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1545 lines (1035 loc) · 37.4 KB


File metadata and controls

1545 lines (1035 loc) · 37.4 KB


This project adheres to Semantic Versioning) as of v0.10. Prior to v0.10, annotated tags per feature, annotated tags plus date per feature, or commit hashes were used.


Replaced Sigma2-logo with Sigma2+NRIS-logo. As the new logo is quite wide, it was necessary to redesign the footer. The logos are now on a separate row.


Various fixes to RDADCS import


  • Improve paranoia in general
  • Optional objects are now skipped correctly if missing from the import
  • Ignore the entire answers block as that's just timestamps
  • Answers to unknown querstions are properly ignored


Small feature:

  • Allow authenticated users to import plans via files. Supported formats:
    • RDA DCS 1.1, json
    • EasyDMP plan export format, json


Yet another bugfix in the published plan saga


  • Accessing a generated plan no longer leads to a 500 Server Error


Nano-size feature:

  • Instead of two buttons for exporting a plan to HTML and PDF, link to a page with all export-options, including the two JSON formats


Bugfix to the bugfix-release


  • Unauthenticated users no longer gets a 500 error when accessing a public plan. If there are no public plans they will get a 404, as before.


Paperbag bugfix release


  • The plan list (accessible through "Your plans") no longer have duplicate entries or the public plans but is back to showing only plans where the user has explicit access.


Small features release


  • When creating a new plan, it is now possible to go directly to the summary thanks to a new button.
  • Published plans are public in the web UI, it is no longer necessary to log in to see them.


  • The RDA DCS template can now be properly exported


  • Improved the template admin a bit: the section list shows super section ids, it's easier to select the correct next question for an ExplicitBranch, the "has mount"-column has been removed from the question admin as it was redundant.


A formset fix release


  • Make the formsets of optional questions also optional, e.g. multistring-questions


  • Make formset questions work more like normal questions, in order to fix the optionality-bug
  • Move extremely template-specific formset questions to separate files à la multistring-questions


The UI rewrite release!

The webpages have been rewritten with accessibility and ease of maintenace in mind. It looks pretty much as it used to with the following exceptions:

  • The Sigma2 logo has been updated
  • Some colors have been adjusted with increased contrast in mind
  • Most animations have been removed
  • On a narrow screen like on cell-phones, the hamburger-menu is gone. All menu items are always visible. Instead of the hamburger, they move around to make use of the available space.

More time could have been spent on making it even prettier, especially on mobile, but that is a never ending story.


Yet Another bugfix release


  • In plan summary, show subsections of empty sections




  • Make it easier to find a plan by id in admin, for debugging
  • Make it easier to change plan access in admin, for debugging


  • Ensure traversal over empty (question-less) sections work


Proper support for manually filling out an RDA DCS plan or any other template with repeatable or optional sections. No changes to database or API.

This concludes a process that started in the before times! It would probably still not have been finished if not for WFH, due to the level of focus needed.


  • Workable UX for answering repeated and/or optional sections


  • Improve accessibility by increasing contrast where that is easy and adding labels to gui-only controls.


Preparing the way for repeatable sections


  • Remove support for old-style optional sections. These were never in use and poorly compatible with repeatable sections.


  • Ensure AnswerSet.skipped is either True or None, never False


  • Upgrade various dependencies
  • Test on newest Djangos, while waiting for 4.2


Yet another bugfix release, same patch as 1.24.6


  • Plans now create its dependent answersets correctly on first save


Merge in fix from 1.24.5


Paperwork release


  • Add a field that'll later make it possible to replace toggle questions
  • Make middlewares independent of MiddlewareMixin (and add/update tests)


Yet another bugfix release


  • Plans now create its dependent answersets correctly on first save


Yet another miniscule bugfix release


  • Ensure that when creating a missing answerset that it is connected to a plan


A security release


  • Lock down what non-superusers can do in the admin a lot more


  • Fix wird database-behavior on github, sequences in github doesn't always start with 1...
  • Test on Django 4.1
    • Change LoginRequiredMiddleware to work on Django 4.1
    • Ensure a Plan is saved before plan.answersets is accessed for the first time
  • Upgrade patch-version of Django 3.2 for security
  • Upgrade dependencies in prepartion for Python 3.11


The shut up release


  • Temporarily disallow non-superusers from making optional/repeatable sections
  • Lowered log level for noisy warning
  • Added flag to rda dcs key loading command to silence output


  • Upgraded Django 4.0 to shut up Dependabot
  • Improved some tests, now less chatty
  • Rearranged flake8 config so that it doesn't check JSON-files..


