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Jiecao Video Player

Platform Maven Central Licenses Android Arsenal GitHub stars

This is the real android video player view with fullscreen function, we are dedicated to make it to be the most popular video play widget on android. Branch develop is the latest version, although it is not stable for now.



  1. Launching new Fullscreen Activity when playing video in fullscreen mode
  2. Even in ListViewViewPager and ListViewViewPager and Fragment and other nested fragments and views situation, it works well
  3. Video will be reset(pause) when it's scrolled out of the screen in ListView and ViewPager
  4. It will not disturb or change the playing state when entering or exiting fullscreen
  5. Support to custom view controller's skin
  6. Support to display the thumb when playing mp3 audio

Demo Screenshot

Demo Screenshot

Demo video :


1.Add the library in build.gradle

compile 'fm.jiecao:jiecaovideoplayer:1.8'

2.Add JCVideoPlayer in your layout

    android:layout_height="200dp" />

3.Set the video uri, video thumb url and video title

JCVideoPlayer videoController = (JCVideoPlayer) findViewById(;

4.Remember to invoke JCVideoPlayer.releaseAllVideos(); in onPause() of Fragment or Activity

Other APIs

Set up the video player appearance, you can set the current video player's skin or set the global skin. Priority: some video player instance skin > global skin > default skin

JCVideoPlayer.setGlobleSkin();//set up global skin
videoController.setSkin();//set up some video player instance skin

Modify the thumb image view's scaleType property, default value is fitCenter. There will be black padding if the size of thumb is not compatible with screen size, try to use fitXY or other scaleType.


Invoke FullScreenActivity.toActivity(...) to enter fullscreen directly.



-keepclassmembers class ** {
    public void onEvent*(***);
# Only required if you use AsyncExecutor
-keepclassmembers class * extends de.greenrobot.event.util.ThrowableFailureEvent {
    public <init>(java.lang.Throwable);
# Don't warn for missing support classes
-dontwarn de.greenrobot.event.util.*$Support
-dontwarn de.greenrobot.event.util.*$SupportManagerFragment
