Table of Contents
- Install RVM (Linux and MacOSX)
- Setup fresh Ruby gemset
- Install Awestruct
- Check version of Awestruct
- Next: Create a new Awestruct-based website project
- Next: Use git to take a snapshot of initial state
- Use git to take a snapshot of initial state
- Next: Configure website name, title, author and organization
- Configure website name, title, author and organization
- Activate AsciiDoc content
- Configure a theme for AsciiDoc and the website
- Activate posts extension (blog, news, etc)
- Extensionless URLs
- Using source code in your site
- Add Disqus comments
- Add Google Analytics
- Chunked content
- Custom domain name
This tutorial…
$ rvm use 1.9.3@writeadapt --create
If you want to use Ruby 2.0, replace 1.9.3 with 2.0.0 in the previous two commands. |
$ gem install awestruct
Console output
Fetching: tilt-1.4.1.gem (100%) Successfully installed tilt-1.4.1 Fetching: haml-4.0.3.gem (100%) HEADS UP! Haml 4.0 has many improvements, but also has changes that may break your application: * Support for Ruby 1.8.6 dropped * Support for Rails 2 dropped * Sass filter now always outputs <style> tags * Data attributes are now hyphenated, not underscored * html2haml utility moved to the html2haml gem * Textile and Maruku filters moved to the haml-contrib gem For more info see: Successfully installed haml-4.0.3 Fetching: mini_portile-0.5.1.gem (100%) Successfully installed mini_portile-0.5.1 Fetching: nokogiri-1.6.0.gem (100%) Building native extensions. This could take a while... Successfully installed nokogiri-1.6.0 Fetching: sass-3.2.9.gem (100%) Successfully installed sass-3.2.9 Fetching: chunky_png-1.2.8.gem (100%) Successfully installed chunky_png-1.2.8 Fetching: fssm-0.2.10.gem (100%) Successfully installed fssm-0.2.10 Fetching: compass-0.12.2.gem (100%) Successfully installed compass-0.12.2 Fetching: compass-960-plugin-0.10.4.gem (100%) Successfully installed compass-960-plugin-0.10.4 Fetching: bootstrap-sass- (100%) Successfully installed bootstrap-sass- Fetching: zurb-foundation-4.2.3.gem (100%) Successfully installed zurb-foundation-4.2.3 Fetching: mime-types-1.23.gem (100%) Successfully installed mime-types-1.23 Fetching: rest-client-1.6.7.gem (100%) Successfully installed rest-client-1.6.7 Fetching: git-1.2.5.gem (100%) Successfully installed git-1.2.5 Fetching: ruby-s3cmd-0.1.5.gem (100%) Successfully installed ruby-s3cmd-0.1.5 Fetching: rb-fsevent-0.9.3.gem (100%) Successfully installed rb-fsevent-0.9.3 Fetching: ffi-1.9.0.gem (100%) Building native extensions. This could take a while... Successfully installed ffi-1.9.0 Fetching: rb-inotify-0.9.0.gem (100%) Successfully installed rb-inotify-0.9.0 Fetching: rb-kqueue-0.2.0.gem (100%) Successfully installed rb-kqueue-0.2.0 Fetching: listen-1.2.2.gem (100%) Successfully installed listen-1.2.2 Fetching: rack-1.5.2.gem (100%) Successfully installed rack-1.5.2 Fetching: awestruct-0.5.2.gem (100%) Successfully installed awestruct-0.5.2 22 gems installed
$ awestruct --version
Console output
WARNING: Missing required dependency to activate optional built-in extension minify.rb cannot load such file -- htmlcompressor WARNING: Missing required dependency to activate optional built-in extension coffeescripttransform.rb cannot load such file -- coffee-script Awestruct: 0.5.2
Install Rake and Bundler
$ gem install rake bundler
Console output
Fetching: rake-10.1.0.gem (100%) Successfully installed rake-10.1.0 Fetching: bundler-1.3.5.gem (100%) Successfully installed bundler-1.3.5 2 gems installed
Ensure environment is setup correctly
$ rake setup
Generate and preview website
$ rake
The rake command with no arguments is a shortcut for rake preview. |
Console output
WARNING: Missing required dependency to activate optional built-in extension minify.rb cannot load such file -- htmlcompressor WARNING: Missing required dependency to activate optional built-in extension coffeescripttransform.rb cannot load such file -- coffee-script Using profile: development Generating site: http://localhost:4242 [Listen warning]: The blocking parameter of Listen::Listener#start is deprecated. Please use Listen::Adapter#start for a non-blocking listener and Listen::Listener#start! for a blocking one. [2013-01-01 00:00:00] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1 [2013-01-01 00:00:00] INFO ruby 2.0.0 (2013-05-14) [x86_64-linux] [2013-01-01 00:00:00] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=10485 port=4242
Preview website
Visit http://localhost:4242 in your web browser.
