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PageLoader Anatomy

This section will not go over how to build and use a PageObject. For a beginner's guide, refer to our quick guide. This page will assume that the reader has gone through the quick guide.

PageLoader is based on the PageObject Design Pattern and is built using Dart codegen. Users write the abstract PageObject class and code generation implements this abstract PageObject.

For example:

1. User writes `my_po.dart`.
2. PageLoader code generation generates `my_po.g.dart`.

Inside a PageObject?

Your PageObject will have two layers of wrapping:

  1. Your PageObject wraps a PageLoaderElement object.
  2. PageLoaderElement wraps an element from dart:html or package:webdriver.

PageObject Anatomy

The user is responsible for writing their own PageObject and its internal methods. In most cases, these user-defined methods will interact with the rich PageLoaderElement API.

By itself, PageObjects have no specific implementation until it is constructed with either a dart:html Element or package:webdriver WebDriver. This allows for users to write a single PageObject and use this in both HTML and Webdriver implementations.

Most of the methods within PageLoaderElement behavior similarly in both dart:html and package:webdriver implementations, but there are some cases where they may differ in usage and behavior. Refer to the PageLoaderElement API for more information.

PageObject Construction and Code Generation

For every PageObject code written, there is an equivalent generated code.

PageLoader uses the following dependencies to achieve code generation:

  1. package:build
  2. package:source_gen
  3. package:built_value

For example, if a user writes my_po.dart, code generation step will generate my_po.g.dart.

Consider the following sample PageObject:

// FILE: my_po.dart
import 'package:pageloader/pageloader.dart';

part 'my_po.g.dart';

abstract class MyPO {
    factory MyPO.create(PageLoaderElement context) =

    PageLoaderElement get _redTextBox;

    PageLoaderElement get _blueButton;

    bool get blueButtonIsDisplayed => _blueButton

    Future<void> clickBlueButton =>;

    Future<void> clickAndTypeIntoRedBox(String text) async {
      await _redTextBox.type(text);

Let's break this down step-by-step to understand what is going on:

1. Part Clause

part 'my_po.g.dart';
// ...

Adding this part clause is necessary since my_po.g.dart essentially becomes an extension of my_po.dart. This allows users to only import my_po.dart and get full access to the generated code rather than having to import both files.

2. @PageObject() and abstract class

When a user writes their own PageObject, they are creating an abstract class and the code generation step implements this.

@PageObject() is used as the starting point for code generation step. package:build will identify all abstract classes annotated with this and generate the implemented, non-abstract version of this class.

3. @CheckTag('my-special-tag')

Adding a @CheckTag(<tag-name>) is optional, but considered best practice. @CheckTag(...) provides a runtime check on whether the accessed element truly represents the user's intended HTML Element tag.

From the above example PageObject, suppose:

final myPo = MyPO.create(...);
await myPo.clickBlueButton();

The order of operations on myPo.clickBlueButton() is:

  1. Get the root PageLoaderElement within MyPo. This is not guaranteed to represent 'my-special-tag' based on what was passed in MyPO.create(...).
  2. Verify that this root element represents 'my-special-tag'.
  3. Execute clickBlueButton() using this element.

@CheckTag(...) annotation is responsible for step 2; without this, even if some other tag was passed, the test would not complain. However, you may end up with hard to debug issues.

Let's consider a more realistic example as to why using @CheckTag(...) is a good idea. Suppose you have another PageObject that wraps MyPO:

// FILE: 'some_other_po.dart'
import 'package:pageloader/pageloader.dart';

import 'my_po.dart';

abstract class OtherPO {
    factory OtherPO.create(PageLoaderElement context) =

    MyPO get myPO;

In this example, we have wrapped MyPO within another PageObject. Note the finder @ByClass('some-class') used to access MyPO PageObject: we are trying to get MyPO by class, not tag name.

If we have the following html:

    <incorrect-tag class="foo-class">

then we are getting the incorrect tag since we expected 'my-special-tag' but instead got 'incorrect-tag'. In this case, @CheckTag('my-special-class') will complain whenever myPO is used since it is being bound to the incorrect tag.

4. Constructors

Every PageObject must have the following boilerplate constructors:

factory MyPO.create(PageLoaderElement context) =

Note here that factory MyPO.create(...) = $MyPO.create; is a factory constructor that delegates the construction of MyPO to its generated counterpart $MyPO (from my_po.g.dart).

5. PageLoader abstract getter method annotations

In the example:

    PageLoaderElement get _redTextBox;

    PageLoaderElement get _blueButton;

These are abstract getter methods that PageLoader hooks into during code generation.

Annotations used on these abstract getter methods come in two flavors:

  1. Finders (required, unique)
  2. Filters (optional, multiple)

Any abstract getter method requires exactly one Finder annotation in order for PageLoader to do its magic. In addition, each abstract getter method with a Finder annotation can have zero or more Filters. (However, typically you only need at most one.)

Available Finders are:

  1. @ByClass(...)
  2. @ByCss(...)
  3. @ByDebugId(...)
  4. @ById(...)
  5. @ByTagName(...)
  6. @ByTestId(...)
  7. @ByCheckTag()

There is also another annotation that can be used in place of a Finder annotation - the @root annotation.

