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Code for Synthetic Returns

This repository contains code for the arXiv preprint "Synthetic Returns for Long-Term Credit Assignment" by David Raposo, Sam Ritter, Adam Santoro, Greg Wayne, Theophane Weber, Matt Botvinick, Hado van Hasselt, and Francis Song.

To cite this work:

  title={Rapid Task-Solving in Novel Environments},
  author={Raposo, David and Ritter, Sam and Santoro, Adam and Wayne, Greg and
  Weber, Theophane and Botvinick, Matt and van Hasselt, Hado and Song, Francis},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.12425},

Agent core wrapper

We implemented the Synthetic Returns module as a wrapper to a recurrent neural network (RNN), so it should be compatible with any Deep-RL agent with an arbitrary RNN core, whose inputs consist of batches of vectors. This could be an LSTM as in the example below, or a more sophisticated core as long as it implements an hk.RNNCore.

agent_core = hk.LSTM(128)

To build the SR wrapper, simply pass the existing agent core to the constructor, along with the SR configuration:

sr_config = {
    "memory_size": 128,
    "capacity": 300,
    "hidden_layers": (128, 128),
    "alpha": 0.3,
    "beta": 1.0,
sr_agent_core = hk.ResetCore(
  SyntheticReturnsCoreWrapper(core=agent_core, **sr_config))

Typically, the SR wrapper should itself be wrapped in a hk.ResetCore in order to reset the core state in the beginning of a new episode. This will reset not only the episodic memory but also the original agent core that was passed to the SR wrapper constructor.


Consider the distributed setting, wherein a learner receives mini-batches of trajectories of length T produced by the actors.

trajectory is a nested structure of tensors of size [T,B,...] (where B is the batch size) containing observations, agent states, rewards and step type indicators.

We start by producing inputs to the SR core, which consist of tuples of current state embeddings and return targets. The current state embeddings can be produced by a ConvNet, for example. In our experiments we used the current step reward as target. Note that the current step reward correspond to the rewards in the trajectory shifted by one, relative to the observations:

observations = jax.tree_map(lambda x: x[:-1], trajectory.observation)
vision_output = hk.BatchApply(vision_net)(observations)
return_targets = trajectory.reward[1:]
sr_core_inputs = (vision_output, return_targets)

For purposes of core resetting at the beginning of a new episode, we also need to pass an indicator of which steps correspond to the first step of an episode.

should_reset = jnp.equal(
  trajectory.step_type[:-1], int(dm_env.StepType.FIRST))
core_inputs = (sr_core_inputs, should_reset)

We can now produce an unroll using hk.dynamic_unroll and passing it the SR core, the core inputs we produced, and the initial state of the unroll, which corresponds to the agent state in the first step of the trajectory:

state = jax.tree_map(lambda t: t[0], trajectory.agent_state)
core_output, state = hk.dynamic_unroll(
  sr_agent_core, core_inputs, state)

The SR wrapper produces 4 output tensors: the output of the agent core, the synthetic returns, the SR-augmented return, and the SR loss.

The synthetic returns are taken into account when computing the augmented return and the SR loss. Therefore they are not needed anymore and can be discarded or used for logging purposes.

The agent core outputs should be used, as usual, for producing a policy. In an actor-critic, policy gradient set-up, like IMPALA, we would produce policy logits and values:

policy_logits = hk.BatchApply(policy_net)(core_output.output)
value = hk.BatchApply(baseline_net)(core_output.output)

Similarly, in a Q-learning setting we would use the agent core outputs to produce q-values.

The SR-augmented returns should be used in place of the environment rewards for the policy updates (e.g. when computing the policy gradient and baseline losses):

rewards = core_output.augmented_return

Finally, the SR loss, summed over batch and time dimensions, should be added to the total learner loss to be minimized:

total_loss += jnp.sum(core_output.sr_loss)