A oneliner bugfix release


  • Creating new plans via web-ui now works again. Was due to "Plan.clean()" depending on the model having been saved at least once, and being run on an unsaved model.


Yet Another Bugfix release


  • Fixed the fix of the fix etc. that fixed the import of sections and questions in the correct order.
  • Ensure templates entirely without RDA DCS mark up can be exported to a minimal RDA DCS json dump, as they could prior to 1.23.0


  • Dedicated functions made to load all the extra stuff needed for RDA DCS support, and to set up fixtures for the RDA DCS tests
  • Removed outdated testing-flags that skipped some tests that should not have been skipped


The full RDA DCS support release! See UPGRADING.rst.

New feature:

  • Import RDA DCS plans into EasyDMP. (They do need to be valid, as per JSON-Schema!)
  • Export any plan to RDA DCS format. One that is based on the RDA DCS template will yield the most complete result, while exporting a plan based a template that is marked up with RDA DCS keys will be as good as the mark up and structure compatibility allows.


  • When designing a template, plans based on that template might end up with answers to questions that no longer exist in that template, which prevented the plan from validating. Now, the spurious/dead answers are removed from the plan on validation instead.
  • Fix validation of all question types that uses NotSet

New included template:

  • An example of all available question types, in src/easydmp/dmpt/data/question-type-demonstration.template.json


  • Added documentation about the new features
  • Improve on the UX of the typedidentifier question type: better error messages, looks and validation
  • Fix the template importi/export tests to work with the new template structure



  • Template import failed on generating a new Template title


See UPGRADING.rst to set up the RDA DCS support.

New features:

  • A new field "uuid" on the template, which is assumed to be a persistent unique identifier. When exporting a template, the uuid is preserved.
  • Support marking up templates using the JSON structure of RDA DCS as a taxonomy of sorts, via the new app "rdadcs"
  • Backend support for repeated sections, the frontend is lagging behind, though

New included template:

  • RDADCS v1.1, in src/easydmp/rdadcs/data/rdadcs-v1.1.template.json


  • Add tests for exporting EasyDMP plans


The fix to the fix release


  • There was a bug in the fix of template import with optional sections/deep structure


  • Reorganize the documentation as per into Howtos, Overview (explanation), Reference, except for the docs for developers. (There are no tutorials yet.)


The myriad fixes release


  • Validation of multistrings, dates and datetimes was fixed
  • When answering questions one by one it was possible to end up in a situation where self.object (the answerset) wasn't available, which lead to a 500 Server Error
  • The UX for daterange questions was improved: it was missing from the plan summary, it was unclear that both dates are needed etc.
  • Import of templates with optional sections and deep structure was broken, which wasn't discovered until the RDA DCS template was sufficiently finished.



  • Fix migration inheritance problem, caused by too aggressive search/replace


New feature:

  • Add a "multistring" question-type, for RDA DMP Common Standard


  • Fix adding additional rows to formsets, this time without any javascript
  • Extend the max-length of "shortfreetext" to 255 characters, after finding an overly long project title in the wild. (It still can't fit the full title of "Moll Flanders" (1722) by Daniel Defoe, though.)


  • Refactored how formset questions works and made the first standalone formset question-type: multistring


New feature:

  • Add a "datetime" question-type, for RDA DMP Common Standard


  • Make fill_cache_from_class() idempotent, which makes it possible to rerun the eestore upgrading commands from 1.20.0 without errors.


See UPGRADING.rst to start using the new EEStore types.

New feature:

  • EEStore types country (ISO 3166-1), currency (ISO 4217), and language (ISO 639-3)


  • Stub app for RDA DCS specific stuff
  • Util-function in EEStore for loading EEStoreCache from a class
  • Refactored saving questions in views to ensure identical code-path


New feature:

  • Support for questions that can be answered by either Yes, No or Unknown. For RDA DMP Common Standard.