The @root annotation provides the PageObject direct access to its currently bound PageLoaderElement. For example:

abstract class MyPO {
  // ...constructors...

  PageLoaderElement get _rootElement;

  PageLoaderElement get childElement;

If MyPO is used to bind to root-tag in the following:


Then _rootElement is bound to the PageLoaderElement representing <root-tag> and childElement is bound to the PageLoaderElement representing <child-tag>.`

There are also two context finders that wrap around the 7 Finders (non-@root) above:

  1. @First(...)
  2. @Global(...)

Example of context Finders:

PageLoaderElement get firstFooTag;

PageLoaderElement get globalFooTag;

Filters are useful if you want to filter the results obtained from the Finder annotation.

For example:

    <my-item class="foo"></my-item>
    <my-item class="bar"></my-item>
    <my-item class="foo"></my-item>
    <my-item class="bar"></my-item>


List<MyItemPO> get fooItems;

List<MyItemPO> get barItems;

@WithClass(...) filters both of these getters such that they only return PageObjects with the filtered class.

Full list of Filters:

  1. @IsDisplayed()
  2. @IsTag(...)
  3. @WithAttribute(...)
  4. @WithClass(...)
  5. @WithInnerText(...)
  6. @WithProperty(...)
  7. @WithVisibleText(...)

Finally, these annotations may only be used on abstract getter methods that return instances of type:

  1. PageLoaderElement
  2. PageObject (class with @PageObject() annotation)
  3. List<T> where T is the above 2.

6. Lazy loading, existence, and the NullPageLoaderElement

Whenever any PageLoader entity (PageObject or PageLoaderElement) is accessed, PageLoader will lazily access these elements.

For example:



abstract class MyPO {
    // ...constructors...

    PageLoaderElement get _mayExist;

    bool get mayExist => _mayExist.exists;

    String get mayExistInnerText => _mayExist.innerText;

Let's suppose that the <may-exist> tag may or may not be currently rendered in the HTML document. Certain behaviors (ex: clicking a button) may remove this tag or add it back in. PageLoader is not able to ascertain its existence until this element is accessed. Also, PageLoader does not attempt to cache knowledge about its existence.

As a result, best practices recommends users to manually check every element (if it may not exist) before utilizing it to avoid runtime exceptions from being thrown:

    String get mayExistInnerText => 
        mayExist ? _mayExist.innerText : '';

There may be cases where you may want to return a null value. However, instead of returning null, users should return an instance of a NullPageLoaderElement via @nullElement annotation.

For example:

abstract class MyShoppingListPO {
  // ...constructors...

  List<ShoppingListItemPO> get _listItems;

  ShoppingListItemPO shoppingItemWithName(String itemName) =>
            (item) => item.attributes.contains(itemName),
            orElse: () => null);

The above is not recommended since it returns a null value when the method signature expects a ShoppingListItemPO.

This means the user must do a null check in their test while also doing an existence check:

final shoppingList = MyShoppingListPO.create(...);
// Do stuff
final handbag = shoppingList.shoppingItemWithName('handbag');
if (handbag != null && handbag.exists) {
    // Do something with `handbag`

Instead, the user should return a NullPageLoaderElement-wrapped ShoppingListItemPO using @nullElement annotation:

abstract class MyShoppingListPO {
  // ...constructors...

  List<ShoppingListItemPO> get _listItems;

  ShoppingListItemPO get _nullShoppingListItem;

  ShoppingListItemPO shoppingItemWithName(String itemName) =>
            (item) => item.attributes.contains(itemName),
            orElse: () => _nullShoppingListItem);

Then, you can simplify the conditional checks to:

final shoppingList = MyShoppingListPO.create(...);
// Do stuff
final handbag = shoppingList.shoppingItemWithName('handbag');
if (handbag.exists) {
    // Do something with `handbag`

7. Mixins

By design, PageLoader follows "composition over inheritance" structure. Direct inheritance is not possible with PageLoader since every PageObject has a generated class that extends on its abstract class.

For example: class $MyPO extends MyPO {...} with $MyPO being the generated version of MyPO (user-written).

However, we can use Dart mixins to provide shared functionality between PageObjects.


mixin SharedPOMixin {
  // Note: Do NOT add constructors

  PageLoaderElement get foobarElement;

  Future<void> clickFoobar() =>;


abstract class ConcretePO with SharedPOMixin {
  factory ConcretePO.create(PageLoaderElement context) =

  Future<void> clickFoobarAndReturnText() {
      await clickFoobar();
      return foobarElement.innerText;

You can also achieve even more advanced mixin combinations:

mixin EmployeePOMixin {...}

// `TeacherPOMixin` cannot be mixed in unless `EmployeePOMixin`
// is also mixed in, otherwise compilation error.
mixin TeacherPOMixin on EmployeePOMixin { ... }

abstract class TenuredTeacherPO
    with EmployeePOMixin, TeacherPOMixin {
    // constructors and methods