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704 lines (522 loc) · 11.2 KB

import { Head, Image } from 'mdx-deck'

export { default as theme } from './theme'

import Link from './components/Link' import Split from './components/Split'

<title>Pattern matching in TS</title>

Pattern matching in TS

gillchristian { ' @ ' } HousingAnywhere

What's pattern matching?

Does someone know what it is?

Let's define it ...

Checking a value against a pattern

Deconstruct value into parts

switch("hola") {
| "hola" => "HOLA"
| "chau" => "bye!"
| _      => "..."
}; /* "HOLA" */
switch("other") {
| "hola" => "HOLA"
| "chau" => "bye!"
| _      => "..."
}; /* "..." */

export default Split

Many languages have it.

In reason it's called `switch`.

import scala.util.Random

val x: Int = Random.nextInt(10)

x match {
  case 0 => "zero"
  case 1 => "one"
  case 2 => "two"
  case _ => "many"
In Scala it's called `match`

sealed abstract class Furniture
case class Couch() extends Furniture
case class Chair() extends Furniture

def findPlaceToSit(piece: Furniture): String = piece match {
  case a: Couch => "Lie on the couch"
  case b: Chair => "Sit on the chair"
Also works on types (classes)

public static double ComputeAreaModernSwitch(object shape)
    switch (shape)
        case Square s:
            return s.Side * s.Side;
        case Circle c:
            return c.Radius * c.Radius * Math.PI;
        case Rectangle r:
            return r.Height * r.Length;
            throw new ArgumentException(
                message: "shape is not a recognized shape",
                paramName: nameof(shape));
C# (not only FP langs)

func do(i interface{}) {
	switch v := i.(type) {
	case int:
		fmt.Printf("Twice %v is %v\\n", v, v*2)
	case string:
		fmt.Printf("%q is %v bytes long\\n", v, len(v))
		fmt.Printf("I don't know about type %T!\\n", v)
Go has something for types

let x = Some(5);
let y = 10;

match x {
    Some(50) => println!("Got 50"),
    Some(y)  => println!("Matched, y = {:?}", y),
    _        => println!("Default case, x = {:?}", x),

num : Int
num = 1

result : String
result = 
  case num of
    1 -> "one"
    2 -> "two"
    _ -> "other"
`case x of` in Elm and Haskell

map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map _ []     = []
map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
Haskell also supports pattern matching on the function parameters.

Combined with destructuring it results in very declarative functions.

(Yup it's the actual Haskell's map implementation)

type alias State = Int

type Action = Inc | Dec

reducer : State -> Action -> State
reducer state action =
  case action of
    Inc -> state + 1
    Dec -> state - 1

reducer 1 Inc -- 2
reducer 1 Dec -- 0
We can also pattern match on Algebraic Data Types

(i.e. custom types / union types)

type alias State = Int

type Action
  = Inc
  | Dec
  | Add Int

reducer : State -> Action -> State
reducer state action =
  case action of
    Inc   -> state + 1
    Dec   -> state - 1
    Add x -> state + x
reducer 1 Inc       -- 2
reducer 1 Dec       -- 0
reducer 1 (Add 10)  -- 11
reducer 1 (Add -10) -- -9

export default Split

This is the end goal !!!

What about JavaScript?

This is all cool but we write JavaScript !!!

Perfect gif:

Nicki Minaj === JavaScript

We can only hope ...


const res = await fetch(jsonService)
case (res) {
  when {status: 200, headers: {'Content-Length': s}} -> {
    console.log(`size is ${s}`)
  when {status: 404} -> {
    console.log('JSON not found')
  when {status} if (status >= 400) -> {
    throw new RequestError(res)

<Fetch url={API_URL}>
  {props => case (props) {
    when {loading} -> <Loading />
    when {error} -> <Error error={error} />
    when {data} -> <Page data={data} />
    when _ -> throw new Error('badmatch')
So, what do you guys think about this ?

Useful or not ???

Any thoughts ...

On the mean time ...

It seems cool! So what can we do now?

JS/TS don't support pattern matching "per se" ...

BUT !!! 

const fn = R.cond([
  [R.equals(0),   R.always('water freezes at 0°C')],
  [R.equals(100), R.always('water boils at 100°C')],
  [R.T,           t => `nothing special happens at ${t}°C`],

fn(0)   // => 'water freezes at 0°C'
fn(50)  // => 'nothing special happens at 50°C'
fn(100) // => 'water boils at 100°C'
Yeah, Ramda, of course

// static/js/ui/Chip.js

const createIcon = R.cond([
  [React.isValidElement, R.identity],
  [, name => <SvgIcon name={name} />],
  [, props => <SvgIcon {...props} />],
  [R.T, () => null],
BUT !!!