  • More babysteps towards repeated sections
  • Security updates: Django 3.2.13, Django 4.0.4 and Pillow 9.0.1


New features:

  • Questions can be used as the identifier of answersets. This is marked on their QuestionType. The answer of a ShortfreeTextQuestion can be used as such an identifier.
  • New question-type TypedIdentifierQuestion that can also be used as the identifier of answersets. It consists of a typed string, where the types are currently denominated via CannedAnswers. This is necessary for proper RDA DMP CS support.


  • Fix logging of DRF authtokens created via admin. The admin for these is overly clever, breaking introspection, which lead to a 500 Server Error when logging creation of a token.


Backwards incompatible change:

  • After a security audit it was decided to shut down the API endpoint /api/v1/users/. The new endpoint, /api/v2/users/, has better security.


  • Officially run on Python 3.10 instead of Python 3.8


Big new feature:

  • Support importing plans and templates via API: either by POSTing an export or by pulling an export from a URL.


  • Work around a problem in the ORCID backend: it sets "fullname" to be a json blob when it is supposed to be a string.
  • The "Imported"-filter in the admin now works.


  • Refactor the import/export functionality
  • Upgrade Django to currently secure version
  • Run and test on Django 4.0
  • Run and test on Python 3.10


Small new feature:

  • Stop hardcoding login-providers. As a bonus, add support for logging in with ORCID.


  • "Save As" no longer leads to a 500 error. This was due to a bug in cloning answersets.


  • Various dependency upgrades



  • Ensure that the importer of a plan can access the import correctly


  • Upgrade python social auth (psa) and in the process get rid of a hack


Big new feature:

  • Support exporting and importing plans: export via CLI, admin and API, import via CLI and admin

Small new feature:

  • Reuse admin-filter to limit foreign keys in admin when making templates. For instance, when making questions, if you filter on a template in the questions list, a new question can only select the sections of that template as possible sections. Sections can only select sections in the same template as parents etc.


  • Fix "analyze_plans" management command
  • Fix utility function to work with answersets


  • Get rid of remaining vestiges of Python 3.7
  • Various upgrades
  • Add "skipped"-field to AnswerSet in preparation of repeatable section support
  • Store "branching_possible" on QuestionType. This'll make it possible to join on branchability.
  • Various refactors for consistency and cleanup


Small new feature:

  • Make it possible to show or hide the notes field per question, instead of hardcoding it per input type.


  • Ensure that validation of email questions doesn't wind up in debugging-mode, and check commits for python debugging statements


Humongous new feature:

  • Major refactor of questions, should allow for 3rd party apps containing 3rd party question types

Small new features:

  • New API v2 endpoints for JWT impersonation and logout, logging out will invalidate the token.
  • API v2 ready for use
  • Added a question type for email-addresses: email
  • Added a question type for links (URLS/URIs/IRIs): iri


  • Removed squashed migrations.



  • The endpoint /api/v1/plans/ now works with answersets. The old "one answerset per section" is emulated by showing the first created answerset per plan and section and ignoring any others. Needless to say, this means that plans made from templates that allows more than one answerset per section won't have all its answers in the json blob.


Due to the squashed migrations of the major functionality this cannot be a patch release. Nothing should change in the database except for new lines in the django_migrations table.


  • Fix bug when making a new version of a plan

Small new feature:

  • Allow making a plan public. This will make it readable for all.


  • Improve documentation slightly
  • Squash all unsquashed migrations in preparation for some big refactors
  • Upgrade insecure dependecies



  • Non-superusers can once again start new plans from the template list page.
  • Validation for MultiRDACostOneTextQuestion was.. not exactly checking for what needed checking. Missed because the field is not in use in any public template yet.


  • Show answerset identifier/name in canned export, not the primary key.
  • Move the "is this question editable for this user" calculation from the template to the view.
  • Squash migrations of more standalone apps (eestore, easdydmp_auth, eventlog) in preparation for doing the same to the complex apps (dmpt, plan).


Do not go directly from a pre 1.9.0 version to this version, go via 1.9.0. See UPGRADING.rst.