Halt the preview server
Structure of generated site
_site/ |-- humans.txt |-- index.html |-- javascripts/ | |-- foundation/ | | |-- foundation.alerts.js | | |-- foundation.clearing.js | | |-- foundation.cookie.js | | |-- foundation.dropdown.js | | |-- foundation.forms.js | | |-- foundation.interchange.js | | |-- foundation.joyride.js | | |-- foundation.js | | |-- foundation.magellan.js | | |-- foundation.orbit.js | | |-- foundation.placeholder.js | | |-- foundation.reveal.js | | |-- foundation.section.js | | |-- foundation.tooltips.js | | `-- foundation.topbar.js | `-- vendor/ | |-- custom.modernizr.js | |-- jquery.js | `-- zepto.js |-- robots.txt `-- stylesheets/ `-- app.css
Initialize new git repository
$ git init .
Instruct git to ignore generated files
$ cat > .gitignore << LINES /.awestruct/ /.ruby-* /.sass-cache/ /_site/ /_tmp/ /Gemfile.lock /stylesheets/_themes/ LINES
After running this command, the the .gitignore file should have the following content: /.awestruct/ /.ruby-*/ /.sass-cache/ /_site/ /_tmp/ /Gemfile.lock /stylesheets/_themes/ |
Add all non-ignored files to the git repository
$ git add .
Commit the changes to make the snapshot
$ git commit -m 'initial import'
Now, any changes you make will be tracked by git, and you can rollback at any time.
Change values in _config/site.yml
name: Write__Adapt__
title: WriteAdapt - For People Who Love Content
org: Strategy Media
author: The Octocat
base_url: ''
ctx_path: ''
Tweak a few settings by adding these lines to _config/site.yml
interpolate: false #(1)
:ugly: true #(2)
Disables interpolation of Ruby variable expressions in content (e.g.,
) -
Disables pretty printing (indentation) of HTML output
Clean and preview site to see changes
$ rake clean $ rake
The clean step is required since a change to the configuration file, _config/site.yml, does not force pages to be regenerated automatically. |
Uncomment Asciidoctor gem, asciidoctor, in Gemfile
gem 'asciidoctor', '>= 0.1.4.pre'
Update gems
$ bundle update
Console output
Fetching gem metadata from Resolving dependencies... Using rake (10.1.0) Installing asciidoctor (0.1.4.preview.2) Using sass (3.2.9) Using bootstrap-sass ( Using chunky_png (1.2.8) Using fssm (0.2.10) Using compass (0.12.2) Using compass-960-plugin (0.10.4) Using git (1.2.5) Using tilt (1.4.1) Using haml (4.0.3) Installing json (1.8.0) Using rb-fsevent (0.9.3) Using ffi (1.9.0) Using rb-inotify (0.9.0) Using rb-kqueue (0.2.0) Using listen (1.2.2) Using mini_portile (0.5.1) Using nokogiri (1.6.0) Using rack (1.5.2) Using mime-types (1.23) Using rest-client (1.6.7) Using ruby-s3cmd (0.1.5) Using zurb-foundation (4.2.3) Using awestruct (0.5.2) Using bundler (1.3.5) Your bundle is updated!
