Releases: inet-framework/inet
Releases · inet-framework/inet
INET 2.0.0 (Aug 8, 2012)
v2.0.0 First stable release of INET 2
INET 1.99.5
integration_1.99.5 doc. updated WHATSNEW, some ChangeLogs and the dir tree history
INET 1.99.4
integration_1.99.4 doc: updated WHATSNEW and tagged changelogs.
INET 1.99.3
integration_1.99.3 doc: fixes. added a link to the manual.
INET 20111118
master_20111118 doc: fix WHATSNEW link.
INET 1.99.2
integration_1.99.2 doc: removed unused full network use diagram.
INET 1.99.1
integration_1.99.1 Prepared for version 1.99.1. Removed obsolete directory.
INET 1.99.0
integration_1.99.0 Doc update and version file added.
INET 20110225
master_20110225 doc update.
INET 20100723
docu: link to WHATSNEW was broken when generated on Linux Doxygen named the file _w_h_a_t_s_n_e_w.html, and front page referred to it as whatsnew.html