Small new features:

  • Rework how answers are shown in the summary, in preparation for repeatable sections
  • Make AnswerSets available through the admin


  • Hook up AnswerSets to their parent AnswerSets. Necessary to support repeatable sections

  • SQl schema cleanup:

    • Plan no longer has the fields data and previous_data
    • Removed now unused fk to Plan on Answer


Small new features:

  • Fixed the plan summary view so that sections nest (and replaced position+float with flexbox for the show section-button)


  • DateQuestion validation now doesn't choke on the input already being a date


Another bugfix release


  • Optional section questions are now not reorderable but stays at position 0
  • In the continuing saga of "validate branching sections correctly"...
    • Paths passed around are now always tuples of ints
    • The if-monster in AnswerSet.validate_data() is replaced by the light early-return structure of Section.validate_data()
  • Get rid of a 404: When going from a linear section to a branching section, the answerset is now passed in


Teeny tiny bugfix release


  • Cloning was broken for plans due to a bug in Answer.clone()
  • Clicking on anything in the progress bar no longer leads to a 404


  • Synchronize the User table schema with upstream


Obligatory big release "oops"


This release has very little that has visibly changed for the end users but there are some enormous incompatible changes in the database. DO NOT FORGET TO MIGRATE and take a backup before you do.

The migrations are numerous and heavy. They have been optimized for speed, but they might take a while.

This release is the biggest, scariest, step in supporting repeatable sections, that means that a section can be answered more than once.

Incompatible changes:

  • Stop storing answers on, store them on the AnswerSet instead. The fields still exist but will be dropped in a future release.

Big new features:

  • Move answers to AnswerSets, with all the needed reshuffling of validation logic, storage logic and traversal logic that implies.

Small new features:

  • Allow setting a section as "repeatable" in the admin. This is for testing and does not effect anything yet.
  • Hide the "Edit all"-link where it is pointless


  • Validation for branching sections works better
  • AnswerSets are now cloned correctly


  • Switch to Django's non-postgres specific JSONField-implementation
  • Drop support for Django 2.2


Admin bugfix/QoL improvements release

  • Fix bug that prevented the creation of new sections
  • Made section cloning information read only
  • Made questions auto-increment position on first save, just like sections and canned answers



Incompatible changes:

  • JWT: Due to supporting the new Django LTS (3.2) it was necessary to upgrade the jwt library used by the API. However, the existing JWT library did not support the new LTS, so it was necessary to switch to a newer, still developed fork. This fork has a slightly different API and has its own way of doing masquerading. The existing, non-documented masquerading endpoint authorize has been dropped.

Big new features:

  • Much easier to reorder sections, questions, canned answers in a template, both in admin and manually. It is now no longer possible to set position directly. A valid position is generated for you on first save.
  • Sections now nest properly. Nesting (via the section_depth and super_section attributes) was once upon a time added in order to organize the branching H2020 template. Reordering them via admin was very clunky, and the uniqueness constraint that ensured each section had a unique position per template was removed to make it easier. The admin UI for reordering has now been improved enough that the constraint can be reintroduced.


  • Prevent server error on unauthorized access to pdf


  • Improve how the validity checkmark is done. Now it is CSS-styleable.
  • Log a "cannot ever happen" bug that nevertheless has happened
  • Official support for Django 3.2 LTS. This will be the last minor version to support Django 2.2.


Small new features:

  • Template Designers can import templates
  • Templates can now be locked (made read only) in addition to published (made public).
  • Allow HTML in Question.comment, Question.help_text, Section.comment, Section.introductory_text


  • Trying to access a link to a plan containing a non-existing plan id or question id will now always end up with a "404 Not Found" instead of sometimes a "500 Server Error".
  • Also clone import metadata when cloning a template


  • Support running on Django 3.1 and prepare for running on Django 3.2


Small new features:

  • Template Designers can now make new versions of their templates as well as making private copies of them.

  • Published templates are readonly in the admin for everyone

  • The batch plan export CLI script is updated due to end user feedback: instead of exporting every single plan it can be limited to plans of a specific template, as well as only validated plans.

  • Change how setup of a new site is done, + devfixtures

    There's now a separate management command for loading a fresh database with standardized data, setup.


  • Regression: It was not possible to add/change Section.label or Question.label in the admin. Thx, frafra!
  • Importing templates using the EEStore didn't work due to overzealous validation


  • Hopefully the final needed database change for supporting repeatable sections
  • The plan export script now uses argparse, for more detailed help.
  • A new management command resetmigrationhistory to empty the django_migrations-table so that --fake --fake-initial can be run, that does not involve manually typing in SQL commands. Only run when all migrations are up to date.

Do remember to run migrate.


