #105
  • model.function.impl package - Javadoc documentation #104
  • model.function package - Javadoc documentation #103
  • model package - Javadoc documentation #102
  • examples.problem package - Javadoc documentation #101
  • examples package - Javadoc documentation #100
  • localsearch package - Javadoc documentation #99
  • MultiobjectiveLS / Iterator - Javadoc documentation (package Algorithm) #98
  • IDAStar / Iterator - Javadoc documentation (package Algorithm) #97
  • Hipster class - Javadoc documentation (package Algorithm) #96
  • DFS Algorithm - Javadoc documentation (package Algorithm) #95
  • BFS Algorithm - Javadoc documentation (package Algorithm) #94
  • BellmanFord / Iterator - Javadoc documentation (package Algorithm) #93
  • ADStarForward / Iterator - Javadoc documentation (package Algorithm) #92
  • Fix SearchResult toString method #87
  • Add an example using the ProblemBuilder in #82
  • Create a Swing-based Maze search visualizer #73
  • Adapt AD* to the new generic action node model #66
  • Auto deploy javadoc to gh-pages with Maven #61
  • Enforced Hill Climbing #55
  • Create N-queen example #54
  • Publish 1.0.0-rc1 artifacts to the central repository #40
  • IterativeSetCover does not fulfill the iterator contract #38
  • Insert pluginManagement in parent pom #37
  • Move examples to a hipster-examples package #36
  • Implement IDA* algorithm #34
  • Customize doclava css for javadoc #30
  • Add test for HashQueue #29
  • Prepare the release of the 0.1.0 version #28
  • Maze search examples with realtime output printing #27
  • Create with markdown #21
  • 8-Puzzle example with different heuristics #16
  • Implementation of the breadth-first-search algorithm #15

v1.0.0-alpha-1 (2014-05-21)

* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator