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Fynd Development Kit

Note: Experimental support for Windows is available, it may not be fully stable.

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Fynd development Kit (FDK CLI) is a cli tool developed by Fynd to create and update themes, extensions and various other components of the Fynd Platform.

Quick Links

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  • You must have created a partner account
  • You must have created development account guide
  • You must have installed Git, if you don't already have it.
  • You must have installed Nodejs version 18.X.X or higher version, if you don't already have it.
  • Optional Prerequisites
    • Maven (To use fdk extension init for java extension initialization)


npm install -g @gofynd/fdk-cli

Basic Commands

To help you get started, there are some basic commands you can use.

fdk --help

To see the current fdk version, enter:

fdk version

To see the available theme commands, enter:

fdk theme

To see the available extension commands, enter:

fdk extension

See the the Command reference for syntax details and usage examples of the commands.


Global Commands

Command Description
login Login user
user Shows user details of logged in user
logout Logout user
populate Populate sample data into development account to get started with theme and extension development
tunnel Create a tunnel on the specified port number to enable remote access for development and testing.

Theme Commands

Command Description
new Create new theme
init Clone or download the code of the live website onto your local machine to set up a local development environment for testing and modifications.
serve Initiate theme development on your local machine. Your changes will automatically reflect in the browser whenever you save
sync This command will sync your local changes on live store website so you can preview it.
pull Pull latest theme code of your store website
pull-config Retrieve the most recent theme configuration values from the theme editor on your local machine.
open Returns links that provide preview of the current theme.
package Package your local theme files into a ZIP file. This will allow you to upload the theme to the partners panel and list it on the marketplace.
context Add context of a theme
context-list List all available contexts
active-context show currently active context

Extension Commands

Command Description
init Utilize this command to set up a new extension locally, leveraging existing templates of your choice.
preview Start the extension development server and provide a tunnel URL to preview the extension on the development company.
pull-env Retrieve extension context values from the partners panel and update current extension context.
launch-url Get/set extension's lanuch url

Extension Binding Commands

Command Description
init Utilize this command to set up a new extension section binding locally, leveraging existing templates of either Vue 2 or React JS.
draft Create a draft entry of section binding accessible on dev companies.
publish Publish the bindings across all the companies where extension is installed..
preview Create a tunnel and provide a link to tryout extension on any company.
show-context Show current extension section context.
clear-context Clear current extension section context.

Partner Commands

Command Description
connect Add partner access token so that you don't need to add it explicitly

Config Commands

Command Type Description
set Set configuration values.
get Retrieve current configuration values.
delete (alias: rm) Delete configuration values.

Debug Mode

Add the --verbose flag to the command you want to run in debug mode.

This will create debug.log file at the current working directory. In case you encounter any issues, this log file can be shared with maintainers for effective issue resolution.


fdk login --verbose

Commands Reference

Authentication Commands

To use fdk cli command the user has to login to the cli.


This command allows user to login via partner panel.


fdk login [options]

Command Options

Option Description
--host URL of the partners panel host or API host
--help Show help
--verbose, -v enable debug mode


fdk login
fdk login --host
fdk login --host


This command show user details of the currently logged in user.


fdk user


This command will logout the user.


fdk logout


Using this command populate sample data into development account to get started with theme and extension development.


fdk populate


This command will start a tunnel using cloudflare by which you can access your local port on public url


fdk tunnel [options]

Command Options

Option Description
--port Port (required)
--help Show help
--verbose enable debug mode


fdk tunnel --port 8080

Theme Commands

A theme is a VueJS project that developers can scaffold using this cli tool. Themes change the look and feel of websites built using Fynd Platform. Always create a new directory while creating or initializing a theme.


This command is used to create a new theme for your application


fdk theme new [options]

Command Options

Option Description Required
--name, -n Theme name Yes
--help Show help No
--verbose, -v enable debug mode No


fdk theme new -n [your-theme-name]


This command is used to initialize an exisiting theme on your local system.


fdk theme init [options]

Command Options

Option Description
--help Show help
--verbose, -v enable debug mode


fdk theme init


Context is a JSON object which holds the configurations related the the application and theme. When you initialize or create a new theme a context is created with the name provided in the commands and assigned as the active context. You can add multiple contexts if you want to use the same theme on multiple applications or envoirnments.

This command is used to add a new context.


fdk theme context [options]

Command Options

Option Description Required
--name, -n Context name Yes
--help Show help No
--verbose, -v enable debug mode No


fdk theme context -n [context-name]


This command is used to get a list of available context. You can also set active context by selecting one of the options in the list


fdk theme context-list


This command is used to get currently active context.


fdk theme active-context


This command is used to run a theme on your local system.


fdk theme serve [options]

Command Options

Option Description
--ssr Enable/disable Server-side rendering
--port Pass custom port number to serve theme. Default: 5001
--help Show help
--verbose, -v enable debug mode

By default Server-side rendering is enable. To disable it use --ssr false with the serve command


fdk theme serve
fdk theme serve --port 5002


This command is used to sync your theme to the application.


fdk theme sync

Always verify if you have set the correct context before syncing your theme. Refer context commands.


This command is used to pull latest theme code.


fdk theme pull


This command is used to pull latest theme config.


fdk theme pull-config


This command is used to create a zip file of theme.


fdk theme package


This command is used to preview the theme on browser.


fdk theme open

Extension Commands

Extensions are pluggable snippets of code that can be installed in your applications so improve the feature set of your application. To know more visit - Fynd Partners


This command is used to create a extension's initial code with required dependency. It will also register extension for you on your partner account.

  • You must have installed Git, if you don't already have it.


fdk extension init [options]

Command Options

Option Description
--target-dir Target Directory
--template Specify the template you want to use to create the extension
--help Show help
--verbose enable debug mode


fdk extension init --target-dir [your-directory]
fdk extension init --template [template-name]

You can pass the following values for the template:

  1. node-vue
  2. node-react
  3. java-vue
  4. java-react


This command will return the preview URL, which the user can use to launch or install the extension.


fdk extension preview [options]

Command Options

Option Description
--company-id Unique identifier of your company
--api-key Extension API key
--access-token Partner Access Token
--tunnel-url Specify a manual Tunnel URL to bypass automatic tunnel creation.
--no-auto-update Disables auto-updating of tunnel URL as extension launch url on partners panel
--reset Resets the extension's context data, prompting you to re-enter all required details. Useful for a fresh start!
--help Show help
--verbose Enables debug mode, providing detailed logs for troubleshooting.


fdk extension preview
fdk extension preview --tunnel-url
fdk extension preview --company-id 999
  • Cloudflared will be used as the tunneling tool.

  • If you pass Tunnel URL, it will not created new tunnel and use the passed url as tunnel url.


This command will fetch extension context details from partners panel and update current extension context.


fdk extension pull-env


fdk extension pull-env


This command is used to get or set the launch url of your extension


fdk extension launch-url get/set [options]

Command Options

Option Description
--url URL to be set
--api-key Extension ID
--help Show help
--verbose enable debug mode

Set Launch URL Example

fdk extension launch-url set --url [url] --api-key [Extension API Key]

Get Launch URL Example

fdk extension launch-url get --api-key [Extension API Key]

Extension Binding Commands

Extensions bindings are reusable components which are pluggable through the theme editor to improve the user interface of your application. These can be used just like theme sections.

