A collection of scripts developed to interact with fasta, fastq and sam files.
All the scripts use the ReadFastx module I created , which reads either a fasta
or fastq file by record. It also uses the FileBar module, which gives
a terminal progress bar on a file as it is processed. ReadSam is the sam
- 2big.pl - takes a bed, sam, or wiggle file and creates a big version of it to upload to ucsc
- fastq2fasta.pl - converts fastq to fasta
- sam2fastq.pl - Converts a sam format to fastq format
- mate_pair2paired_end.pl - converts mate pair reads to paired end orientation
- fix_headers.pl - fixes the fastq header by removing spaces and optionally appending a suffix
- remap_file.pl - takes a file with tab delimited mappings and substitutes each of the first terms for each of the second terms
- standardize_names.pl - renames fasta files from ncbi into uscs nomenclature chr##
- unique_headers.pl - reads a fasta file and ensures all of the names are unique
- wrap.pl - limits fasta lines to 80 characters
- bisulfite_convert.pl - bisulfite converts the sequences given to it
- merge_records.pl - merges all the input records into one record, by default uses the name of the first record, but can be changed with -name
- reverse_complement.pl - takes sequences and reverse complements them
- trim_fasta.pl - trims a fastx file to x bp
- pairs_sorted.pl - takes two files of reads sorted by header, and outputs two files containing those reads which have pairs
- pairs_unsorted.pl - gets the pairs of the files in the first file from the second file, pairs are matched by header name
- regex_fasta.pl - applies the given regex to the fasta headers or sequence
- remove_ambiguous.pl - removes ambiguity codes from fasta files
- splice.pl - splice a fasta file given a gff file
- split_fasta.pl - splits a multi fasta file into multiple files, can split in different ways
- subset_fasta.pl - subsets a fasta file
- trans_fasta.pl - translate a fasta cDNA to protein
- generate_fasta.pl - create a random fasta file
- consensus.pl - generate a consensus fasta file from a bam file
- filter_align.pl - filters alignments from a bam or sam file
- filter_reads.pl - filters aligned reads from a file by mapping with bowtie2
- get_fasta.pl - selects fasta records which match or don't match a pattern
- in_list.pl - reads a list of headers, and a fastx file and outputs records which are in the list
- size_select.pl - returns the sequences with lengths between the values specified by -low and -high
- sort.pl - sorts a fasta file using gnu sort, can sort by header, sequence, length ect.
- avg_coverage.pl - gets the average coverage per sequence from a bam file
- lengths.pl - length of each record
- calcN.pl - takes a file of fasta lengths, or a fasta or fastq file directly, and calculates the nX of the file, by default N50
- CpG_count.pl - counts the number of CpGs in a fasta file
- distances.pl - get the within group bitscore distance of all the records in a fasta file using blast
- fasta_head.pl - emulates unix head for fasta and fastq files
- fasta_tail.pl - emulates unix tail for fasta and fastq files
- percent_GC.pl - calculates percent GC for each fasta record in a file, as well as the total GC content
- sam_lengths.pl - gets the sequence lengths from a sam file
- size.pl - gets the total size of a fasta file and the number of sequences
- absolute_coordinates.pl - takes a file with the chromosome and location and a file of chromosome sizes, and converts the coordinates to an absolute scale for plotting
- bed2igv.pl - converts a bed file to a igv snapshot script
- combine_bed.pl - Combine bed files
- gff2bed.pl - converts a gff file to a bed file
- align_progress.pl - given the input filename and the output filename, figures out the last line using tail, then greps for that header in the input, and works out the percentage that way
- blast_information.pl - gets sequence information from gi numbers from a blast results file
- fetch_entrez.pl - Download a number of sequences from an entrez query
- fetch_gi.pl - download fasta files from NCBI and outputs a fasta file
- fetch_sra.pl - downloads the sra sequences from NCBI using aspera and outputs a fastq file
- generate_map.pl - remaps fasta sequences from the first file to fasta sequences from the second file, matches by hashing the sequence
- mpileup_counts.pl - parses a mpileup file and gets the base counts
- rename_script.pl - Rename a file, changing any references to the old name in the file to the new name