Naira Exchange Rates (nexrates) is a free API service for current and historic Naira exchange rates published by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).
This is inspired and based off the excellent exchangeratesapi open source project.
Latest and specific date rates
Get the latest Naira exchange rates.
GET /api/latest
Get historical rates for any date since 2001.
GET /api/2021-01-01
Request specific exchange rates by setting the symbols parameter.
GET /api/latest?symbol=USD&symbol=GBP
Rates history
Get historical rates for a time period.
GET /api/history?start_at=2020-01-01&end_at=2020-01-30
Limit results to specific exchange rates to save bandwidth with the symbols parameter.
GET /api/history?start_at=2020-01-01&end_at=2020-01-30&symbol=USD&symbol=GBP
The API service is build upon FastAPI to handle requests asynchronously in order to achieve high throughput. Other libraries used include:
BSD 2-Clause