Big new features:

  • Export of templates, via CLI, admin, API
  • Import of templates, via CLI, admin

Small new features:

  • CLI script to batch export plans to PDF


  • New way to update/freeze dependencies
  • Final step of JSONField-conversion: Remove traces of squashed migrations
  • New management command to ease development of support for RDA DMP CS


PDF support in plan export.


Step two of the JSONField-conversion that started in the previous version was done now. The final will happen no later than 1.5.0.

The migration plan.0006_link_answer_to_answerset does not like some databases. It can time out if that happens, blocking the other migrations. If this holds for you, see UPGRADING.rst


New features:

  • Add API authentication by token
  • Export Plan to PDF


  • Fix bug due to url arg now being int, not str

On the way to better export to RDA DMP CS:

  • Rename SectionValidity to AnswerSet and QuestionValidity to Answer, in preparation for repeated sections.

Prepping for upgrade of Django:

  • Mark tests that need JSONField support
  • Change NullBooleanField to BooleanField(null=True)
  • Use contrib.postgres JSONField instead of 3rd party field
  • Replace url() with path()


  • Remove the model PlanComment (never in use)

Developer QoL:

  • Read logging config from separate file
  • Add file to control codecov
  • Greatly improve the sphinx docs


  • Tons of fixes to the test and test-system
  • Make plan data searchable in DRF (will run a migration)
  • Prepare API for v2
  • Use drf-spectacular for OpenAPI support


  • Fix typo during refactor
  • Fix bug caused by mypy


  • Fix various bugs in optional sectons

  • Add some type hints to tricky bits. This will help with making setions repeatable but does not mean that we will aim for everything typed.

    Common setup is added to "setup.cfg". Override with "mypi.ini" and ".mypi.ini", which are in .gitignore.

  • Add support for toggleable pagination, turn on with query param page_size

  • Remove last vestiges of old flow-app

  • Refactor Plan, especially validation. This is the first step in adding repeatable sections.

  • Move the remains of easydmp.utils to easydmp.lib

  • Update devfixtures.json for v1.3.0

  • Remove final traces of cached section graphs


New: Add support for optional sections


  • Run tests on github for a shiny, shiny badge
  • Allow running flake8 from tox
  • Fix thinko in plan list api


  • Rename Question.obligatory to Question.on_trunk


  • Plan list in API will not filter on published field


  • Plan serializer was missing the validation-fields
  • Make it easier to override just the password for a database, in settings
  • Bugfix


  • Layout improvements


  • Wherever answers can be entered, show the section introductory text by default
  • Stop making irrelevant answers in from leading to a validation error
  • Fix bug in validation when clicking "Check" in the UI


  • Improve the widget for storage forecast


  • Fix bug in section graph rendering in the api, affecting the admin


  • Fix a bug when navigating through a template with both branching and linear sections.
  • Stop caching section graphs on disc, generate them realtime instead


  • Adds a new question type for storage forecast


  • Improve the generated html
  • Update devfixtures to not mention the old flow


  • Improves on earlier bugfix.


  • Fixes a bug where the application crashes when navigating forward to next page.


  • Add a way to show questions in the generated text, not just the answers and notes. Toggled by a field on the template.
  • Make the template API up to date with newer template fields
  • Add the url to the generated html to the plan API


  • Bugfix of 1.0.1


  • First step of removing the old branching system: remove code, delete tables.


First version using the new branching system



Last version using the old branching system

  • Remove upgrade-commands needed for the last important upgrade, going from 0.20.1 to 0.21. (Probably should have been removed in 0.22.)
  • Search for users in eventlog (admin)
  • Fix for a bug in Question formsets


  • Improve plan API: add search, improve filtering
  • Improve looks for formsets
  • Improve looks for sinle section templates


  • Two new question types: date and multirdacostonetext, developed during the May 2020 virtual RDA hackathon
  • Sundry fixes and dependency updates


  • Fix bug with missing methid on BooleanQuestion after refactor
  • Use Python 3.8 due to cached_property


Maintenance release

  • Fix bug due to incompatibility with Django 2.1 that affected invitations
  • Upstream auth.User has changed so alter our own copy likewise
  • New CLI-command for seeing rough plan question usage statitstics: which plans have answered which questions
  • Various code cleanup, e.g. fixing code broken and/or missing after rebase
  • Switch to running on Django 2.2 and prep for running on 3.x


  • Add support for exporting to RDA DMP Common Standard. This necessitated adding one more piece of personal data: the full name of persons involved with a plan. For this reason the privacy policy has been updated as well, and it has been moved from the database to code for easier versioning.