Set the active environment before running extension commands

fdk env set -u


This command is used to create a basic boilerplate code for extension binding with required dependencies.


fdk binding init [options]

Command Options

Option Description
-n, --name (Optional) Name of the section binding
-i, --interface (Optional) Interface where this binding will be used. Currently, we only support Web Theme.
-f, --framework (Optional) Runtime framework. Supported values are vue2 and react


fdk binding init


This command is used to register the binding with your development companies for alpha or beta testing.


fdk binding draft [options]

Command Options

Option Description
-n, --name (Optional) Name of the section binding
-f, --framework (Optional) Runtime framework. Supported values are vue2 and react
-id, --extensionId (Optional) Extension Id of the current extension.
-org, --organisationId (Optional) Organisation Id of the current extension.


fdk binding draft


This command is used to publish the binding across all live companies.


fdk binding publish [options]

Command Options

Option Description
-n, --name (Optional) Name of the section binding
-f, --framework (Optional) Runtime framework. Supported values are vue2 and react
-id, --extensionId (Optional) Extension Id of the current extension.
-org, --organisationId (Optional) Organisation Id of the current extension.


fdk binding publish


This command will allow developers to locally serve the extension binding which has been added to a live storefront.


fdk binding preview [options]

Command Options

Option Description
-n, --name (Optional) Name of the section binding
-f, --framework (Optional) Runtime framework. Supported values are vue2 and react
-id, --extensionId (Optional) Extension Id of the current extension.
-org, --organisationId (Optional) Organisation Id of the current extension.


fdk binding preview


This command will allow developers to see the current extension section context.


fdk binding show-context


This command will allow developers to clear the current extension section context.


fdk binding clear-context

Partner Commands


This command is used to add your partner access token to update extension details on partners panel.


fdk partner connect [options]

Command Options

Option Description
--help Show help
--verbose, -v enable debug mode


fdk partner connect

Config Commands

Set Commands

The set commands allow you to configure the cafile and strict-ssl settings for the tool. This is useful for ensuring that the tool uses the correct SSL certificates and validation settings according to your requirements.

Command Description
set cafile <file-path> Sets the CA file to the specified file path.
set strict-ssl <true/false> Enables or disables strict SSL validation.


fdk config set cafile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.pem
fdk config set strict-ssl false


  • Ensure that the file path provided for the CA file is valid and accessible.
  • The strict SSL setting should be either true or false.

Environment Variables

Developers can configure settings using environment variables.

FDK_EXTRA_CA_CERTS: Set this variable to specify the CA file path (cafile).

FDK_SSL_NO_VERIFY: Set this variable to true to disable strict SSL validation (strict-ssl=false).


FDK_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=/path/to/your/cafile fdk login
FDK_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true fdk login

Get Commands

The get commands allow you to view the current configuration values for cafile and strict-ssl. This is useful for verifying what values are currently set and ensuring that your configuration is correct.

Command Description
get cafile Retrieves the current CA file path.
get strict-ssl Retrieves the current strict SSL setting.


fdk config get cafile
fdk config get strict-ssl

Delete Commands

The delete commands allow you to remove the current configuration for cafile and strict-ssl. This can be useful for resetting configurations or removing settings that are no longer needed.

Command Description
delete cafile Deletes the current CA file configuration.
delete strict-ssl Deletes the current strict SSL configuration.
rm cafile Alias for delete: Deletes the current CA file configuration.


fdk config delete cafile
fdk config delete strict-ssl
fdk config rm cafile

Known Issues

Cloudflare Tunnel Startup Issue on Apple Silicon Machines

When attempting to start a Cloudflare tunnel using the fdk tunnel or fdk ext preview commands, users on Apple Silicon machines may encounter difficulties due to the Cloudflare binary's compatibility requirements.

Solution: Install Rosetta, which allows you to run applications that contain x86_64 instructions on Apple Silicon. You can do this by executing the following command in your terminal:

softwareupdate --install-rosetta

This command prompts your system to install Rosetta, resolving the compatibility issue and allowing the Cloudflare tunnel to run smoothly on your machine.

Other Fynd projects

Project Link
Nitrozen Vue Know more
Javascript SDK snapshot
Extension SDK snapshot
Extension Bridge snapshot


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