Add lines to _config/site.yml to configure Asciidoctor
:safe: safe
sitename: WriteAdapt
base_url: ''
ctx_path: ''
idprefix: ''
idseparator: '-'
sectanchors: ''
icons: font
Create a page in AsciiDoc format, about.adoc
= About {sitename} (1)
Your Name
:awestruct-layout: base (2)
{sitename} was founded by {author} during a conference workshop.
It's quickly becoming much bigger than this humble beginning.
This page is written in[AsciiDoc].
It's transformed by[Awestruct] and[Asciidoctor] into a webpage for this static website.
Becomes main heading on the page
Specifies the layout to use to frame this content
AsciiDoc does not require a special "front-matter" header. Instead, regular AsciiDoc attribute entries can be used. Attribute names that begin with awestruct- are passed to Awestruct as front-matter variables. |
Edit _layouts/base.html.haml to add About link to navbar
%li.divider %li %a{:href=>"#{site.ctx_path}/about.html"} About
Clean and preview site to see changes
$ rake clean preview
Clone Asciidoctor stylesheet factory as a submodule
$ git submodule add -b embedded-stylesheets \ stylesheets/_themes
Replace content of stylesheets/app.scss to configure theme
@import "_themes/sass/foundation-embedded.scss";
@import "foundation/components/buttons";
@import "foundation/components/top-bar";
@import "foundation/components/inline-lists";
// fall through defaults
$footer-bg: $body-font-color !default;
$footer-font-color: invert($body-font-color) !default;
.top-bar a {
text-decoration: none;
h1 em {
letter-spacing: 1px;
body > footer {
background: $footer-bg;
padding: $panel-padding;
color: $footer-font-color;
Alternative themes include asciidoctor-embedded and rocket-panda-embedded. |
Add line at top of _ext/pipeline.rb to load SASS functions for themes
require './stylesheets/_themes/lib/functions.rb'
Remove unnecessary files
$ rm stylesheets/{_normalize.scss,_settings.scss}
Also remove the normalize.css link from _layouts/base.html.haml. |
Edit _layouts/base.html.haml to assign id to main content
~ content
Edit index.html.haml to remove horizontal rule under page title and format site name
%h1 Welcome to #{Asciidoctor.render, :doctype => :inline}!
Edit _layouts/base.html.haml to format site name
%a(href="#{site.ctx_path}/")=Asciidoctor.render, :doctype => :inline
Clean and preview site to see changes
$ rake clean preview
Create the posts directory in the project root
$ mkdir posts
Enable the Posts extensions and Partial helper in _ext/pipeline.rb do
helper Awestruct::Extensions::Partial
extension '/posts'
extension :posts, '/index', :page_name => 'posts/page', :per_page => 5
extension :posts, '/feed.xml', :num_entries => 10
Create a directory for partials (i.e., include files) in the project root
$ mkdir _partials
Create a partial, _partials/post.html.haml, to layout the post
%em by{:href=> || site.author_url}
%img{:src=>"#{ || site.author_url}.png"}(width=24 height=24) ||
%time.pubdate{:datetime=> '%FT%T%:z'} '%B %e, %Y'
Create the layout for a post, _layout/post.html.haml
layout: base
=partial 'post.html.haml', :post => page
Create the layout for pagination, _partials/pagination.html.haml
- paginator = page.posts
- if paginator.previous_page
- else
%li #{paginator.current_page_index + 1} of #{paginator.pages.size}
- if paginator.next_page
- else
Edit index.html.haml to show all posts on front page
layout: base
%h1 Welcome to #{Asciidoctor.render, :doctype => :inline}!