  • Fix the docker-compose setup to work on a newer OS with newer postgres image
  • Improve miscellanea about optional questions. Validation, show in admin, show in gv graphs.
  • Switch to run on Django 2.2


  • Amend the previous patch so that superusers can choose whether to see all plans in existance in the personal plan list or not.


  • Allow superusers access to all plans in end user web ui
  • Fix a problem when working on templates with subsections


  • Fix an annoyance with the layout/whitespace between the page header and page contents.
  • Show a plan's title and version in the page title, for bookmarks etc.
  • Bugfixes galore: When cloning (saving a plan under a new name, or unlocking) section validities and editors were created twice, which ran into a unique-constraint. This also hid a typo in the event logging, and an error with incrementing the version number when unlocking.
  • Make it so that Plan.modified only updates on explicit alterations by a human, not when batch-processing fixes.
  • Improve the API for dmpt models: show template and newer fields on Question, allow search and filtering on Template, Section, Question and CannedAnswer.
  • Upgrade lots of dependencies and allow testing on newer Djangos


  • Bugfix: Unpinned dependency was incompatible with Django 1.11


  • Show some statistics on the public front page


  • Stop a long title from leaking into the next row of plans in the plan list


  • Push out some stable code to lock it in ahead of the big, scary branching change. Small releases are a good thing. Nothing in this release should change anything visible to the end users.


  • Bugfix in the old branching system, prevent invalid Edge's from breaking the flow calculator.


  • Change BooleanQuestion to store "Yes"/"No" instead of True/False



  • Fix to 0.20.0



  • Do second and last step of database migration cleanup



  • Do first step of database migration cleanup



  • Various bugfixes
  • Squash migrations ahead of branching changeover


  • Update outdated devfixtures


  • Fix error in new template-chooser if attempting to access deleted template
  • Improve the dmpt admin:
    • Filter questions on EEStore mounts
    • Add method to copy a template
  • Pull in newer versions of some dependencies for security reasons
  • Improve cloning for templates: store a reference to the original version


  • Add explicit LICENSE.txt
  • Freeze version of django-select2, the newest doesn't work on Django 1.11
  • Improve testing, by adding fixture-generators among other things
  • Adjust UI of template chooser a little
  • Prevent showing template version twice in the generated text


  • Improve and document testing
  • Bugfix in SectionDetailView, affected H2020-plans


  • Fix bug with exports not rendering properly. Has been here since 0.19.0.


  • Show the version of templates, if there are multiple versions
  • Use ISO 8601-ish formatting for dates and times throughout
  • Fix bug with logging in some cases of saving a plan


  • Fix bug in validating optional questions


  • Set a question-type specific css class on every question widget
  • Prevent Makefile from exiting with an error
  • Remove the TemplateAccess model, which was replaced by django-guardian ages ago.
  • Truncate long section titles in section progress bar
  • Major change: Replace "Publish" plan with "Lock" plan. A locked plan is not accessible to the public, and can be unlocked to create a new version.
  • Remove "Create new plan" from header in UI
  • New feature: Add rudimentary support for setting CORS headers for API-access
  • Add "Help"-link to help-page in header
  • Replace the privacy policy with a locally hosted one
  • Add more metadata for templates
  • Choose template before creating a plan, not during
  • Logging of some events


  • New question type: ShortFreetext. A single line of text suitable for titles and names
  • Fix for validations of plans not being saved when clicking "Check" in the UI


  • Fixed broken listing of plans in API for authenticated users
  • Show username in header
  • Find users by date_joined in admin


  • New feature: cache generated section graphs and make them available from the admin and from an API endpoint.