- NOT type safe
- Already useful, but still limited
- And awkward ...

Discriminated Unions
TypeScript gives use the tools to leverage the
type system to implement pattern matching

import match from '@housinganywhere/match'

type Variant =
  | 'success'
  | 'danger'
  | 'warning'

const variantColor = match<Variant, string>({
  success: () => 'green',
  danger:  () => 'red',
  warning: () => 'yellow',
Et voilà !

type Matcher<T extends string, R> = { [K in T]: (k: K) => R };

const match = <T extends string, R = void>(m: Matcher<T, R>) => (t: T) => m[t](t);
Yeah, implementation is that simple !!!

And it gives EXHAUSTIVENESS !!!

import { wildMatch } from '@housinganywhere/match';

type Vowels = 'a' | 'e' | 'i' | 'o' | 'u';

const isA = wildMatch<Vowels, string>({
  a:  () => 'Yay!',
  _: (v) => `Nope, "${v}" is not "a"`,

isA('a') // => 'Yay!'
isA('e') // => 'Nope, "e" is not "a"'
isA('u') // => 'Nope, "u" is not "a"'
This one is not published yet ...

What about the name ?

type PartialMatcher<T extends string, R> =
  { [K in T]?: (k: K) => R } & { _: (t: T) => R; };

const wildMatch = <T extends string, R = void>(m: PartialMatcher<T, R>) => (t: T) => {
  const f = m[t];
  if (f) {
    return f(t);

  return m._(t);
PR #1
Even the `wildMatch` one is very simple!

type PayoutTypes = 'iban' | 'bank' | 'paypal'

const PayoutMethod = ({ payoutMethod, payoutType }) => 
    {match<PayoutTypes, React.ReactNode>({
      iban: () => (
        <IbanMethod method={payoutMethod} isNew={!payoutMethod} />
      bank: () => (
        <BankMethod method={payoutMethod} isNew={!payoutMethod} />
      paypal: () => (
        <PaypalMethod method={payoutMethod} isNew={!payoutMethod} />
`match` and `wildMatch` work on
enums and string unions

Still limiting !!!

What about pattern matching on data ?

`wildMatch` -> idea -> data in cases

Code time !!!

So far we have ...

match<'foo' | 'bar'> // states

match<{ name } | { email }> // data

What else can we do ???

Can we combine them somehow ???

type RemoteData<D, E> =
  | NotAsked
  | Loading
  | Success<D>
  | Failure<E>
One use case would be states/status
of data that we fetch

parametrize -> generic data

import { RemoteData, cata } from 'remote-data-ts'

const renderArticle = cata<Article, string, React.ReactNode>({
  notAsked:       () => <Empty />,
  loading:        () => <Spinner />,
  success: (article) => <Article {...article} />,
  error:       (msg) => <Msg variant="danger">{msg}</Msg>,

renderArticle(RemoteData.of({ title: 'Foo' }))
renderArticle(RemoteData.failure('404 Not found'))
RemoteData does the wrapping, etc.

Provides helpers to match each cases
and transform the content (only `Success`)

Map (map, then)

// (A -> B) -> RD<A, E> -> RD<B, E>
// (A -> B) -> A[]      -> B[]

// Promise<A> -> (A -> B) -> Promise<B>

<A, E, B>(fn: (d: A) => B) => (rd: RemoteData<A, E>) => RemoteData<B, E>;

Chain (then, flatMap)

// (A -> B[])      -> A[]      -> B[]
// (A -> RD<B, E>) -> RD<A, E> -> RD<B, E>

// Promise<A> -> (A -> Promise<B>) -> Promise<B>

<D, E, R>(fn: (d: D) => RemoteData<R, E>) => (rd: RemoteData<D, E>) => RemoteData<R, E>;

Fold (withDefault)

<D, E, R>(fn: (d: D) => R) => (def: R) => (rd: RemoteData<D, E>) => R;




  • Declarative
  • Avoid spreading logic
  • Composable
  • Extendable
  • Safe


  • Verbose implementation / boilerplate

export default Split

So ...

Many approaches

An Introduction to ADTs and Structural Pattern Matching in TypeScript

Pattern Matching with TypeScript

Pattern matching and type safety in TypeScript

Pattern Matching Custom Data Types in Typescript

I'm not the first one to talk about this

Of course !!!