- page.posts.each do |post|
=partial 'post.html.haml', :post => post, :listing => true
=partial 'pagination.html.haml', :paginator => page.posts
Create a post, posts/docs-workshop-oscon-2013.adoc
= Docs Workshop at OSCON 2013
Author Name
:awestruct-tags: [conference, oscon]
Content of first post, reporting from OSCON!
The default layout for a post is post, so you don’t have to specify it in the AsciiDoc header. |
Add Atom feed to _layouts/base.html.haml
%link{:rel=>'alternate', :type=>'application/atom+xml', :href=>"#{site.ctx_path}/feed.xml"}
Clean and preview site to see changes
$ rake clean preview
Enable Tagger extension below Paginator in _ext/pipeline.rb
extension :posts, '/index', 'posts/tag', :per_page => 5
Add tag links to bottom of _partials/post.html.haml - if .tags %i.label.icon-tags =" #{}"
Clean and preview site to see changes
$ rake clean preview
Edit _ext/pipeline.rb to activate Indexifier extension
The Indexifier extension must come before the Atomizer extension |
Relative links must now be prefixed with ../ to escape from directory holding the "indexified" page. |
Edit _layouts/base.html.haml to update navigation links
%a{:href=>"#{site.ctx_path}/about"} About
Clean and preview site to see changes
$ rake clean preview
Edit _config/site.yml to configure AsciiDoc source highlighter
:safe: safe
sitename: WriteAdapt
base_url: ''
ctx_path: ''
idprefix: ''
idseparator: '-'
sectanchors: ''
icons: font
source-highlighter: coderay
coderay-css: style
Add CodeRay gem, coderay, to Gemfile
gem 'coderay'
Update gems
$ bundle update
Add some source code
require 'asciidoctor'
puts Asciidoctor.render 'Write__Adapt__', :doctype => :inline
Make a directory for images in the project root
$ mkdir images
Download some example images into the images directory
Include an inline image in a post written in AsciiDoc
image:oscon-mascot.jpg[role="thumb right"] I'm excited to be at OSCON 2013.
I'm currently attending a workshop on collaborative documentation.
We're learning about how to:
- setup a static website with Awestruct
- compose content in AsciiDoc
- collaborate on content using git and GitHub
- publish the website to GitHub Pages
- and lots more!
In fact, this website was launched during the workshop.
The default images directory is /images. You don’t have to include the images directory in the image path. Asciidoctor will automatically resolve the image relative to the images directory. This also allows you to change the location of the images directory (or URL) without needing to update your content. |
Include a block image in a post written in AsciiDoc
I can't wait to show my site to these GitHub guys.
They'll be proud ;)
.GitHub trainers, Matthew and Tim
Conditional hack to get post title to show on GitHub
= Docs Workshop at OSCON 2013
Include a video in a post written in AsciiDoc
.Mozilla Firefox Manifesto
The video macro is somewhat limited at the moment. It can’t yet handle YouTube videos. You could use a pass through block to insert HTML directly. |
Add Disqus extension as last entry in _ext/pipeline.rb
Edit _config/site.yml to configure Disqus
disqus: writeadapt
disqus_generate_id: true
disqus_developer: true
Edit _partials/post.html.haml to add Disqus comments
- if !page.listing
- if site.disqus && !site.disqus_developer
Edit _ext/pipeline.rb
helper Awestruct::Extensions::GoogleAnalytics
Add analytics key to the configuration:
Edit _config/site.yml
google_analytics: UA-00000000-1
Clean and preview site to see changes
$ rake clean preview
:excerpt: Excerpt of post.
:awestruct-excerpt: {excerpt}
- if page.listing || summarize(html_to_text(, 100)
- else
Edit CNAME at project root
You’ll need to point the DNS for your domain at the GitHub Pages server. See Setting up a custom domain with GitHub Pages for instructions. |