  • Removed duplicate in requirements (confuses pip)


  • Add docs about template design
  • New feature: optional questions, need not be answered if shown
  • Fixed some infelicities on the section update page
  • Reverted an admin feature that can't work in production as is (review graph)


  • Add link to user guide in footer
  • Add docs on flow visualization
  • Various css fixes and typo fixes
  • Various cleanups, code style
  • New feature: view flow for a section from the admin
  • New feature: Make a new version of a template from the admin


  • Document and update devfixtures.json
  • Fix bug that made next/page buttons on linear sections (multiple questions per page) behave differently from branching sections (single question per page).
  • Use python 3.7 and nonbinary psycopg2 in the Docker image
  • Sundry bugfixes
  • Add some template metadata
    • Differ between generic and domain specific templates
    • Store a description for each template


  • Switch to a newer JSONField implementation

  • Save validities in bulk, avoid multiple expensive UPSERTs

  • Fix Heisenbug that made saving questions work differently on different instances:

    • Use Python 3.7 due to ordered dicts
    • Ensure all question keys stored in plans are strings, since json converts ints to strings and, dependsing on implementation, may allow duplicate keys.

    Different JSON libraries treat duplicate keys differently. Python's json picks the last key if there are duplicates, and with python 3.7, the last key is always the newest key.


  • Support Python 3.7
  • Remove some unused code
  • Improve UX in template admin, add search
  • Always pull in debug toolbar
  • Log question saving to ease debugging
  • Make plan save lighter and speedier
  • Improve UI for multi question pages


  • Better solution to the solution in 0.14.2
  • Upgrade many dependencies
  • Record what dependencies work together


  • Lock down more versions of (sub-)dependencies


  • Bugfix, failing filter-lookup in admin


  • New feature: allow selected users to create templates. If a user is in the group "Template Designer", and is_staff is True, that user gains access to a stripped down Django admin to create and edit their own templates. They can use their own unfinished templates for making plans as well.
  • Remove the separate CannedAnswer entry from the admin


  • Yet another bugfix to multiple questions on a single page
  • Bugfix to template deletion
  • Fix ordering of canned answers
  • Fix Sigma2-logo (remote url was 404)


  • Make a start on simplifying the CSS and the HTML structure
  • Add a customized 500 error page


  • Show current plan in header when known


  • Bugfixes to 0.13.0


  • Multiple questions on a single page, for sections without branches.


  • Bugfixes: relating to the viewer role after 0.12.1
  • Bugfixes: relating to what pages should be public after 0.12.1
  • Added a themed 400 Not Found page.


  • Add links to EUDAT's T0S and Privacy Policy in the footer.


  • Bugfix: Users were not redirected to the login page when accessing a plan anonymously but got a 500 server error instead.
  • Bugfix: Not all the necessary authentication backends were in use.
  • Other small fixes.



  • Backend-support for logging of events
  • Usage of JWT for access to non-public parts of the API.
  • Switch from homebrew auth system for templates to django-guardian. Eventually switch to use django-guardian wherever convenient.
  • Start of changelog.



  • Support for docker-compose to ease development. This includes fixtures to fill the database with the relevant user types (superuser, ordinary user) and a sample template. This isn't end-user relevant or run-time bug prone so is relegated to a patch-version.



  • New feature: A very rudimentary system for giving people usage access to unpublished templates, for ease of cooperative development of new templates.



  • First version using semantic versioning
  • New user role for plans: view only. This necessitated an overhaul of the invitation system

2018, early September

  • Easy and not so easy speed optimizations. It used to take up to 10 seconds to go to the next question. Now it takes less than 1 second.
  • Quality if life changes to allow for easier on-boarding of new developers.

2018, first half

  • Work on another branching template for H2020.
  • New look and many UI-improvements for end users.
  • Most templates made private.


  • The big rename. Officially forked off from sigma-dmp, and the code was cleaned up and moved to a publically visible git repository.
  • Large deployment changes. All deployment-specific code was moved to a separate repository to facilitate multiple deployment options.

2017, second half

  • Support for multiple templates, and better UI for making templates (superuser only).
  • Work on making a branching template for H2020 and the additional form-support needed.
  • Creation of the EEStore, which gathers publically accessible data from various repositories via APIs, normalizes that data and provides an API to access the result. Useful for creating drop-down lists.
  • Support for using data from external APIs via the EEStore.
  • Email-based system for inviting other users to edit a plan.
  • Upgrade from python 2.7 to python 3.
  • Upgrade to Django 1.11.
  • Read-only API.


  • Proof of concept named "sigma-dmp" with a single, branching, hard coded template. Eventually the questions and flow was stored in a database so that it would not be necessary to make a new deployment for every change of wording in a question.
  • Start of FSA-backed form-generator.
  • Support branching on boolean questions.